World’s poorest and most vulnerable countries look to advance strategies for graduating from least developed country status


Government policymakers from 16 least developed countries (LDCs) and one graduate, Samoa, will gather in Beijing, China, from 10-12 November to discuss strategies needed to successfully graduate from LDC status and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The workshop will be organized by the CDP Secretariat in conjunction with the Beijing Centre for New Structural Economics. The Commonwealth Secretariat is co-sponsoring the event.

“It will be an excellent chance for LDCs to learn from each other’s experiences and to give them insight into a practical method for understanding productive capacity,” said Dr. Daniel Gay, Inter-Regional Adviser with the CDP Secretariat, in the Development Policy and Analysis Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

For more information on LDCs and the CDP, please visit

UN DESA | Development Policy and Analysis Division
Capacity Development Workshop and LDC Graduation
Beijing, China
10-12 November

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