Israel’s membership in the UN – Ad Hoc Political Committee – Summary record


Held at Lake Success, New York,

on Friday, 6 May 1949, at 2.30 p.m.

Chairman: General Carlos P. ROMULO


56.  Application of Israel for admission

to membership in the United Nations (A/818) (continued)

At the invitation of the Chairman, M. Eban, representative of Israel, took a seat at the Committee table.

The following is a verbatim record of the questions asked by the representative of El Salvador and the replies of the representative of Israel.

Mr. Castro (El Salvador) (translated from Spanish): At the previous meeting of the Committee, the Egyptian representative stated that his delegation was opposed to the Committee’s decision to invite the representative of Israel to attend its meeting in order to explain his Government’s attitude towards the application of the General Assembly resolutions (181 (II) and 194 (III) relating to the internationalization of Jerusalem and the surrounding area, the repatriation of refugees and the investigation of the tragic assassination of the United Nations Mediator, Count Bernadotte, and Colonel Sérot.

It was in fact the delegation of El Salvador which had asked the Committee to adopt such a decision.  On the Danish delegation’s suggestion, which was supported by the Australian delegation, the question of the assassination of Count Bernadotte and Colonel Sérot was added to the list of questions contained in the El Salvador resolution (A/AC.24/60/Rev.1). I therefore think it my duty to give a brief explanation of the motives behind the El Salvador proposal which was adopted, as amended with the agreement with my delegation, by an impressive majority of the Committee at the 44th meeting.


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