Mimrah Ghafoor is a speechwriter to the President of the 76th Session of the General Assembly, His Excellency Abdulla Shahid

Previously Mimrah worked at the President’s Office of the Republic of Maldives, where he served as an Assistant Director in the Foreign Relations Section, Communications Section and in the Office of the National Security Advisor. While at the President’s Office Mimrah also assisted in drafting English statements and speeches for the President and Vice President.  

Previously Mimrah had worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a foreign service officer. Prior to that he worked at Transparency Maldives, the local chapter of Transparency International, where he was as a project officer and subsequently research coordinator, working on projects relevant to judicial reform and strengthening the country’s independent Anti-Corruption Agency, respectively.

Mimrah holds a Master of Arts in International Relations from the University of St-Andrews, Scotland.