Remarks by H.E. Mr. Abdulla Shahid, President of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly

30 November 2021


Distinguished delegates,

I am honored to speak at the annual gathering of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 and China.

At the outset, I would like to commend the Republic of Guinea for its able leadership of the Group this year.

Allow me also to congratulate Pakistan for assuming leadership of the Group for 2022.

Given their collective negotiating capacity, the Group of 77 and China has been a leading voice on the multilateral stage since its inception in 1964.

We need that voice, now more than ever.

With vaccine inequality slowing down recovery from the global pandemic, especially in the context of new variants.

With the climate crisis only worsening in scope and scale.

And with both COVID and climate change fueling inequality, there has never been a more pressing time for global leadership and cooperation.


We must address the dual inequalities that are hindering efforts to recover and rebuild: uneven economic recovery and access to vaccines.

While developed countries are bouncing back from the pandemic through near universal access to vaccines and massive stimulus-led economic growth, developing countries are struggling with poor access, to vaccines and finances.

What is being touted as a robust recovery of the global economy is marred by its unevenness across countries.

Developed countries are set to register strong growth, while developing countries lag woefully behind.

They are consistently held back by complex and uncompromising financial regulations and systems, including unsustainable debt.

These are enduring structural deficiencies that do not support efforts to boost productive capacities, especially in countries in special situations.


Much more needs to be done to ensure a more inclusive and equitable international financial system, one that addresses vulnerabilities and provides a global financial safety net.

The G77 must not relent on calls for fairness, openness, and inclusion in the international financial and trading systems, and related institutions.

Calls must continually be made for increased SDG-aligned investments in developing countries in a manner that ensures debt sustainability.

This is also an opportune time for renewed calls for developed countries to live up to the commitment of 0.7% of GNI for official development assistance (ODA), particularly as their economies rebound.


Underscoring all this talk of recovery is the need to end the pandemic once and for all. This requires universal and equitable access to vaccines.

It also requires funding and strengthening vaccine sharing platforms, such as the COVID-19 Tools Accelerator and its COVAX facility.

I have already announced that I will convene, on 13 January 2022, a High-Level Meeting intended to find ways to address vaccine inequality.

I trust that I will have the full support of the G77 and China in making this event a success.


While COVID-19 continues to plague our planet, the deeper, more existential threat of climate change continues unabated.

Though COP26 offered many pledges and steps in the right direction, it did not achieve the level of success required to assuage our common concerns.

The G77 and China can play a strong role in helping on this front, particularly by ensuring even stronger climate targets at COP27 next year

Likewise, on each of the major areas of discussion coming out of COP26: ambition, finance, adaptation, technology transfer, and green jobs, the G77 and China can and should lead.

Linked to this is the need to close the digital and energy divides, which continues to drive a wedge between our goals and our successes.

The world cannot achieve the SDGs or climate targets so long as half the world has little to no access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.

Let us continue our calls to enhance access, investment, and capacity in renewable technology.

Similarly, we must rapidly shift to a more digitized, more innovative world for all.  No one should be left behind in harnessing the dividends from the global digital transformation

In order to maintain momentum in addressing and responding to the needs of our planet, I will convene a ‘Moment on Nature’ event in July 2022.

This event will aim to highlight the policy synergies generated from the various environmental high-level events and conferences over the coming months. I will be sharing more details with you in the coming days, but I also look forward to your inputs in shaping this event.


Whether talking about COVID-19 or achieving the goal of 1.5, we have the tools and capacities at our disposal. Only our political will remains lacking.

We must match our ambitions with action.

We must act like one global family, sharing resources, sharing wealth, sharing vaccines, sharing solar panels.

We cannot continue to pretend that isolationism is an option. There is no scenario where ‘going it alone’ will save us from climate change or pandemics.

Our borders are irrelevant in that regard.


I deeply appreciate the G77 membership for maintaining focus on the Sustainable Development Goals, while dealing with complex challenges, including the pandemic and the climate crises. 

Throughout my Presidency of Hope, my Office will closely engage with the G77 and China and support the Group in achieving its objectives.

As someone who comes from Maldives, I am also proud to say that this Group, is also my family.

And since one always seeks the support, and wise counsel, of the family, I will continue to look forward to working with you in that regard.

I wish your annual Ministerial Meeting every success.

I thank you.