Leave No One Behind: Harnessing lessons learned from implementing the human security approach

This guidance note gathers lessons from the UNTFHS’ wealth of experiences in diverse contexts and outlines a methodology to identify who is furthest behind, unpack the root causes and drivers of multiple and overlapping deprivations and disadvantage, and guide the development of responses that can help reverse trends in inequalities over the long term. Moreover, it enriches the UNSDG’s Operational Guide on the analytical, planning and partnership processes that help operationalize the commitment to leave no one behind.

Realizing the triple nexus: Experiences from implementing the human security approach

The objective of the guidance note is to discuss the synergies between commitments made at the World Humanitarian Sumit in 2016, including the “New Way of Working” (NWOW), and the application of the human security approach. It shows how the application of human security supports these commitments and strengthens the human-development-peace nexus (HDPN).

Human Security Business Partnership Framework – A risk-informed approach to achieve the SDGs

This report presents the Human Security Business Partnership (HSBP) Framework, an innovative model to assist companies and investors to partner with governments, the UN system, and local stakeholders to achieve the ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Framework for Cooperation for a system-wide application of Human Security

Developed by the Inter-agency Working Group on Human Security (IAWGHS), which includes representatives from the three pillars of the United Nations system as well as those with practical experience in the application of human security, the Framework for Cooperation highlights principles that underpin the application of human security as well as identifies thematic areas where the human security approach brings added value to the work of the Organisation. These areas include: Supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; improving the effectiveness of the UN system through “Delivering as One”; strengthening transitional and integrated responses in crisis-affected settings; and enhancing disaster risk reduction.

Human Security Handbook

Prepared as a guide for practitioners and policymakers who plan to integrate the human security approach into their work, this handbook provides an overview of the principles that embody the approach and its added value. It introduces a step-by-step analytical process for the design and implementation of human security initiatives, and provides guidance for assessing the added value of the approach.  A detailed case study from the Turkana region of Kenya demonstrates the application of human security tools to analyse a complex situation and develop an integrated multisectoral approach. This is followed by additional examples of programmes supported under the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS).

Human Security Presentation

An overview of the human security approach and its methodology.