Six young women sit around a wooden table and are sitting in pink plastic chairs. There are five adults standing and watching them. Posters are hanging on the wall.
With the majority of refugees permanently settling in Turkmenistan, local integration with host communities was necessary in order to build a cohesive and thriving society. Integration required improving perceptions among host and refugee communities, as well as building the capacity of refugees to become self-sufficient and actively participate in the economic and social life of the community.

Improvement of the quality of social services and infrastructure and reproductive health for refugees and host communities

Duration: November 2006– December 2009
Budget: US$1,236,598
Implementing Agencies: UNHCR, UNFPA

The overall goal of the programme was to support the integration of refugees from Tajikistan and Afghanistan into Turkmenistan. Beyond obtaining Turkmen citizenship, integration however required improving perceptions amongst host and refugee communities, as well as building the capacity of refugees to actively contribute to the economic and social life of their host communities.


Programme Summary

Joint Press Release 14-16 May 08

Joint Press Release 21 Nov 07