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Schedule of General Assembly plenary and related meetings

65th Session

Some of the meetings and dates listed below are tentative. For the official programme of meetings of the General Assembly and other meetings held at headquarters, please refer to the Journal of the United Nations.

Date Topic
Thursday, 19 May
Whole day;
Informal thematic debate on international migration and development (per resolutions 63/255 and 65/170 OP23; PGA letters of 18 October, 22 December and 5 April) (CR-4)
Friday, 20 May
1. Election of fifteen members of the Human Rights Council [112 (c)]
2. Implementation of the Declaratoin of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS [10]: Draft decision A/65/L.73
Monday, 23 May
Informal consultations on the outcome of the Youth High-level Meeting; CoFacilitators' letter of 6 May (CR-4)
Tuesday, 24 May
Informal consultations on modalities of the HLM on the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (CR-4); Co-Faclititators' letter of 13 May
Tuesday, 24 May
Informal consultations on the outcome of the Youth High-level Meeting; CoFacilitators' letter of 6 May (CR-4)
Wednesday, 1 June a.m. Informal consultations on Human Rights Council review (CR-3); Co-Facilitators' letter of 2 May
Thursday, 2 June Informal Thematic Debate on Green Economy
Friday, 3 June
Informal meeting of the plenary on the activities of the G20 (CR-4); PGA letter of 16 May
8-10 June Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS [10]: high-level meeting to undertake a comprehensive review of the progress achieved in realizing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS (per resolution 65/180)
Wednesday, 15 June Informal Thematic Debate on Inter-Cultural Dialogue
Thursday, 16 June Informal Interactive Civil Society Hearing on non-communicable diseases (per resolution 65/238); PGA letter of 11 March 2011
Tuesday, 28 June
Whole day;
Informal thematic debate on the broader aspects of global governance (PGA letters 18 October and 22 December; A/65/L.28, OP 3)
Tuesday, 12 July Interactive Dialogue on Responsibility to Protect

Monday and Tuesday,
25 -26 July

High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth (per resolution 65/267)

Monday, 12 September      Closing of the 65th session