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I. Organizational, administrative and other matters

Appointment of members of the Committee on Conferences

The Committee on Conferences, established in 1974 by the General Assembly (resolution 3351 (XXIX)), was retained by the Assembly at its forty-third session as a permanent subsidiary organ. The Committee’s functions and composition are set out in resolution 43/222 B.

At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by its President of seven members of the Committee on Conferences for a three-year term of office beginning on 1 January 2008 (decision 62/407). At present, the Committee is composed of the following 21 States:

Argentina,*** Austria,*** Belarus,** Burundi,* China,*** El Salvador,* France,* Germany,** Grenada,** Honduras,** Japan,*** Kenya,*** Lesotho,* Malaysia,* Nigeria,** Philippines,* Russian Federation,* Senegal,** Syrian Arab Republic,** Tunisia *** and United States of America. ***

   *  Term of office expires on 31 December 2008
**  Term of office expires on 31 December 2009
***  Term of office expires on 31 December 2010

At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly will need to fill the seats being vacated by the following States: Burundi, El Salvador, France, Lesotho, Malaysia, Philippines and Russian Federation. As stipulated in paragraph 3 of resolution 43/222 B, retiring members of the Committee are eligible for reappointment.


References for the sixty-second session (agenda item 114 (g))

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Source: A/63/100