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C. Development of Africa

Causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa

At its fifty-third session, in 1998, the General Assembly, at the request of Namibia (A/53/231), included the item in its agenda and considered it at that session (resolution 53/92).

At its fifty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the President of the Assembly to establish an open-ended ad hoc working group of the Assembly to monitor the implementation of the recommendations made by the Secretary-General in his report of 1998 on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (resolution 54/234).

The General Assembly considered the item at its fifty-fifth to fifty-seventh sessions (resolutions 55/217, 56/37, 57/2 and 57/7). At its fifty-seventh session, the Assembly decided to include this item as a sub-item, under a single agenda item on the development of Africa, entitled “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress in implementation and international support”, beginning at its fifty-eighth session (resolution 57/296).

The General Assembly continued to consider the sub-item at its fifty-eighth to sixty-first sessions (resolutions 58/234, 58/235, 59/255, 60/223 and 61/230).

At its resumed sixty-second session, in September 2008, the General Assembly decided to continue to monitor the implementation of the recommendations contained in the 1998 report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (A/52/871-S/1998/318); and requested him to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-third session a progress report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 62/275).


References for the the fifty-seventh session (agenda item 33)
References for the sixty-second session (agenda item 64 (b))

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Source: A/63/100/Add.1