Educational and cultural institutions in the OPT – UNESCO Executive Board – Decisions (excerpts)

Executive Board

Hundred-and-sixteenth Session

5. 1. 5 Implementation of 21 C/Resolution 14.1 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories: Report of the Director-General (116 EX/16 and Corr.  and Add. 1, Add. 2 and Add. 3 and 116 EX/50)

The Executive Board,

1. Recalling all resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO and the Executive Board concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories,
2. Having taken cognizance of document 116 EX/16 and Addenda,
3. Noting that the occupying Israeli forces are continuing to:
(a) refuse to implement the General Conference resolutions and Executive Board decisions inviting the Director-General to exercise full supervision of the operation of educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories through an effective UNESCO presence in those territories,
(b) arbitrarily close educational institutions in the occupied Arab territories, to restrict academic freedom and freedom of thought, conscience, opinion and expression, to persecute students and teachers and systematically to apply a policy of cultural assimilation in all the occupied territories, including Jerusalem and the Golan,
4. Taking note of the encroachments on academic freedom mentioned in the Director-General's report (116 EX/16), in paragraphs 13 and 18 in particular,  inasmuch as teachers are being obliged to sign written undertakings; of the violations committed against UNRWA/UNESCO educational institutions in the occupied Arab territories, as described in paragraphs 16,  27, 28 and 29 and including the arrest of teachers and pupils, opening fire on demonstrators,  the closing of educational institutions and the violation of their campuses; and of the deteriorating situation of educational and cultural institutions resulting from the occupation as referred to in paragraphs 33 and 34 of the report of the mission sent to the occupied territories by the Director-General,
5. Reaffirming all previous General Conference resolutions and Executive Board decisions on this subject,
6. Strongly condemns the arbitrary arrests of teachers and pupils by the occupying power, the closing of educational institutions and the placing of obstacles in the way of the advancement and full development of cultural institutions, together with the violation of academic freedom and attempts to eliminate Palestinian Arab cultural identity;
7. Reiterates its profound gratitude to the Director-General for the efforts he has constantly made to apply UNESCO resolutions concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied territories;
8. Invites the Director-General to pursue his efforts with a view to implementing these resolutions and enabling UNESCO-through its permanent presence-to exercise full supervision of the educational and cultural institutions in all the occupied territories, including Jerusalem and the Golan;
9. Invites the Director-General to urge the Israeli occupying authorities immediately to cancel Military Order 854,  as well as the undertaking governing the issue of work permits and the Military Orders–Nos. 65 and 938–which regulate this;
10. Requests the Director-General to urge the Israeli authorities to reopen forthwith the universities and educational establishments which have been closed on military orders, and to allow all teachers who have been expelled to take up their duties once more;
11. Invites the Director-General to continue his efforts to implement the recommendations of the mission sent by UNESCO to the occupied territories;
12. Further invites the Director-General to continue his action to help to improve the financial situation of UNRWA and of its educational programmes;
13. Decides to include this matter on the agenda of the twenty-second session of the General Conference with a view to adopting the necessary measures.

(116 EX/SR.29



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