UN Palestine Commission – Daily News Summary




Jerusalem, Feb. 17 – Details of yesterday’s attack on Tira Teri reveal it to be the largest yet staged by the Arabs, with 500 attackers using 3-inch mortars and machine guns, rifles and grenades. Police have put casualties at 35 Arabs killed and 36 known wounded, one Jew killed and one wounded.

In the Old City of Jerusalem Arabs attacked members of the British forces, killing 2 British policemen and wounding 4 soldiers.

Elsewhere in Palestine 3 Arabs and 2 Jews were killed. (N.Y. Times)

Cairo, Feb. 17 – Arab leaders said today that there would be no change in the Arab League’s decision to use regular Arab armies if an international force were used to carry out partition. This was made clear by Azza Paslia League secretary-general and by Ministers of Iraq and Syria, the two states to which President Truman’s appeal is said to have been directed.

The Arab League Council tonight approved unanimously its Political. Committee’s military, political and economic plans for Palestine, a communique announced. (N.Y. Times)

Jerusalem, Feb. 17 – It was learned tonight that an advance party of the Palestine Commission would be housed in the King David Hotel, British headquarters. (N.Y. Times)


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