Discussion of Dr. Bunche’s armistice negotiations between Israel and Transjordan — UNCCP 14th Meeting — Summary record



held at Government House, Jerusalem, on
 10 February, 1949, at 1530 hours.


Mr. de Boisanger



Mr. Yalchin


Mr. Ethridge


Mr. Azcarate

Principal Secretary

Telegram from Dr. Bunche on armistice negotiations between Israel and Transjordan.

The CHAIRMAN remarked that Dr. Bunche’s cable was simply for information purposes and required no action.

The PRINCIPAL SECRETARY confirmed this statement and pointed out that he also had sent an information cable to Dr. Bunche.

Mr. ETHRIDGE agreed, but drew the attention of the Commission. To the last sentence of the cable, in which Dr. Bunche expressed the desire of having his functions transferred to the Commission. In Mr. Ethridge’s opinion Dr. Bunche should continue with the armistice negotiations.

The CHAIRMAN agreed in principle but expressed the opinion that Dr. Bunche’s position and prestige would be weakened after the Commission had begun negotiations on a political level. He thought that Dr. Bunche should continue with the armistice negotiations but expressed doubt as to whether Dr. Bunche would be willing to do so. He proposed that in any case the Commission should suggest that Dr. Bunche should continue his work during the two weeks of the Commission’s tour.

Mr. YALCHIN expressed the opinion that Dr. Bunche should conclude armistice negotiations with Egypt and Transjordan before withdrawing.

The CHAIRMAN stated that the decision should be left to Dr. Bunche, since he was the most competent to decide on this matter.

Mr. ETHRIDGE stated that he should continue for as long as he could obtain results. He did not wish to see the Commission taking over the armistice negotiations.

The Commission agreed to send a cable to Dr. Bunche, wishing him success in the negotiations which he was heading and expressing the desire to see him at a later stage in order to discuss both the situation and the appropriate time for the transfer of his functions to the Commission. The choice of time and place for the proposed meeting would be left to him.

Letter from Mr. Roderick (The Associated Press of America).

The Commission agreed to answer Mr. Roderick’s letter in a personal sense, informing him that it was willing to have him accompany it to Jedda. The first two or three of other possible applicants would receive the same treatment.

Contact with the Arab League in Cairo.

The PRINCIPAL SECRETARY pointed out that the Conciliation Commission would have to take a position vis a vis the League of Arab States, The League had taken an active part in the Palestine conflict and the negotiations of the Mediator had been carried out mostly through its medium, rather than with individual Arab States. He explained that the Mediator’s representation in Cairo had been both to the Arab League and to the Egyptian Government.

Mr. YALCHIN remarked that the question was to decide whether there still existed a League of Arab States. In his opinion there did not. Transjordan had already seceded and the situation had changed from the time of the Mediator.

Mr. ETHRIDGE suggested that the Commission should establish informal contact with the Secretary-General of the Arab League for the purpose of securing information.

The Commission agreed that it would not enter into official contact with the League of Arab States but that Mr. Yalchin in his private capacity should visit Azzam Pasha.

Telegram to the Turkish Government thanking them for having placed a plane at the disposal of the Commission.

The Commission was informed that a telegram had been sent to the Turkish Government thanking them for having placed a plane at the disposal of the Commission. The Commission further agreed to send another telegram to the Turkish Government on the conclusion of its tour.

Jerusalem Committee: Appointment of Mr. Barnes to serve as Secretary.

The PRINCIPAL SECRETARY informed the Commission of the appointment of Mr. Barnes to serve as Secretary of the Jerusalem Committee. It was agreed that the Committee’s first meeting should be held that night at 9 p.m. The Committee was to receive no specific instructions since its members were aware of the intentions and needs of the Commission.

Records of the Commission’s Meetings.

The Commission agreed to have summary records of its meetings at all times except in special cases, when the Commission would indicate in advance that it wished verbatim records to be taken. All records of the Commission’s meetings would he secret. No copies of these records would be sent to Lake Success and these documents would not be considered as official United Nations documents and therefore would not receive United Nations symbols and numbers.

Schedule of the visits to Arab and Israel Governments.

The schedule of the Commission’s visits to Arab and Israel Governments was approved provisionally, subject to further amendments.

The meeting rose at 4.45 p.m.


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