Early Recovery Processes in Gaza – IASC Early Recovery Cluster – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions: Early Recovery Processes in Gaza

What is early recovery?

Early recovery in the Gaza Strip is a multidimensional process that establishes the foundations for longerterm reconstruction and development by supporting and generating selfsustaining processes for postcrisis recovery. From its basis as a renewed commitment to the development objectives articulated prior to 27 December 27 2008, early recovery aims to restore access, movement and basic services; reduce additional risk and vulnerability; reconstruct and restore infrastructure and livelihoods; decontaminate the environment; and rebuild social cohesion.

What is the GERRNA and why is it being conducted?

The Gaza Early Recovery Rapid Needs Assessment (GERRNA) is being conducted in order to gain a snapshot of the early recovery needs of the population of Gaza. It builds on recently undertaken rapid needs assessments to assess the immediate humanitarian needs in Gaza. The findings from the GERRNA will provide the basis for decision making, coordinated planning and programming of early recovery.

The GERRNA is not a single needs assessment conducted jointly by the UN and partners. Rather, it pulls together a number of different assessments conducted by different actors, covering a range of priority sectors under a common framework. The results of the GERRNA will be presented in one single report, which will also set out the main priorities for an early recovery response in Gaza.

What is the ‘Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan’?

The results of the GERRNA will be presented by the Palestinian National Authorities (PNA) in the form of the ‘Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan based on a Damage and Needs Assessment’. As well as a description of the impacts of the crisis, the document will contain priorities for early recovery and a broad indication of the scale and scope of the response required. At the request of the Prime Minister, and as agreed by the UN Secretary General, the PNA are leading the process, with technical support from the UN and partners.

How does the ‘Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan’ relate to other ongoing and planned processes?

The Flash Appeal for Gaza, which was issued on 2 February 2009, sets out the UN and partners planned response to the humanitarian needs of the affected population over a nine month period. It includes a limited number of timecritical early recovery interventions, designed to begin restoring basic social services, and strengthen the capacities of communities to eventually rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Most of the early recovery interventions have been mainstreamed into the sector response plans (e.g. health and education), with the exception of rubble removal, mine action, and early recovery coordination.

The ‘Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan’ will set out a comprehensive range of early recovery priorities over a two year period. It will make reference to, but will not include, early recovery interventions that appear in the Flash Appeal. Covering a wider range of sectors than the Flash Appeal – including, for example, issued related to governance, infrastructure, immediate economic recovery, etc – it is intended to help bridge the gap between the immediate humanitarian response and longerterm recovery and reconstruction.

Once an agreed set of conditions are in place, a Post Conflict Needs Assessment (PCNA) may be conducted. This process will assess the needs and capacities for the longer term reconstruction and development of Gaza. The results of the PCNA should be fully integrated in the new PRDP planning cycle (2010–2012).


+ 12 February 2009 – Finalization of the ‘Gaza Early Recovery and Reconstruction Plan’.
+ 2 March 2009 – Cairo Conference on the Reconstruction of Gaza.

What are the roles and responsibilities during the needs assessment and report writing process?

The diagram below illustrates the flow of data collection during the needs assessment process; the role of Cluster/Sector leads in compiling data for their respective thematic areas; and the different levels of engagement during the drafting process leading up to the finalization of the report. UNDP, as Early Recovery Cluster lead is facilitating the process of behalf of the UN and partners; and acts as primary interlocutor between the PNA’s Ministry of Planning (MoP) and the UN and partners. Early Recovery Cluster meetings will be used as the primary forum for information sharing and consultation regarding the early recovery needs assessment and report writing process.

For more information contact:

For more info on…




The Early Recovery Cluster

Laurent Marion, ER Cluster Coordinator


054 817 4031


Yannick Guégan, Needs Assessment Advisor


054 817 6735

The drafting of the ER Plan

Savitri Bisnath, Principal Drafter


054 817 6745


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