Palestine question – Ad Hoc Cttee General debate: Lebanon and Yemen – Press release


Department Public Information
Press and Publications Bureau

Lake Success, New York

Press Release GA/PAL/19

21 October 1947


Round-Up for the period 10-18 October 1947

The general discussion on the question of Palestine, which began 3 October, was concluded at the evening meeting of 18 October.

The speakers who participated it this discussion from 10 October through 16 October were:

Dr. Jorge Garcia Granados (Guatemala), 10 October (Press Release GA/PAL/11);

Mr. Herschel V. Johnson (United States), Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (India), Mr. T. F. Tsiang (China), Mr. Faris el Khoury, (Syria) and Mr. Mostafa Adl (Iran) on 11 October (Press Release GA/PAL/12);

Mr. Semen K. Tsarapkin (USSR), Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan (Pakistan), Mohmoud Bey Fawzi (Egypt) and Mr. Abdel Hamid Aziz (Afghanistan) on 13 October (Press Release GA/PAL/13);

Dr. Alberto Ulloa (Peru), Mr. Antonio Vieux; (Haiti), Dr. Farid Zeid Eddins (Syria), Mr. Vladimir Simic (Yugoslavia) and J.L. Ilsley (Canada) on 14 October (Press Release GA/PAL/15);

Mr. Camille Chamoun (Lebanon) and Dr. Hassan Baghdadi (Yemen) on 15 October (Press Release GA/PAL/16);

Prince Feisal El Saud (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Jose Arce (Argentina), Mr. Arthur Creech-Jones (United Kingdom), Mr. Harry Lawrence (Union of South Africa), Dr. Guillermo Belt (Cuba), Sir Carl Berendsen (New Zealand), Dr. Fadel Jamali (Iraq), Dr. Mohammed Hussein Haekal Pasha (Egypt), and Mr. Karel Lisicky (Czechoslovakia), on 16 October (afternoon) (Press Release GA/PAL/17);

The Emir Adel Arslan (Syria), Mr. Wilhelm Munthe Morgenstierns (Norway), and Dr. Jorge Garcia Granados (Guatemala) on 16 October (evening) (Press Release GA/PAL/18).

Mr. Moshe Shertock, Head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, spoke on 17 October (Press Release GA/PAL/21).

On Tuesday, 21 October, the Committee will begin discussion of the proposals submitted by the following Delegations:

Mr. Jamal Husseini, Vice-President of the Arab Higher Committee, and Dr. Chaim Weizmann, former President of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, each made a statement. (Press Release GA/PAL/21).

On Tuesday 21, October, the Committee will begin discussion of the proposals submitted by the following Delegations:


– Proposals for Arab-Jewish conference under UN auspices, at present session. (Document A/AC.14/3)


– Immediate admission of 30,000 children, their parents and pregnant women in DP camps to Palestine. (Document A/AC.14/18).


– Proposal on acts of violence. (A/AC/14/11).


– Sub-committee to study Jewish DPs. (Document AC.14/12)


– To approve UNSCOP Majority Report with amendments re duration of transitional period; interim administering authority, international police force: (Document AC.14/13).


– Proposal re entire refugee and DP problem, (Document A/AC.14/14).


– To accept basic principles of unanimous recommendations and Majority Plan of UNSCOP as basis for recommendations re future government of Palestine.


– To amend USA proposal by adding consideration of territorial administrative responsibility, and methods of implementation. (Document A/AC.14/23)


– To proceed by coordinated effort to prepare solution as far as possible acceptable to both parties; to prepare recommendations for implementation, and recommendations for Jewish refugees and DP’S. (Document A/AC.14/18).


– Jewish refugees in Cyprus be admitted immediately into Palestine. (Document A/AC.14/19 (Corr.1).


– To adopt UNSCOP Majority Report as basis for discussion with amendments re geographical division, economic union, transition period, solution of Jewish problem and immediate immigration. (Document A/AC.14/20 and Corr.1).


– Proposal to first refer to International Court of Justice question as to whether Palestine was included in pledges to Arabs. (Document A/AC.14/21).


– To recommend that Mandatory Power prepare agreement under Article 79 of Charter to terminate Mandate and create independent unitary state of Palestine, (Document A/AC.14/22).


 – Proposal to first refer to International Court of Justice questions of competence of Assembly to recommend either Majority or Minority plans, and of right of Members to implement either plan. (Document A/AC.14/24).


– Proposal to refer to International Court of Justice questions of legality of Mandate, whether partition is consistent with the Mandate and the Charter, and whether forcible partition is within jurisdiction of Assembly. (Document A/AC.14/25).


 – Proposal that the Governments of Members of the United Nations refrain, and prohibit their nationals, from giving assistance in any form whatsoever to immigrants destined for Palestine. (Document A/AC.14/26).



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