Palestine question – Palestine Commission adjourns sine die – Press release


Department of Public Information

Press and Publications Bureau

Lake Success, New York

Press Release PAL/169

17 May 1948


The Palestine Commission, at its 75th Meeting today, adjourned sine die.  The action came at 4:06 P.M. after a thirty-five minute meeting.  The first meeting of the Commission had been on January 9.

In adjourning the Commission, Dr. Karel Lisicky (Czechoslovakia), the Chairman said:  "We disperse with our conscience clear.  We have no fear about the judgment of history."

It was the general view of the Commission members that the General Assembly resolution of last November 29 remained intact and that therefore the Commission was not and could not be legally dissolved.

The text of the General Assembly resolution adopted last Friday night as it refers to the Commission reads:

"The General Assembly,

"Having adopted a resolution providing for the appointment of a United Nations Mediator in Palestine, which relieves the United Nations Palestine Commission from the further exercise of its responsibilities,

"Resolves to express its full appreciation for the work performed by the Palestine Commission in pursuance of its mandate from the General Assembly."

During today's brief meeting, Dr. Eduardo Morgan (Panama) said that this resolution of the Assembly merely "relieves responsibility.  The Commission has not been dissolved.  In fact the resolution of last November 29 has been implemented."

Dr. Paul Diez de Medina (Bolivia) said that the Assembly last Friday did only two things.  First, he said, "it appointed a mediator between the parties and that in itself is reaffirmation of partition."  The second part of the reference to the Commission expressed appreciation for the work performed, and that, he said, was also reaffirmation for partition.

Dr. Lisicky said that "in view of the fact that we legally cannot disband ourselves, we shall be dead under the legal fiction that we continue."

It was pointed out that at a later stage the Assembly might decide to revive the Commission, or a similar body.

There were a number of outstanding matters still before the Commission and Per Federspiel (Denmark) said that a number of legal decisions had been made either by the Commission or the former Mandatory and that it should be quite clear where matters were left.

Dr. Lisicky and Dr. Morgan paid tribute for all members of the Commission to the work of the Secretariat, and Dr. Lisicky thanked the members of the Commission.  Dr. Ralph Bunche, Principal Secretary of the Commission, in turn, said the Secretariat was happy to have worked with the Palestine Commission.  The meeting then adjourned sine die.

Document symbol: PAL/169
Document Type: Press Release
Document Sources: United Nations Palestine Commission (UNPC)
Subject: Palestine question, Peace proposals and efforts
Publication Date: 17/05/1948

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