Mideast situation/Question of Palestine – 6th Islamic Summit/Final communiqué/resolutions (excerpts) – Letter from Senegal







Letter dated 6 February 1992 from the Chargé d' affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference was held at Dakar from 9 to 11 December 1991.

I have the honour to transmit to you herewith the French, English and Arabic texts of the following documents;

(a) Dakar Declaration (annex I);

(b) Final communiqué (annex II);

(c) Report and resolutions on political affairs (annex III);

(d) Report and resolutions on economic and financial affairs (annex IV);

(e) Report and resolution: on cultural, social and information affairs (annex V);

(f) Resolutions on organizational, statutory and general matters (annex VI).
I should be grateful if you would have this letter ant its annexes circulated as a document of the General Assembly at its forty-seventh session, under the agenda items entitled "Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte", "The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security", "Question of Palestine", "The situation in the Middle East", "Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa". "Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity on the aerial and naval military attack against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by the present United States Administration in April 1986", "Question of Cyprus", "Consequences of the Iraqi occupation of and aggression against Kuwait", "Establishment of a nuclear-weapon.-free zone in the region of the Middle East", "Israeli nuclear armament", "Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening e: International Security", "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East", "Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories", "Questions relating to information", "Development and international economic cooperation", "International cooperation for the eradication of poverty in developing countries", "International cooperation for economic growth and development", "Social development", "Advancement of women" and "Human rights questions"; and of the Security Council.
     (Signed) Mame Balla SY
Charge d'affaires a.i.

Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (session of Al-Cede Al-Sharif, concord and unify), held at Dakar, Senegal, from 9 to 11 December 1991 (3-5 Jumada II, 1412H)

(i) We reaffirm our resolve to face the Israeli occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967; as well our determination to continue to reject and oppose the pursuit of Israeli plans and practices. We also reject and denounce those policies which make this occupation possible by providing it political, economic, demographic and military support. We also reject any initiative that does not conform to a just solution of the question of Palestine based on the realization of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people including their right to return to their homeland, their right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in their homeland under the leadership of Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. We reaffirm our resolve to confront this occupation and pressure with all the means at our disposal to mobilize ourselves to strive for the liberation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the Holy places and to recover the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people as recognized by International Law and the U.N. Resolutions relating to the question of Palestine.

The violations committed against the Haram of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the aggression perpetrated against Islamic and Christian sanctities in occupied Palestine and against the inalienable religious and national rights of the people of Palestine as well as the continuation of the aggression through the decisions aimed at annexing Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its usurpation from its legitimate owners prompt us to adopt a categoric stand in the face of this aggression and to denounce those who support or recognize it. Accordingly, we shall support efforts conducive to the liberation of Al Quds and shall consider such liberation as the major Islamic cause and the responsibility of the present generation of our Ummah until such time as Al Quds and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories are liberated and returned to their legitimate owners by the Grace of Allah.

ii) We welcome and support the peace process which is under way and which is aimed at establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East on the basis of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and of the formula of land for peace and the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.

iii) We reaffirm resolution No.2/20-P adopted by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul concerning the occupied Syrian Golan. We further condemn Israel for persisting in the implementation of lea settlement policies through the establishment of new settlements in the occupied Syrian Golan and through the adoption by the Israeli Knesset of the decision confirming previous Israeli decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan in spite of the holding of the Peace Conference.


Final Communiqué of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
(session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, concord and unity
held at Dakar, Senegal from 9 to 11 December 1991
3-5 Jumada Al-Thani 1412H


8. His Excellency Dr. Hamid Algabid, Secretary General, made a statement in which he expressed to H.E. President Abdou Diouf, to the Senegalese Government and the people his sincere thanks for the warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to all delegations. Talking about the developments which occurred on the Islamic scene since the last Summit, the Secretary General welcomed the liberation of the State of Kuwait and called on the Member states to work towards restoring lasting peace in the Gulf region and to think of conceiving and setting up appropriate mechanisms aimed at preventing the repetition of such crises in the region. The Secretary General further expressed satisfaction over the opening in Madrid of the Peace Conference on the Middle East, voicing the hope that this Conference will lead to Israeli withdrawal from the Arab and Palestinian occupied territories including the Syrian Golan and Al-Quds Al-Sharif to which Muslims remain profoundly attached. With regard to the question of Afghanistan the Secretary General urged the Member States to give their active support to the constructive role which the OIC is called upon, in this crucial phase, to play along with the United Nations in favour of a just and durable solution to this problem. The Secretary General, H.E. Dr. Hamid Algabid emphasized the need for the organization to reinforce its action in favour of the Islamic communities and minorities throughout the world, particularly in Cyprus, Southern Philippines and Jammu and Kashmir. In conclusion the Secretary General urged the Member States to better organize their efforts and to undertake a joint Islamic action founded on solidarity and complementarity.



26. The Conference reaffirmed that the Palestine Question was the prime cause for Muslims and that it was at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

The Conference expressed support for the efforts made to bring about a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region through the convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid and the beginning of negotiations among the parties concerned based on international legality including Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the principle of land for peace so as to ensure total Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian and Arab territories, occupied in 1967 including Al-suds Al-Sharif, and to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable national rights, including their right of return, self-determination and the establishment of their independent State on their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

The Conference affirmed its active solidarity and total support for the just struggle of the valiant Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation organisation, their sole legitimate representative and saluted with great pride the blessed Intifada of the Palestinian people against Israeli occupation.

The Conference considered that establishment of settlements in occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the occupied Syrian Golan constitute a fundamental obstacle to international efforts exerted towards a just and global peace in the region.

The Conference declared the Islamic Ummah's commitment to liberate the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, First Qibla and Third Holy Shrine, reaffirmed that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and reiterated its commitment to strengthen Islamic solidarity for the return of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty and to preserve the Arab Islamic character of the Holy City.

The Conference reaffirmed that all the measures taken to annex Al-Quds Al-Sharif and impose Israeli laws on its Arab Palestinian inhabitants are null and void and called on the international community to condemn the continuing violations of Al-Aqsa mosque, the Islamic Sharia Court and other Islamic and Christian Holy Places, and to force Israel to comply with all international resolutions, the latest of which is security Council resolution 681. It also called on the international community to provide the necessary protection to the Palestinian people and the Holy Places.

The Conference invited all States to refuse to locate their Embassies and mission in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, thus expressing their opposition to the annexation, by Israel, of the Holy City.

The Conference expressed its deep concern at the continuing implementation of the scheme of transferring Soviet and other Jews and settling them in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan and urged all States not to adopt any measures that may facilitate the settlement operations in the occupied territories.

The Conference appealed to all States to respond to the request of the U.N. Secretary General for implementation of the operative paragraph of Resolution 681 calling for a meeting of the States signatories to the Fourth Geneva convention to discuss the necessary measures for the protection of the Palestinian people in accordance with international covenants and for enabling them to exercise their right to self-determination.

The Conference expressed its deep concern over the ongoing attempts at repealing UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 of 10 November 1975 and which are bound to impede the peaceful, just and comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestine Question. The Conference declared its adherence to the above-mentioned resolution until such time as the reasons having led to its adoption have ceased to exist.

The Conference strongly condemned Israel's refusal to abide by UN Security Council Resolution 497 of 1581 and forcibly imposing its jurisdiction, laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as well as for its annexationist policy and practices, the establishment of settlements, and the confiscation of land. It considered all these measures to be null and void and to be a violation of the principles and norms of International Law relating to occupation and war, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

27. The Conference condemned Israel's continuing occupation of parts of Southern Lebanon and of West Bekaa and its aggression and arbitrary and military practices against Lebanese citizens, and called for Israel's immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Lebanese territories. The Conference reiterated its attachment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within internationally recognized boundaries. It also reaffirmed the need to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolution 425 of 1978. The Conference also expressed its appreciation for the achievements of the Supreme Tripartite Arab Committee as well as its support of the steps taken by the Lebanese Government to establish the State authority over all Lebanese territory so as to enable it to restore and rehabilitate the infrastructure and build essential facilities in order to achieve economic recovery. The Conference also called on the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon which the Arab summit Conference in Baghdad decided to establish.


53. In view of the repeated violations of the Palestinian Cultural heritage by the Israeli occupation forces, the conference stated that these abominable actions clearly indicate the blatant disregard of the Israeli authorities for the UN, UNESCO and the Geneva Conventions and requested the UN and UNESCO to stigmatize these actions and called upon Israel to restore immediately all documents and archives confiscated by them.



Report and resolutions on political affairs, adopted by the
Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
(session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, concord and unity),
held at Dakar, Senegal, from 9 to 11 December 1991
(3-5 Jumada Al-Thani 1412H)

2. Resolution No.l/6-P(IS)On the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Pg. 44 – 48

3. Resolution No.2/6-P(IS) On the Blessed Intifada of the Palestinian People. Pg. 49 – 51

4. Resolution No.3/6-P(IS) on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Pg. 52-54

5. Resolution No.4/6-P(IS) on the Occupied Syrian Golan. Pg. 55-56

6. Resolution No.5/6-P(IS) on Israel's Occupation of Lebanese Territory. Pg. 57-58


The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),
Having considered with satisfaction the Report of the Secretary General on the Palestinian Question and the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Document No.IS/6-91/QP/D.1.
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Palestine Question and the Arab-Israeli Conflict;
Considering that Israel's continued occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories, its annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, its denial of the inalienable national and political rights of the Palestinian people, and its escalation of repressive practices against Arab citizens, constitute a flagrant violation of international legality and the principles of international law as well as the U.N. Charter and the relevant U.N. resolutions;
Expressing deep concern at the continuing flow of hundreds of thousands Soviet and other Jewish immigrants into the occupied territories and their settlement there, and at Israel's continued expansion and establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the occupied Syrian Golan;
Affirming that the Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War applies to the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Affirming also that the Israeli expansionist policies, practices and schemes are aimed not only at the Arab Frontline States, but also seeks to destabilize the Islamic countries thereby threatening international peace and security;
Following with satisfaction the continuation of the popular Intifada in the occupied Palestinian territories for the fifth year, aimed ate putting an end to Israeli occupation and restoring the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people;
Following with concern Israeli's continuing stock piling and development of all weapons of mass destruction, their components and their delivery systems;
Following with interest the peaceful efforts exerted so as to convene the Middle East Peace Conference to achieve a just and comprehensive solution of the Palestinian Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and on the principle of land for peace as well as on the inalienable national, political and legitimate rights of the
Palestinian people;
Stresses the importance of the role of the United Nations and the efforts to reach a just and comprehensive political settlement of the Palestine Question and the Arab Israeli conflict;
1. Recalls all the resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conference relating to the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict; expresses pride in the blessed Intifada of the Palestinian people, and calls upon all Member States to continue to enhance their solidarity with, and support of the just and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for putting to an end to Israel's occupation, which continues its repressive measures and settlement policies, until they have fully attained their objectives of freedom and independence.
2. Reaffirms that the Palestine Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict are an indivisible whole in terms of approach and settlement; the solution cannot be divided or made to cover only some parties to the conflict or some of the prime causes of the conflict to the exclusion of others; peace cannot prevail in the region if it does not involve all parties including the Palestinian party whose cause is the prime cause of all Muslims and the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the resistance mounted by the Palestinian people under the leadership of the PLO, their sole legitimate representative, to recover their land and exercise their inalienable national rights including their rights to repatriation, to self-determination and the establishment of their independent Palestinian State, on their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
4. Affirms that just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East Region can only be established through Israel's total and unconditional withdrawal from all the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967.
5. Expresses its support for the efforts and good offices that have led to the convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid aimed at finding a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict and takes the view that the success of this Conference hinges on fulfillment of the following principles and elements:

First: That the Peace Conference be based on international legality and its resolutions including Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, and commitment to implementation of these resolutions which stipulate total Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the Syrian Golan and the occupied Jordanian territories based on the formula of land in exchange for peace and of the national and political rights of the Palestinian people to enable them to exercise their right to self-determination which guarantees their right to freedom and national independence.

Second: To reaffirm that occupied Al-Quds is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, to which apply the provisions applicable to all occupied territories under the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly.

Third: To halt the establishment of settlements in the occupied  territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and providing international guarantees to that effect and for the dismantling of existing settlements as they are illegal under the resolutions of international legality including Security Council resolution 465.

Fourth: To ensure the linkage between the various stages of the solution up to the final comprehensive solution on all fronts pursuant to the resolutions of international legality; to ensure that any interim arrangements include the right of the Palestinian people to establish their control over all land, water and other natural resources, as well as all political and economic affairs; and solve the Palestinian refugees problem in accordance with U.N. resolutions, in particular General Assembly resolution 194 and Security Council Resolution 237.

6. Strongly Condemns Israel's policy of refusing to abide by Security Council resolution 497 (1981); for imposing its jurisdiction, laws and administration on the coupled Syrian Golan, and for pursuing there the policies and practices of annexation, of establishing settlements, confiscating land, diverting water resources and imposing the Israeli nationality on Syrian citizens; and considers all these measures as null and void, and as a violation of the rules and principles of international law pertaining to occupation and war, in particular the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949.

7. Condemns Israel's continua g occupation of Southern Lebanon and its repressive and military practices against Lebanese citizens and demands Israel's immediate, total, and unconditional withdrawal from the Lebanese territory; it affirms its eagerness to maintain the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders, and stresses the necessity of implementing the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolution 425 (1978); it expresses its appreciation for the accomplishments made by the Supreme Tripartite Arab Committee and calls on the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon.

8. Strongly condemns the continuing Israeli repressive practices against the citizens of the occupied Palestinian territories, Syrian Golan and other occupied Arab territories, and appeals to international organizations to intervene in order to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and stop such inhuman Israeli practices which constitute a flagrant violation of human rights.

9. Strongly condemns Israel's expansionist policy of establishing settlements and reaffirms its commitment and adherence to the principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force, and regards all settlements established or to be established by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, as measures and practices which are null and void and illegal, and must be removed in accordance with the provisions of the U.N. Charter and numerous resolutions adopted in this regard, in particular Security Council resolution 465.

10. Condemns the policy of transferring Soviet, Falasha and other Jaws to the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1957, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, and settling them there, and appeals to all states to refrain from taking any steps to facilitate the process of settlement in the occupied territories.

11. Calls on the international Community to induce Israel to implement relevant resolutions of the U.N. and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which call for placing all nuclear installations under the IAEA System of Safeguards and also to respond to current endeavours and initiatives for the creation of a nuclear weapon and mass-destruction weapon free zone in the Middle East region; it calls upon Member States to continue their cooperation within the framework of the U.N., the IAEA and other relevant international fora in order to ensure Israel's compliance with international resolutions
particularly those calling for subjecting its nuclear facilities to international inspection and submitting a full statement on its stock of nuclear materials to the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

12. Urges all States to respond to the request of the U.N. Secretary General for implementation of the operative paragraphs of Security Council resolution 681 by calling a meeting of the high contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to consider measures to be taken in order to protect the Palestinian people, in accordance with international agreements so as to enable them to exercise their right to self-determination.

13. Expresses its appreciation to the States of the European Community, the Vatican, the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organisation of African Unity, the Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and all the peoples and peace-loving forces, for their support for the Palestinian question at international fora and their assistance to the struggle of the Palestinian people and their blessed Intifada.

14. Commends the continued efforts of Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of H.M. King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco, and reaffirms all the recommendations made by the meetings of Al-Quds Committee.

15. Calls upon Member States to honour their commitment to cover the approved budgets of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf set at one hundred million dollars each, and also calls on Member States to pay their contributions and to continue the campaign for the collection of donations at both popular and official levels in favour of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf.

16. Invites the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Summit Conference.

The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9 – 11 December 1991),
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter;

Pursuant to all relevant Islamic resolutions;

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the U.N. General Assembly and the Security Council on the situation in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Proceeding from the UN General Assembly resolutions and in particular UN Security Council Resolution No. 681 which stresses the applicability of all the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of civilian Persons in Times of War, signed on 12 August 1949, to the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Expressing its deep concern over the serious situation prevailing in the occupied Palestinian Territories as a result of continued Israeli Occupation, and of Israel's arbitrary practices, repressive measures, continuing confiscation of Land and property to build settlements, escalation of the policy of deportation, demolition of houses and imposition of collective sanctions on the inhabitants, and desecration of Islamic and Christian holy places;

Expressing its deep concern over the continuing influx and settlement of hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jewish immigrants and others in the Occupied Palestinian and Arab territories as well as Occupied Syrian Golan, which constitutes a flagrant violation of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, and undermines the efforts exerted towards establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the region;

Taking into account the deteriorating economic situation in the occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories and the necessity of extending every kind of material and political support to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and continuation of their blessed Intifada;

Commending the unanimous international opposition to the Israeli government's policy of expansion and settlement, and the international community's support for the Palestinian Intifada and the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people;

1. Reaffirms the previous resolutions of Islamic Conferences as well as the recommendations made by the Islamic Committees appointed within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to deal with the various aspects of the Palestinian question and stresses, the necessity of providing all forms of support to the blessed Intifada in confronting Israeli occupation and against the continuation of settlement policies and repressive practices to enable it to continue until it achieves its objectives.

2. Reaffirming also that a just, comprehensive and peaceful solution of the Palestinian Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict is based on the relevant UN resolutions which demand the withdrawal of Israel from the Occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories in 1967 Including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and which guarantee for the Palestinian people the exercise of their inalienable national rights, including the right to return, to self-determination, and the establishment of their independent State in their homeland with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital.

3. Strongly condemns Israel's uninterrupted policy of settlement and expansionism, its insistence on continuing to occupy the Arab territories, deportation of Palestinian Arab citizens from their territory and homeland, and replacing them by immigrant Jews from different parts of the world, which constitutes a direct threat to the security and vital interests of the Islamic Ummah.

4. Calls upon the United Nations, its Specialized Agencies and all States and governments to take action to force the Israeli occupation authorities to abide by the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and put an end to their repressive and arbitrary measures against the inhabitants of the Occupied Territories, to seek the release of Palestinian detainees, return the deportees, return the practice of collective punishment, reopen all closed educational institutions, refrain from desecrating places of worship, also refrain from demolishing and sealing houses and to lift all restrictions on the freedom of movement.

5. Appeals to all states to respond to the request of the UN Secretary General to implement the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution No. 681 calling for convening a meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention with a view to discussing the procedures which should be followed to protect the Palestinian people in the occupied territories.

6. Requests the Member Staten to implement the projects relating to the support of the Palestinian Intifada which were approved by the Eighteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and reaffirmed by the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in its Resolution No.I/19-P.
7. Expresses its appreciation to all international organisations, popular bodies, and information media, which have declared their solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people and their popular Intifada, and calls upon them to continue to expose the brutal crimes perpetrated by the Israeli forces of occupation in view of its affective impact on world opinion.

8. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the provisions of this resolution at international and Islamic levels and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani, 1412H (9 – 11 December 1991),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter and guided by Resolution No.1/3-' (I.S) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makk Al-Mukarramah and Taif;

Reaffirming the need for sustained enhancement of Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and the solemn commitment of Islamic states to implement all resolutions adopted on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and in particular declaring Jihad to liberate it and the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa from the yoke of occupation;

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the United
Nations General Assembly and Security Council, in particular resolution 476 and 478 which consider as null and void the Israeli Law stipulating Al-Quds as the united capital of Israel;

Expressing its deep concern at the escalation of organised attacks on the Holy Places and worshippers in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif by the Israeli occupation forces and extremist Zionist gangs, and also expressing its deep concern over the deteriorating situation of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and all Islamic and Christian Holy Places, especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Mosque;

Having taken cognizance of the deteriorating condition of the sacred Dome of the Rock, threatening its destruction;

Expressing its complete solidarity with the blessed Intifada of the Palestinian people;

Commending the continuous efforts of the Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco;

1. Reaffirms all relevant Islamic Summit resolutions.

2. Reaffirms the recommendations of the Al-Quds Committee.

3. Reaffirms that the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and that all legislative and administrative procedures and measures aiming at altering its legal status are a flagrant violation of international charters, conventions and laws, and should be considered as null and void.

4. Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to pursue and coordinate their action with those international groups which support the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people with a view to implementing the international resolutions adopted by the United Nations and its specialized agencies in particular UNESCO to stop the hostile measures and aggressive practices in this Holy City, the violations of the sanctity of the Blessed Mosque of Al-Agra and other Sacred Places in Palestine and to safeguard the cultural and historical heritage of the Holy City.

5. Reaffirms that peace will not prevail in the Middle East unless and until Israel withdraws from all Occupied Arab and Palestinian Territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and unless the Palestinian cause, considered the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is solved in the context of an overall and just settlement, in the region that ensures for the Palestinian people the exercise of their inalienable national rights including their right to return to their homeland, self-determination and the establishment of their independent State, on their home territory, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

6. Condemns the Israeli occupation authorities for having destroyed the "mihrab" of Othman Ibn 'Affan Mosque in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and calla on the United Nations to protect Islamic and Christian holy places in the sacred city.

7. Condemns the plundering of documents of the Shari'ah Court in Al-Quds Al-Sharif by the Israeli occupation authorities for the purpose of confiscating the properties of the Islamic Wagf in Al-Quds, and calls on international and governmental bodies and institutions to take the necessary measures to have the documents returned, and prevent the recurrence of such practices, which constitute a violation of international conventions and laws.

8. Condemns the Israeli policies and practices against the Palestinian people, as these constitute a flagrant violation of the provisions of the International Covenant for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; and also condemns Israel's designs of establishing settlements in Al-Quds Al-Sharif which aim at causing demographic charges therein and Judaizing it, thereby flagrantly violating the principles of international law, and the resolutions of the UN General Assembly, and the Security Council, as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

9. Invites all States to refrain from having any dealings with the Israeli occupation authorities which might be interpreted or claimed by those authorities as an implicit recognition and acceptance of the "fait accompli" imposed by the proclamation of Al-Muds as the capital of Israel and invites all States maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel to refrain from transferring their Embassies and Missions to the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

10. Invites also the Member States to exert efforts to urge the Security Council to take the necessary measures which would stop Israeli practices, and provide the necessary protection for the Palestinian people and the Holy Places, including sending international observers, and banning the building of new settlements in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the other occupied Arab Territories.

11. Calls on the Member states which have announced the twinning of their capitals and cities with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to promptly sponsor some projects which strengthen the steadfastness of the Holy City, its inhabitants and its institutions and calls on the Member States which have not yet announced the twinning of their capitals and cities with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the capital of Palestine, to take early action to this affect, thereby enhancing the spirit of Islamic' solidarity with the Palestinian people.

12. Expresses its deep appreciation of the position of His Holiness the Pope for his condemnation and denunciation of Israeli practices in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and calls for continued coordination with the Vatican so as to safeguard the Arab, religious and historical identity of Al-Quds.

13. Entrusts His Majesty King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco and Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee to take the measures he deems appropriate for the maintenance and restoration of the sacred Dome of the Rock.

14. Stresses the importance of seeking to organize Symposia to Publicize the Question of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif in all World Capitals; and to contact the Vatican, for the convening of an Islamic-Christian Meeting with the participation of the Eastern and other Churches with a view to preserving the identity of the Holy City as well as its religious, historical and demographic character.

15. Requests the Secretary General to follow-pup the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Having considered the item titled "The Occupied Syrian Golan and Israel's decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan;

Having reviewed the repressive measures to which the Syrian citizens there are being subjected and Israel's continued attempts to force them to accept Israeli identity;

Recalling the relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the latest being Resolution 3/5-P (IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference in Kuwait and Resolution 2/20-P of the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul;

Recalling Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions, the latest of which is Resolution 45/83;

1. Lauds the steadfastness of the Syrian Arab citizens in the Golan against occupation and their valiant resistance to Israel's repressive measures and desperate attempts to weaken their attachment to their land and Syrian Arab identity.
2. Strongly condemns Israel’s non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981).

3. Reaffirms that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Arab Golan is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever and that it constitutes a flagrant violation of the 0IC Charter and relevant resolutions, the UN Charter and relevant resolutions, and the principles of International Law, in particular the principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force;

4. Strongly condemns Israel's persistence in changing the legal status, demographic composition and institutional structure of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan, and for its policy and practices, in confiscating lands, appropriating water resources, establishing settlements and transferring settlers and immigrants thereto and imposing an economic boycott of the agricultural products of the local population anal prohibiting their exportation.

5. Declares that the Kneseet's decision of 11 November, 1991 reaffirming the annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan is considered null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever, and constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Security Council Resolution No.497 (1981).

6. Strongly condemns Israel's attempts to impose Israeli nationality and identity cards on the Syrian Arab citizens, as these measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies.

7. Calls upon all States to stop the flow of military, economic, financial, technological aid and human assistance to Israel, which result in protracting Israeli occupation of Arab territories and encourage Israel to pursue its expansionist policy against Arab countries and the Palestinian people.

8. Reaffirms that the Geneva Convention of 1949, relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war, is applicable to the occupied Syrian Golan.

9. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution, and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference.
The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3-5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

PURSUANT to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

PURSUANT to the Charter of the OIC and all relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences;

CONSIDERING that the Israeli aggressive authorities have occupied and continue to occupy part of the Lebanese territory, seizing assets and property in violation of the principles of international law and human rights;

RECALLING the efforts made by the Supreme Arab Tripartite Committee stemming from the Arab Summit in Casablanca to settle the Lebanese situation;

1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel's continued occupation of Lebanese territory, and its kidnapping and deportation of a number of Lebanese citizens from their villages and land in the occupied part of Lebanon. It also strongly condemns the inhuman practices in these regions carried out by the aggressive Israeli authorities which resort to coercion, terrorism, torture, repression, and shelling against the civilian population in a bid to encroach and annex further territories. It calls on the Security Council and the UN Secretary General to intensify their efforts to prevent Israel from pursuing its practices and acts of aggression to force it to stop the continuing savage bombardment of Lebanese villages and civilians and, to secure the release of hundreds of Lebanese citizens detained in Israeli prisons and those of its puppet militia forces in Southern Lebanon.

2. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the continued Israeli policy of deporting Palestinian citizens from the occupied Palestinian territories into Lebanon, as these arbitrary and inhuman acts constitute a violation of Lebanon's sovereignty, a persistent aggression against its territorial integrity, and a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. It also calls on the United Nations General Assembly and the UN Security Council to oblige Israel to conform to the relevant Security Council resolution; refrain from deporting Palestinians from their land and homes into Lebanon or any other country and allow the deportees to return to their homes.

3. REQUESTS the United Nations and its various institutions to compel Israel to implement the U.N. Security Council resolutions, in particular Resolution 425 (1978), concerning the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Lebanese territory beyond the internationally recognized Lebanese borders, while respecting Lebanese independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and assisting the legitimate Lebanese authorities in their bid to control the entire Lebanese territory and all aspects of national activity; and furthermore a c tribute to the Lebanese people for, their heroism and stew fastness against occupation.

4. COMMENDS the achievements of the Supreme Arab Tripartite Committee stemming from the Casablanca Arab Summit, and reaffirms its support of the National Reconciliation Document for Lebanon, known as the Taif Accord; and of the steps taken and uninterrupted efforts made by the Lebanese Government to put into affect the provisions of that document and thus assure Lebanon's recovery and enhance the unity, sovereignty and independence of that country and to rebuild its institutions.

5. CALLS UPON the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon, as decided by the Arab Summit of Baghdad; and also invites all countries to increase their assistance to Lebanon so as to enable it to restore and modernize its infrastructure, build its facilities and provide added impetus to its economy, in order to improve living condition, and consolidate all the political achievements of the Government of National Reconciliation throughout the country.



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