CEIRPP meeting – Summary record



Held at Headquarters, New York,
on Tuesday, 29 October 1985, at 10.30 a.m.
Chairman:  Mr. ORAMAS-OLIVA (Cuba)

Adoption  of  the  agenda

Election  of  the  Rapporteur

Other  matters

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The meeting was called to order at 11 a.m.

1.   The agenda was adopted.


2.   The CHAIRMAN announced that Mr. Victor Gauci, the Permanent Representative of Malta and Rapporteur of the Committee since its inception, would soon be leaving New York to take on other duties in the service of his country.  Mr. Gauci had been an untiring combatant in the struggle to help the Palestinian people achieve its inalienable rights, and his contribution to the work of the Committee merited the gratitude and recognition of all.

3.  After welcoming the new Permanent Representative of Malta, Mr. George Agius, to the Committee, he invited members to nominate candidates for the office of Rapporteur.

4.   Mr. IRTEMCELIK (Turkey) nominated Mr. Agius (Malta) for the office of Rapporteur.

5.   Mr. DEEN (Malaysia) seconded the nomination.

6.   Mr. Agius (Malta) was elected Rapporteur by acclamation.

7.   Mr. IRTEMCELIK (Turkey), Mr. DEEN (Malaysia), Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization), Mr. CISSE (Mali), Mr. LESSIR (Tunisia), Mr. YOGASUNDRUM (Chief, Division for Palestinian Rights), Mr. ZARIF (Afghanistan), Ms. KUNADI (India), Mr. LAKHOUIT (Observer for Morocco), Mr. KARRAN (Guyana), Mr. DJOKIC (Yugoslavia), Mr. BUSCH (German Democratic Republic), Mr. ANWAR (Indonesia), Mr. TARASYUK (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic) and Mr. SENE (Senegal) commended the outgoing Rapporteur for his work on behalf of the Committee and for his commitment to the cause of the Palestinian people.

8.   Mr. GAUCI (Malta) said that his work as Rapporteur of the Committee had always been a source of satisfaction to him.  The recent work of the Committee had led to a discernible shift in the parameters of a just and durable solution to the question of Palestine, and the Committee's latest recommendations to the General Assembly were thus very timely.  He expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all who had facilitated his work as Rapporteur and said he would continue to follow the work of the Committee with interest.


9.   The CHAIRMAN informed the Committee that, in keeping with custom, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People would be observed on 9 November 1985 with two solemn meetings of the Committee.  Commemorative meetings were also scheduled to be held at the United Nations Offices at Geneva and Vienna. In addition, he had been informed that the League of Arab States, in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre at Buenos Aires, would hold a meeting int hat city.  In that connection, a letter dated 17 October 1985 had been sent to Committee members with a view to determining which of them might be willing to represent the Committee at those events.  He urged Committee members to reply to the note as soon as possible.

10.  Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) asked whether the Division for Palestinian Rights could provide any information about a number of studies it was preparing.  He hoped they would be available before the question of Palestine was discussed by the General Assembly in plenary meeting.

11.  Mr. YOGASUNDRUM (Chief, Division for Palestinian Rights), said that the Division had already published a study on activities of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations on the question of Palestine earlier in the year.  A second study, on the living conditions of the Palestinian people, had been distributed to Committee members one month previously for their comments, and it was anticipated that the final version would be issued within the following two weeks.  A third study, on approaches for the practical attainment of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, had also been distributed to Committee members; however, some members had requested that publication should be temporarily suspended so that they might have enough time to prepare their observations for submission to the Division.  Once those comments had been received, the publication process might resume.

12.  Mr. TERZI asked the Chairman to appeal to Committee members not to delay the publication of the third study.  It should be made available to Committee members by 29 November 1985, if possible.

13.  The CHAIRMAN urged Committee members to heed the request of the Observer for the Palestine Liberation Organization.
The meeting rose at 12 noon


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