CEIRPP meeting – Summary record



Held at Headquarters, New York,
on Tuesday, 26 November 1985, at 10.30 a.m.
Chairman:  Mr. SARRE (Senegal)

Adoption  of  the  agenda

Consideration  of  draft  resolutions  on  the  question  of Palestine

Other  matters

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The meeting was called to order at 11.15 a.m.

1.   The agenda was adopted.


2.   Mr. AGIUS (Malta), Rapporteur and Chairman of the Working Group, said that the Working Group had met on 25 November 1985 to discuss the financial implications of the proposed programme of work for the biennium 1986-1987, which had its basis in the three draft resolutions – A, B and C – approved in first reading at the 121st meeting.  Those portions of the programme of work having their origin in draft resolutions A and B were described in a paper entitled "Basis for computation of financial implications", which had been circulated to Committee members.  The financial implications of draft resolution C, which concerned the work of the Department of Public Information, would be identified by that Department.

3.   The Working Group had approved the content of the paper in question, with the following exceptions.  There had been a lack of agreement with regard to the proposed preparatory, or co-ordinating, meetings of non-governmental organizations for the North American region referred to in the section of the paper which dealt with the activities of the Division for Palestinian Rights requested in draft resolution B.  Some delegations had felt that such meetings were not called for at present; the Committee should consider them only when each region had established its own NGO co-ordinating committees and work at the regional level could be better evaluated.  However, other delegations had felt that the holding of such meetings represented the minimum that should be done; efforts to establish co-ordinating committees in regions other than North America should also be supported.

4.   Programme activities called for under draft resolution A were discussed in the second section of the paper before the Committee. In that connection, most members of the Working Group had felt that the sending of delegations called for in that draft resolution should achieve the goal of completing "the process of sending delegations to the capitals of the other members of the [Security] Council in the year ahead" stated in paragraph 169 of the Committee's report to the General Assembly (A/40/35), on the understanding that such visits might be carried over into the second year of the forthcoming biennium.  If the Committee wished to hold consultations with new members of the Security Council in the future, it might decide to contact heads of delegations attending subsequent sessions of the General Assembly.  It had been stressed that future missions to Governments should be carefully prepared and concentrate exclusively on the question of Palestine.  Both those issues, however, might be discussed more fully at a later meeting of the Committee.

5.   The CHAIRMAN said that, if he heard no objection, he would take it that the Committee wished to take note of the report of the Working Group.

6.   It was so decided.


7.   Mr. TERZI (Observer, Palestine Liberation Organization) reminded the Committee that the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People would be observed on 29 November 1985. As in the past, all Committee members and observers would take part in the formal observance, which, it was to be hoped, would include the opening of an exhibition.

8.   In addition, the General Assembly would begin its discussion of the question of Palestine in plenary meetings on 2 December 1985.  He therefore urged those interested to add their names to the list of speakers on that item as soon as possible, particularly as only a few speakers were inscribed so far.

9.   The CHAIRMAN invited members of the Committee and observers to join in sponsoring the three draft resolutions approved for submission to the General Assembly, as well as one on the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, which was in the process of being drafted.

10.  He was pleased to inform the Committee that the Government of Turkey had agreed to the holding of the regional symposium for Europe at Istanbul.  A decision must now be taken as to the dates of the symposium so that a specific proposal could be made to the Turkish Government.  The officers of the Committee had discussed the possibility of holding the seminar immediately after the meeting of the Co-ordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries to be held at New Delhi in late March or early April 1986.  In that connection, he suggested that the symposium should be held from 7 to 11 April 1986.

11.  Miss KUNADI (India) said that no dates had yet been confirmed for the meeting of the Co-ordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries; however, she would inform the Secretariat as soon as her Government had finalized the arrangements.

12.  Mr. IRTEMCELIK (Turkey) noted that Istanbul was rapidly becoming an important conference centre; consequently, the Committee should not delay unduly in selecting dates for the European regional symposium.  He would inform his Government of the dates suggested by the Chairman and would subsequently relay his Government's reply to the Committee.

13.  Ms. REANDA (Secretary of the Committee) said that on 29 November 1985, the Committee for Palestine, a non-governmental organization which had frequently participated in the work of the Committee, would be holding a day of solidarity and cultural evening at Public School 41 in Manhattan to which the Committee had been invited.  Any members interested in representing the Committee at that event should so inform her.

The meeting rose at 11.40 a.m.


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