CEIRPP – Note by the Chairman – United Kingdom reply



The substantive portion of a reply received from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Secretary-General's note of 4 February 1977[Link], is reproduced below, in conformity with the Committee's decision:


[Original:  English]

17 February 1977

The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People was created by resolution 3376 (XXX) of the General Assembly, which the United Kingdom delegation voted against.  The reasons for this were explained at the 2399th session of the Assembly by the Permanent Representative of Italy in his capacity as representative of the State exercising the Presidency of the European Community at that time, in the name of the nine member States of the Community (document A/PV.2399, pp. 43-45 and 46). The United Kingdom also voted against General Assembly resolution 31/20 which took note of the Report of the Committee and endorsed its recommendations.  The reasons for this were set out in the statement made at the seventy-seventh session of the General Assembly by the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands on behalf of the nine member States of the European Community (A/31/PV.77, p. 27).

The position of the United Kingdom Government on the question of Palestine has been set out on a number of occasions.  In this connexion I would like to draw your attention and that of the Committee to the following statements.

The statement of the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands in his capacity as representative of the State exercising the Presidency of the European Community at the seventy-first session of the General Assembly on 18 November 1976 (A/31/PV.71, p. 63).
The statement by the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom in the Security Council on 25 June 1976 (S/PV.1934, p. 6).



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