International Day of Solidarity – CEIRPP meeting – Verbatim record

Distr.: General






Held at headquarters, New York,

on Thursday, 29 November 1979, at 10 a.m.

Chairman: Mr FALL (Senegal)


Special meeting to commemorate the international Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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The meeting was called to order at 10.20 a.m.


The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): This special meeting is the second commemoration of the Annual Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the first having taken place on 29 November 1978.

Before we begin our official meeting, I wish to request the Assembly to observe a minute's silence to honour those who have laid down their lives in the heroic struggle to attain the liberty, justice and dignity of the Palestinian people.

The representatives, standing, observed a minute's silence.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  We are gratified to convey to you our satisfaction at having you with us on this solemn occasion of the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.  Your participation in this special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People attests to the importance which you and all of us attach to the search for a solution to the question of Palestine. We are most gratified and wish to welcome you among us.

As you know, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People was set up by the General Assembly for the purpose of helping, through a programme of action, the Palestinian people to regain and exercise their inalienable rights.

The commemoration, each 29 November, of an international Cay of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is in response to the wish of the General Assembly, expressed in its resolution 32/40, and is properly included in the framework of our programme of action. Essentially, it has two aims: to draw the attention of the world to the status of the Palestinian people and to mobilize public opinion on the need for taking action enabling that people to regain and fully to exercise its inalienable rights.

This appeal has gained a favourable response throughout the world and the international community, both in heart and in mind, has demonstrated its sympathy with the cause of the Palestinian people as shown by the numerous messages we received last year on the occasion of the commemoration of this international day of solidarity. These messages, approximately 60 in number, came from Heads of State and Government, ministers for foreign affairs and from various international organizations. This Day, which has also been commemorated in numerous places throughout the world, proves beyond any doubt the solidarity of world public opinion with the heroic Palestinian people whose struggle is on a par with the sacrifices of all forces fighting against oppression and injustice. We hope that once again this year our appeal will find a more resounding response in the community of men and nations.

The question of Palestine has been before the United Nations since 2 April 1947, that is, less than two years after the creation of our Organization. During that very year, on 29 November, the United Nations General Assembly adopted its resolution l8l (ll) in which Palestine was partitioned into two States, Arab and Jewish, with the city of Jerusalem placed under international Jurisdiction. But that resolution was only partially implemented; the Jewish State was established in May 1948, while the Arab Palestinian State and the city of Jerusalem fell under Israeli occupation as the result of three successive wars waged in the region in 1948, 1956 and 1967.

During that time, the question of Palestine as a basic element of the Middle East conflict was eclipsed by the more general question of the Israeli-Arab conflict. The majority of States Members of the United Nations maintained the theory according to which the Middle East crisis was basically a conflict between Israel and the Arab States, with its origins in the refusal of those latter States to recognize the existence of the Jewish State. It had almost come to a denial of the very existence of the Palestinian people as a national entity.

Fortunately, this situation took a positive turn when there appeared on international scene formerly colonized nations which had suffered the same injustices as the Palestinian people and were, in consequence, more receptive to the tragedy through which that martyrized people were living. Thus, from the beginning of the 1970s, the United Nations began to pay more sustained attention to the problem of Palestine, placing it in its true human and political perspective.

However, it was not until 1974 that the General Assembly adopted its resolution 3236 (XXIX) of 22 November which  was to define precisely the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination, national sovereignty and to return their home from which they have been displaced and uprooted. On the same day, the General Assembly adopted its resolution 3236 (XXIX) granting observer status to the Palestine  Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole representative of the Palestinian people,and inviting it to participate in its work as well as in that of all international conferences convened under the auspices of the United Nations.

To ensure implementation of these resolutions, the General Assembly, the following year, adopted its resolution 3376 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, which created a Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under whose aegis the organization of the commemoration of this Day of Solidarity was placed, in co-operation with the Special Unit on Palestinian Rights established under the Secretary-General in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly Resolution 32/40 B. I should like to take this opportunity to thank the Secretary-General and his colleagues for the objective and serious work accomplished by the Special Unit with regard t the guaranteeing of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, work accomplished despite all the difficulties, obstructions, blackmail and other attempts at sabotage faced by that Unit.

The political dimension of the crustier, of Palestine broadened during previous sessions of the United Nations General Assembly. The international community, in all bodies, now accords it all due attention and importance. Thus, the recommendations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, adopted by the General Assembly, have been endorsed in turn by the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the League of Arab States and the Islamic Conference. Countries like the European countries which, even in the recent past, showed a haughty indifference at best for the cause of the Palestinians, are beginning to display a more attentive understanding. In the light of the increasing international consensus, we even note confessions that are surprising to say the least. On the sixteenth of this month, Mr. Abba Eban, the former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, said in an interview in the Jerusalem Post that

"Not a single social or economic problem of Israel's can be solved as long as we are encumbered with the obligation of controlling militarily a million Arabs to whom we deny the right to their own political future".

On the same day the former American Secretary of State, Mr. Henry Kissinger, revealed at a press conference in London that one of his greatest regrets was that he had not pressed for Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank in 1974 and that if the problem had been studied when the disengagement agreement of July 1974 was adopted and the role of the PLO examined, there would have been a good chance for arriving at a comprehensive settlement. Considering that this American statesman was behind the agreement prohibiting any contact between his country and the PLO, it may only be hoped that his tardy repentance will cause him to take steps which will lead to the redress of all the harm he has done to the Palestinian people.

Such a step would be all the more useful as the triumph of the cause of the Palestinians is far from complete. The Security Council has not yet adopted the General Assembly's recommendations on the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people because of the abuse of the right of veto by one of its Permanent members. Certain countries, while recognizing the legitimacy of the 1 Eights of the Palestinian people attach conditions to them which make them; Unrecognizable and impracticable. This attitude only encourages Israel in its intransigent policy of obstruction and defiance, manifested of late by stepped up oppression in the occupied Palestinian territories and by the establishment of new settlements or the expansion of those already in existence on the West Bank and in the Gaza district.

I should, like to conclude my statement by reiterating the belief that we have expressed, in these circumstances with regard, to our deep conviction that the United Nations must play a principal role in the settlement of the question of Palestine. To this end, [the] Organization should give its resolute support to the just cause of the Palestinian people. Lessons drawn from past and present experience concerning the various attempts to reach a settlement in the Middle East have demonstrated that there can be no positive solution of this crisis without the effective participation of the representatives of the Palestinian people and that there is no representative of the Palestinian people but the PLO.

I now call upon the President of the General Assembly, Mr. Salim Ahmed Salim.

Mr. SALIM (President of the General Assembly): The long history of the United Nations involvement with regard to the question of Palestine imposes on the world body a special and urgent responsibility to see to it that justice is done in respect of the Palestinian people. The decision of the General Assembly to observe this day as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is therefore not Just a matter of symbolic significance. It is an affirmation of the commitment of the international community to strive indefatigably for the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Through this occasion, the General Assembly hopes to enlighten and mobilize international public opinion of the attainment of the lofty objectives of the United Nations in connexion with the question of Palestine.

Those objectives have been clearly set out in a number of resolutions adopted by the Assembly over the years. It is particularly relevant in this context to recall that the General Assembly has repeatedly called for the full and speedy exercise by the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination without external interference and to national independence and sovereignty, as well as their right to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted. In so doing this Assembly has been deeply conscious of the centrality of the Palestinian question in the entire Middle East dispute.

Indeed, events in the Middle East during the past decade have shown more clearly than ever before that a just solution of the problem of Palestine, which is at the very core of the Middle East conflict, remains the condition sine qua non of a lasting peace in the area. A comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the Middle East dispute cannot be conceived without regard to the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. At the same time, proceeding from that widely acknowledged truism, there is increasing recognition that there cannot be a just and lasting peace in the Middle East without the effective involvement and participation of the Palestinian people and its representative ?the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Four times in the life of the United Nations, the Middle East has been plunged into awesome conflicts which have not only affected the lives of millions of human beings in the area, but have also seriously and repeatedly endangered international peace and security. As you are all well aware, the situation remains most critical and explosive, as uncertainty, discord and violence continue to prevail in the area.

As we commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, it becomes all the more important that we should firmly rededicate ourselves to the promotion of a genuine and lasting settlement of the Middle East conflict. It is quite clear that the attainment of such an objective will continue to elude us unless the core of the Middle East conflict, namely the Palestinian question, is resolved. We must therefore work diligently for the realization of that objective and for the creation of all the conditions which are indispensable for a just and lasting peace in the area. These include the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to establish an independent State, the right of all States in the area to an independent existence, and the strict observance of the principle of the non-acquisition of territory by force.

The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People provides an appropriate occasion for the world community to reiterate once again its. solemn commitment and determination to extend maximum support to the Palestinian people and to associate itself with the defence of its cause. In that context, and in keeping with the mandate of the General Assembly, it is incumbent on all of us to work closely and co-operate fully with the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in the discharge of its important task, to enable the people of Palestine to decide its own destiny in accordance with its freely expressed wish and true aspirations. For only through our collective effort and the scrupulous, speedy and complete implementation of the relevant decisions of the United Nations can the injustice inflicted upon the people of Palestine be corrected at last.

Before concluding, I should like to acknowledge with appreciation the very important work carried out by the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People under the outstanding and dedicated leadership of Ambassador Medoune Fall of Senegal. The role of that Committee within the context of the Organization's search for a solution to the Middle East conflict cannot be over-emphasized. I should like in that regard to reaffirm my personal conviction that the skill, wisdom and perception demonstrated by the Committee Chairman, my friend and colleague Ambassador Fall, will long be remembered and that the high standards he has set will continue to be upheld by the Committee towards the attainment of our common objectives.

Finally I wish to express my thanks to you, Mr. Chairman and to all the members of the Committee for the kind invitation extended to me to take part in this important and solemn meeting.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): On behalf of the members of the Committee I thank the President of the General Assembly for his statement and in particular for his kind words addressed to members of the Committee and to me. I now call upon the Secretary-General of the United Nations to address our meeting.

The SECRETARY-GENERAL:  Mr. Chairman, I wish to thank you and the members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for inviting me to participate in this important meeting -which commemorates the International Day of Solidarity -with the Palestinian People.

The annual observance of the Day, at the request of the General Assembly, serves to focus the attention of the international community on the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and gives the widest possible exposure to the facts relating to those rights.  The observance not only is a measure of the international community's deep concern for the Palestinian people but also reflects its recognition that a Just solution of the Palestinian problem is of overriding importance.  As I said in my report on the work of the Organization:

"A just and lasting peace in the Middle East can ultimately only be achieved through a comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the question, including in particular the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.(A/34/1, p.5)

Let me repeat here what I have said on previous occasions:  "The Palestinian question is the core of the Middle East problem and there can be no solution to this problem without a positive settlement of this issue." Evidently the Palestine Liberation Organization must be involved in this process.

We are all only too well aware that the situation is the Middle East not only vitally affects stability in the region but carries a potential threat to the peace and security of the entire world.  We can never forget that during the last thirty years the area has already seen four major conflicts. In spite of this awareness and despite the tremendous efforts that have been made to find a just and lasting solution to the problem, it continues to be one of the most complex, difficult  and dangerous issues facing this Organization.

However, the fact that peace in the Middle East has eluded us for so long does not release us from our responsibility to continue our search for a solution.  On the contrary, our commitment to this goal must be reinforced with a sense of urgency.  The unresolved issue of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people remains a highly explosive one, and every effort has to be made to solve this problem on the basis of the Charter and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.  I remain confident that our Organization can make a significant contribution to this process.

In recent years the General Assembly has adopted several resolutions in its efforts to find a solution.  Amongst  them are resolutions -which have reaffirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination, the right to national independence and sovereignty and the right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property from which they have been displaced and uprooted.  It was to draw up a programme for the implementation of those rights that the General Assembly established the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.  This Committee has already made recommendations which the General Assembly has endorsed repeatedly and which, reflecting as they do the attitude of the majority of the membership, cannot fail to have an impact on the situation.

As you are aware, I myself have made a number of suggestions which, if accepted, would in my judgement make it possible to overcome the impasse that has lasted all too long.  I wish to take this occasion to reaffirm-my willingness to do everything in my power to contribute to this objective.

Mr. Chairman, this Committee, under your able leadership, is to be commended for its untiring efforts on behalf of Palestinian rights. The Palestinian people can take heart from the fact that our Organization is paying special attention to their rights.  For them this meeting and the General Assembly's decision to commemorate this Day will undoubtedly carry a message of hope.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  I thank the Secretary-General for his statement and for the kind words he has addressed to the Committee and to me, and in particular for the measures he has taken with regard to the observance of this Day of Solidarity.

It is now my honour to invite the President of the Security Council, Mr. Palacios de Vizzio, to address the meeting.

Mr. PALACIOS de VIZZIO (Bolivia), President of the Security Council (interpretation from Spanish):  Mr. Chairman, first of all I wish to express to you and. to the members of the Committee my pleasure at taking part in this second commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the .Palestinian People.  You were kind enough to invite me, in my capacity as President of the Security Council for the month of November, to attend this special meeting which the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is holding pursuant to a decision of the General Assembly.

While I hold in high esteem a solemn moment such as this, I must say that my statement here does not reflect the collective views of the Security Council on this important question, nor does it in any way bind the Council as such.  As the members of this Committee know, the Security Council has for several years been closely concerned with the efforts made to find a just and lasting settlement of the Middle East problem.  As the organs entrusted with the principal responsibility for the maintenance of international; peace and security, the Council has been called upon, very often on an emergency basis; to deal with Middle East problems which have been deemed to constitute a threat to international peace and security.  In so doing the Council has been fully aware of the importance of the Palestinian dimension of this problem.  At the very many meetings devoted to consideration of the problem of the Middle East and its various aspects, the question of Palestine has been and continues to be today a source of continued concern to the Security Council, as indeed it is to the international community as a whole.  The international community has for a long time had the moral obligation to meet the humanitarian needs of those who find themselves homeless refugees as a result of the successive conflicts which have beset the Middle East since 1948.  Naturally, first and foremost among those refugees are the Palestinian people, whose tragic  destiny continues to evoke the understanding and sympathy of the world today. However, there is growing awareness of the fact that humanitarian assistance, essential as it may be, cannot replace participation by the Palestinian people in the rights which all peoples enjoy under the Charter.

In commemorating this Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in response to the wishes of the General Assembly, the Committee over which you preside, Mr. Chairman, is thus specifically emphasizing the need, which is increasingly and eloquently expressed, to enable the Palestinian people to enjoy the inalienable rights which have been recognized and reiterated in many General Assembly resolutions.

This day also offers us an opportunity to inform public opinion of the urgent need. to find a Just and lasting solution to the problem. The Security Council is still seized of the recommendations made by the Committee at the thirty-first session of the General Assembly, which have been endorsed repeatedly by the General Assembly at subsequent sessions. When the Council met in June, July and August to deal with this question, many of its members who took part in the debate once again reaffirmed that there was no possibility of bringing about a just and lasting peace in the Middle East unless an equitable solution for the Palestinian question was found based on the exercise by the Palestinian people of its inalienable rights.

Without recalling in detail the main elements which have served as guide. to your Committee in preparing its recommendations to the General Assembly, I wish to point out that the Security Council, in its resolution 242 (1967) adopted unanimously on 22 November 1967, has. already affirmed some of the main principles contained in those recommendations. In its efforts to promote a just settlement to the question of Palestine, the Security Council will continue to be guided by the principles of the Charter and by the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):   On behalf of the members of the Committee, I should like to thank the President of the Security Council for his statement. I hope that the wise words which he has just pronounced will lead the few members of the Security Council who continue to object to the recommendations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People to change their views.

I now call on the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization who will convey to us the message of Mr. Arafat.

Mr. DAJANI (Palestine Liberation Organization) (interpretation from Arabic):   On this significant day for the Palestinian people, I wish to start by conveying my compliments and appreciation to the United Nations and its Secretary-General, Mr. Kurt Waldheim, especially because it is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. In the name of the Palestine Liberation Organization, I express my deep gratitude for the great role played by the international Organization in achieving peace in the Middle East on the basis of enabling the Palestinian people to exercise their basic rights in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

In the history of the struggle of the Palestinian and Arab people, 29 November is not an unmarked day. Actually it is an historical day and an international event which underlines the stand of international society, represented by the United Nations, on the side of cherished humanitarian virtues and values. It is an international day of recognition of human rights and a resounding condemnation of the law of the Jungle which still threatens the human being and life in many parts of the world, particularly in our land, Palestine, as well as in other areas which fall under the tyranny of colonialism, Zionism, racism and oppression.

Our Just struggle is aimed at the achievement of peace based on Justice in the Middle East. Resolution 3236 (XXIX) adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations at its twenty-ninth session provided the basis for the establishment of a firm and comprehensive framework for peace in the Middle East, But the ruling Israeli military Junta, instead of responding to the appeal for peace issued by us and by the international Organization, managed with fevour to blot out the human, educational, cultural, economic and social life of our people. No doubt representatives examine the reports issued by special committees and institutions related to the Middle East and assess for themselves the destructive results of the policy of annihilation followed by Israel and Zionism in our occupied Palestinian land.

A pack of savage wolves in the disguise of fanatical racist settlers desecrate our land and defy the will of our people, occupying their land and violating the sanctity of their shrines and their human values, in the sight and hearing of the world. This armed group plays the role of a forward column for the Israeli occupation army.

Our people are subjected to the complete annihilation which forms the official and firm policy of this Israeli Zionist military Junta.

Since our people have the human right of self-defence to ensure their existence, they are courageously exercising that right despite the difficult conditions and the imbalance of forces imposed by the unlimited support by the United States of Israel, its ally and advanced bridgehead in our Arab region and the tool through which it strikes against the aspirations of peoples.

Representatives no doubt know that Israel costs the United States more than $20 million daily and that the United States pays two million dollars annually for each Israeli settlement established on occupied Palestinian soil, while our Palestinian camps have become testing grounds for the most destructive and modern American arms.

Representatives have no doubt also examined the official reports issued by the United nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), which describe the extent of the destruction inflicted on our Palestinian camps and the Lebanese villages and towns in South Lebanon. That destruction has resulted in the displacement of 600,000 Palestinians and Lebanese, who now face a very cold winter since their homes have become mass graves and they live at present in the open, in valleys and on mountains.

Why are my people subjected to all these sufferings which are beyond the capacity of the human being to bear?

The fault of our people is that they defend their lives and their existence against the enemies of life and man. In their defence and resistance to ensure their existence they ask for no more than to be allowed to live in their homes in freedom, like any other people of the world.

It is time now, on this International Day of Solidarity, to put an end to the war of annihilation to which our people are subjected, as an expression by the international community of rejection of the suffering of our people. If we keep the peace and adhere to United Nations resolutions, it because we know the high price which otherwise will be paid by mankind in general and by the people of the Middle East in particular, especially in light of the incessant acts of aggression against the Palestinian people, and because what takes place in the Middle East will affect not only our area but the whole world.

Here I should like to stress some facts which have now become very well known. The first fact is that the theory, propounded by Israel and the United States, based on providing peace and stability in the Middle East by destroying the Palestinian people, is a false one. Events which have taken place lately in that part of the world prove how impossible it is to implement it.

The second factor shows that the seeking of a just solution to the problem of the Palestinian people is the cornerstone of the solution to the crisis in the Middle East. If American strategy in defending its oil resources constitutes the cornerstone of Washington's policy in the area, then the rights of the Palestinian people are part of the strategy of the people in this area and their political power. Zionist Israel not only usurps the rights of the Palestinian people and their home, but the independence and sovereignty of the people in this area.   Furthermore, it openly threatens to strike at the people in this area and their countries, from Morocco to Iran.

The third fact shows that the Palestinian people have now been waging a comprehensive national resistance for fifteen years. Their resistance begins with reliance on arms and a rejection of the aggressive de facto situation in terms of the strengthen to subdue and annihilate.

Our people are resisting aggression, occupation and resettlement in order to achieve their aims, aims which were endorsed by the twenty-ninth session of the General Assembly – that is, the right to self-determination, the fight of the refugees to return to their homes and the right to establish, an independent Palestinian state on the soil of Palestine.

These are our people's objectives; they are the main aim of the World Day of Solidarity with our struggle and just cause. The will of the international community was stressed by supporting these aims and by endorsing the resolutions which were adopted by the United Nations, and the resolutions of Arab, African, Islamic, non-aligned, friendly and socialist countries.

The United. States alone shoulders the responsibility of the huge conflagration which looms over the Middle East. I assure the Committee that the United States, despite its new and, old dreams, despite its huge fleets, especially those which are now used around our region, and despite its arming of "Israel" with the most sophisticated, weapons of death and. destruction, will not be able to impose its power, control and domination over the Middle East countries and. peoples.

Instead, of recognizing the new status of international relationships, the United States is using its atrocious power as a way of ensuring its vital oil and other interests. The Camp David accords and the Israeli-Egyptian treaty emphasized United States' ambitions in the region and. unmasked the new United. States military strategy in the Middle East.

Following the downfall of the Shah of Iran, which took place with the ratification of the treaty, came another announcement of the ratification of the treaty – namely, the formation of the American Fifth Fleet in the Arab Gulf region, as well as the establishment of an American intervention force ready to protect the oil fields.

I do not want to speak in detail in order to unmask the false peace that underlies this intensive huge military build-up in the Middle East. It clearly demonstrates the nature of the Camp David, treaty as an American military alliance in the region.

Our realistic analysis enables us to perceive the potential threats in this American aggressive strategy, the dangers which daily imperil us, and certain dangers which threaten the world community, for which peace and. stability in the Middle East represent its security and. stability.

No wonder that tension and disorder increase in that vital part of the world. No wonder that the United States, which backs with all its power the Israeli aggression against our Palestinian and. Arab peoples, is the source of this tension and instability.

The world must think deeply about this aggressive policy,which is based on shortsightedness and, on military force in the Middle East. The acknowledgement of the Palestinian people's right to return home and to self-determination and. right to establish their own independent States and to regain our Arab Jerusalem is a firm base from which to secure peace in the Middle East.

Aggressive alliances, military threats and the deployment of the most modem weapons of death and destruction can no longer intimidate the people of the region because they are ready for long-term resistance.

Is it possible to avoid a huge conflagration in the Middle East, and can peace be brought to the land of peace ? In spite of all the death and destruction inflicted upon our Palestinian and Arab people by Israel and the United States, I answer in the affirmative: peace is demanded by the people.of our area and such a monstrous conflagration can be avoided.

Unfortunately, our readiness for peace based on Justice is met by more aggression and racist genocide by Israeli settlers against our land and villages in Palestine.   Hence, our people have no choice but to withstand and resist, in our deep conviction and from our permanent readiness to realize this promised Just peace. We do not fight because we like fighting, but because we struggle to achieve our political aim on which just peace in Palestine is based.

Therefore we look for a responsible international move vis-a-vis the continuing Israeli barbaric attacks against our people, which continue despite all the United Nations resolutions and the force of international will. In this connexion, Israel is defying these resolutions, one of which was the basis of its existence.

We aspire to international action and international will to restore natters to order and to regain the rights of the owners and to restore the Palestinian people to the international political map, having eliminated the oppression from which they suffer, in order to spare the world a destructive and chaotic war which we see through the American-Israeli guns and missiles in our region.

On behalf of our people, I extend our greetings and our appreciation to all friendly and allied countries and forces which support Palestinian rights, "the just Palestinian cause and the just struggle of the Palestinian people for a life of freedom and dignity, so that our people may live on their national soil within a free, independent state, in common with other peoples on earth.

Our struggle will continue so that we may bring about peace and justice.  Revolution until victory.

The Chairman (Interpretation from French): On behalf of the members of the committee, I wish to thank the representative Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the PLO Executive committee, for the important message which he has sent to us, bearing in mind the solemn occasion and the political character of this day.

It is a pleasure for us to have with us today Mr. Costa Gomes, former President of Portugal, President of the World conference of Solidarity with the Arab Group.  He has come to this Committee in person to convey to us the results of the conference which was held in Lisbon a few days ago.

I have the honour to invite Mr. Costa Gomes to address our committee.

Mr. COSTA GOMES (President of the World Conference in Solidarity with the Palestinian People)(interpretation from French): We thank the Special Unit on Palestinian Rights and the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and in particular its Chairman, Ambassador Uedoune Fall, for the invitation which has been extended to us. We are most honoured to be able to participate in a ceremony as meaningful as this, the second commemoration at the United Nations of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Perhaps in the choice of 29 November as this International Day of Solidarity as in other decisions and efforts of the General Assembly in recent years – there is a self-critical pang of conscience, the beginning of historical reparations. We have in mind certain grave injustices, certain grave dangers resulting from the way in which the General Assembly resolution of 29 November 19^7 has been implemented.

Rarely in modern times has a people been the victim of a tragedy as cruel as that of the Palestinian people, deprived not only of its independence, but also of its native land. And now, should the Camp David accords not become null and void, the Palestinian people may see its right to be considered as a people threatened. Such injustice is obviously unacceptable, and inadmissible and must never be victorious in our era.

This is why the Middle East crisis – with the Palestine question as its central and essential issue – has become a very dangerous permanent hotbed of international tension and of war. If the problem of Palestine is not resolved in a just, comprehensive and lasting way, its repercussions and consequences will continue to menace the Mediterranean region and the progress of the African continent towards complete independence, as well as unity, security and peace in Asia.

There can never be just and lasting peace in the Middle East or in the world if the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian self-determination without outside interference, including its right to return to its land of Palestine and to establish an independent State in its native land, are not fully recognized, respected and guaranteed. 'The Palestinian people is a small people which has already taken its place in history because of its long martyrdom, its limitless devotion to its homeland, its political conscience and maturity and its heroic struggle under the leadership of its sole authentic representative, the Palestine liberation Organization (PLO).

Today it has become a stumbling block, a major obstacle to the plans and interests of those who, against the flow of history end the will of peoples, wish to perpetuate their strategic and economic domination in the Middle East.

It must be clearly stated that the key to a comprehensive solution is the true independence of the Palestinian people and of the other peoples of the region. This profound, inevitable change must occur simultaneously with the deepening of political and military detente, and the strengthening of world peace; that is to say, within the framework of the United Nations and the principles of its Charter.

I am speaking to you in my capacity as President of the World Conference in solidarity with the Arab people and its central cause: Palestine, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal from 2 to 6 November this year. This active non-governmental Conference – because of the quality and number of the participants coming from all regions of the world, and the active support by the Portuguese democratic forces and people – was an event unprecedented in the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The presence of President Yasser Arafat – who was received by the highest Portuguese authorities as well as by the masses of the people, in a very warm and unforgettable manner – lent the World Conference at Lisbon great importance and brilliance. Hence, it was able to make a breakthrough for the Palestinian cause in the Western mass media. From this standpoint, the World Conference marked the consummation of the current process – which is due largely to the initiatives of the PLO – of widespread international recognition of the justice of the Palestinian cause. The Conference also marked, the beginning of a new higher-level stage in the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In general terms a it is recognized today that world public opinion, in its various democratic trends and movements, plays an increasingly important role in implementing United Nations resolutions, in the very vitality of the Organization and in the defence of peace. But with regard to the just cause of the Palestinian people, the role of world public opinion in the implementation of United Nations resolutions is even greater, for well known reasons. Only within the framework of the United Nations – which the Camp David accords and the Washington treaty sought to ignore, as they ignored the Palestinian people and the PLO – can a Just and lasting % peace be found in the Middle East.

Now we must not lose time. The Lisbon Declaration which emerged from the world conference, correctly stresses that if on the one hand international support for the Palestinian cause is making great progress, on the other hand, the situation in the Middle East is more explosive than ever, and to a great extend as a result of the Camp David accords and Israel's aggressive policy.

In such a context, the programme and the activity of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the present debate on the Palestinian question at the General Assembly of the United Nations and the action on implementing its resolutions acquire even greater importance than they had in the past.

The programme of action resulting from the Lisbon world conference will also provide support – on the level of world public opinion – for initiatives and resolutions of the United Nations on the independence of Palestine, on the freedom and happiness of the Palestinian people and its children and on a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and in the world.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank Mr. Costa Gomes, the President of the World Conference in Solidarity with the Palestinian People, for his statement.

I now call on the Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid. Ambassador dark.

Mr. CLARK (Nigeria) (Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid): Let me say from the outset how happy and proud I am to see you, my brother and an eminent son of Africa, in the Chair. I also want to thank you for the consideration you have just shown in allowing me to speak at this time. May I also say that your Committee is doubly blessed through your own personal qualities of character, compassion and dedication, as well as through its vital mandate.

The United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid attaches "he highest importance to the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. That observance is a further manifestation of he dedication of the United Nations to enhance the realization of the right of all peoples of the world to self-determination, equality and justice. The United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid believes that the right of peoples to self-determination is sacrosanct.

The General Assembly, by strongly reiterating the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including its right to return to its homeland, has contributed significantly to the establishment of real peace and security in the Middle East and indeed in the world.

The irony of the situation in Palestine, as it is in South Africa, is that the more the international community decries the policies of Israel and South Africa as being in violation of international law and common human decency, the more self-righteous those two countries become. No sooner does the international community call. upon them, to fulfill certain obligations, than Israel and South Africa withdraw into their shells to defy the will of the international community in arrogance and by brandishing their military might.

The level, of political consciousness of the oppressed peoples of the world is such that no one can deny the liberation movements of South Africa and of Palestine their authentic legitimacy and the fact that they are the true representatives of their peoples. Logically, therefore, those liberation movements must participate in all processes or negotiations on determining the future of their countries and peoples.

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which has been gaining and will continue to gain the respect and support of the international community, cannot and should not be excluded from the efforts to establish a just peace in the Middle East. Speaking in my other capacities as a Nigerian and an African, I proudly recall the numerous resolutions of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) pledging full support and recognition of the undeniable role of the PLO in the liberation struggle of the Palestinian people.

While there has been increasing support for the struggle of the people of Palestine, the Government of Israel persists in its policies of contempt towards the United Nations and world public opinion. While for instance the Government of Israel professes to abide by the United Nations resolutions denouncing collaboration with the apartheid regime in South Africa, there is mounting evidence that Israel and South Africa are intensifying not only their economic and commercial relations, but are also actively collaborating "^ political, security, military and nuclear matters.

Therefore Israel has become one of the main suppliers of arms to South Africa.  Its contemptuous attitude towards the struggle of the people of South Africa and its expanding co-operation with the apartheid regime is becoming a matter of doctrinal conviction rather than a so-called tactical response to the solidarity of the African peoples and Governments with the struggle of the Palestinian people for justice and their own homeland.

The United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid would continue to insist that Israel should abandon its collaboration with South Africa and scrupulously abide by the resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly and the Security Council calling upon it to cease its collaboration with the apartheid regime of South Africa.

In conclusion, on behalf of the Special Committee against Apartheid, I should like to express to you once again, Mr. Chairman, our appreciation for your excellent leadership and tireless efforts to discharge the mandate of the General Assembly in assisting the people of Palestine to attain their right to self-determination and to return to their homeland.  I also assure you of our fullest possible support.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  I thank the Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee against Apartheid for the kind words he has addressed to the members of the Committee and to me personally and for having done us the honour of coming to address our meeting.

I shall now call upon Mr. Lusaka, President of the United Nations Council for Namibia.

Mr. LUSAKA (Zambia), President of the United Nations Council for Namibia:  Mr. Chairman, allow me first of all to express my thanks to you and the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for having extended an invitation to me,in my capacity as President of the United Nations Council for Namibia, to address this special meeting commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under the dynamic leadership of my colleague, friend and brother, Mr. Fall of Senegal, has been instrumental in the promotion of knowledge and mobilization of -world opinion regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the General Assembly as a basis for the settlement of the question of Palestine.

The commemoration of this Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People must be seen in the light of the struggle to put an end to the colonialism and foreign occupation,that many peoples in the world are still carrying on.  The fate of the Palestinian people, driven from their own homes, dispossessed of their property, deprived of their rights, is an ineludible responsibility of the United Nations.

Just like the Namibian people, the Palestinian people have suffered the brutal occupation of their territory, massive forced removal from their homes, the confiscation of their property and the denial of their rights.  They have continued their legitimate struggle for self-determination and independence i under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization , against Israel, which, like the regime in Pretoria, has attempted to impose an unacceptable solution in violation of all United Nations resolutions on the Palestinian question.

Furthermore, Israel has, with its usual arrogance and defiance, ruthlessly employed all means to thwart the aspirations of the Palestinian people.  Confronted with growing international pressure, Israel has resorted to increased violence against the Palestinian people, substantially building up its military power in the occupied territories and establishing terror and oppression to the detriment of the genuine aspirations of the Palestinian people for self-determination and independence.

On this Day of Solidarity, the progressive and peace-loving forces of the international community should firmly reassert their unwavering support for the struggle of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian question has serious implications affecting international peace and security and the interests of the world community as a whole. Therefore it is of overriding importance that the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council should renew and strengthen their efforts to find solutions to this question which challenges the very foundation of our Organization and its Charter.  It is by the concerted and firm action of the international community in support of the struggling people of Palestine that their just aspirations will be fulfilled.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  On behalf of the members of the Committee I wish to thank the President of the United Nations Council for Namibia for his kind words to the members and the Chairman of the Committee.

We have received several messages from Heads of State and Government, Ministers for Foreign Affairs and other Ministers.  First of all I shall ask those representatives of Heads of State present here to read out the messages from their Heads of State.  After that we shall call on speakers inscribed on the list in the established order, and at the end of our meeting we shall call on those delegations that have messages from other personalities. At the end of the afternoon meeting we shall also show the film on Palestine produced by the United Nations in commemoration of the Day of Solidarity.  As we know, this film was to be shown last year, but, in view of certain circumstances of which the Committee is aware, the showing of the film was postponed. Fortunately, the film has now been completed, and it will be our pleasure to feature it this afternoon at the end of our work.

For the reading of the messages from Heads of State, we have adopted the following procedure.  We shall first hear the message from the Head of State who is the Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, and that message will be read out by the representative of President Fidel Castro.  After that we shall follow the alphabetical order established in the United Nations for the presentation of messages from other Heads of State.  We shall continue this procedure at this afternoon's meeting.  I now call on the representative of Cuba, Mr. Roa Kouri, who will read out the message from President Fidal Casto, Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.

Mr. ROA KOURI (Cuba), Representative of the Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries (interpretation from Spanish): I have received a message from the President of the Council of State and of the Government of the Republic of Cuba, Mr. Fidel Castro Ruz, in his capacity of Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. It is addressed to His Excellency, Ambassador Medoune Fall, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and reads as follows:

"The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People affords me an opportunity once again, to reaffirm the unswerving solidarity which we feel towards that heroic people. The Sixth Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, in dealing with the question of Palestine, emphasized that the Zionist occupation of Palestine and usurpation of the rights of its people are at the crux of the conflict in the Middle East and that a solution cannot be achieved unless the Palestinian people regains its inalienable national rights, including its right to self-determination and the creation of an independent Palestinian State in Palestine.

"In the past few months the world has witnessed concerted manoeuvres under the Camp David accords aimed at continuing to deprive the Palestinian people of the exercise of those rights. Encouraged by those accords, Zionism has stepped up the implementation of its policy of confiscation of Palestinian lands in the occupied territories and the establishment of Zionist settlements and the installation of new military posts, as well as of acts of aggression by land, sea and air against Lebanon through the use of the most sophisticated weapons supplied by the United States, sowing death among millions of Palestinians and Lebanese. These facts show once again that the racist and Zionist policy of Israel continues to challenge the decisions of the international community, which makes it essential to show real solidarity of all kinds with the Palestinian people, led by its sole legitimate representative the PLO, in the political, cultural and informational fields and in military assistance programmes which would serve the interests of the struggle of that people for the liberation of its homeland.

"Never before has there "been a more urgent need for the forces that cherish peace and progress to pool their efforts in order to lend their full support to the courageous struggle of the Palestinian people for the recovery of its inalienable rights to sovereignty and to the creation of its own State.

"I take this opportunity. Your Excellency, to reiterate my highest esteem."

The message is signed "Fidel Castro Ruz, Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of the Chairman of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries for the important message which he has Just read.

As I said a few moments ago, there are now 34 messages which have been received from Heads of State. We shall now call upon representatives in alphabetical order. The representative of Afghanistan would like to share with us the message of his Head of State.

Mr. AZIZ (Afghanistan): As you indicated, Mr. Chairman, I have the great honour on the important occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to read to this special meeting of the Committee the text of the message from His Excellency, Haffizullah Amin, the Head of State and Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, addressed to His Excellency, Mr. Kurt Waldheim, the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The message reads as follows:

As the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people is being observed throughout the world, I take pleasure in reiterating the well-known stand and firm revolutionary solidarity of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the freedom-loving, hard working people of Afghanistan with the liberation struggle of the heroic Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the representative of the Palestinian people.

"The ever-increasing world-wide support for the just cause of the Palestinian people, particularly the unreserved and many-sided support and solidarity extended to the continued struggle of the Palestinian people by the peace-loving and progressive countries and forces confirms the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestinians for the restoration of their usurped rights.  It is an undeniable fact that a just and lasting peace in the Middle East can be achieved only when all Israeli occupation forces are unconditionally withdrawn from the occupied Arab and Palestinian lands and not through partial agreements or secret understandings.

The restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to establish an independent national State of their own, is a prerequisite for any comprehensive solution to the Middle East problem.  The Government of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan reiterates its support for the continued efforts of the United Nations in this regard.

"The struggle of the Palestinian people, being part of the struggle of all oppressed peoples waged against forces of imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, apartheid and racism, including Zionism, will eventually succeed."

The message is signed, "Haffizullah Amin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, President of the Revolutionary Council and Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan"

The CHAIRMAM (interpretation from French):  I wish to thank the representative of Afghanistan for the important message which he has Just read.I now call on the representative of Saudi Arabia to read a message from his Head of State.

Mr. SHIHABI (Saudi Arabia) (interpretation from Arabic):

Mr. Chairman, it gives me great pleasure once again to express, on behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi, our thanks for your efforts and the efforts of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for the great work which you have carried out.

It is an honour and a pleasure for me to convey to you the following message from His Majesty, Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister, on the occasion of this great day.  The message reads as follows:

"On the occasion of the 'International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People', I am pleased to express our esteem and appreciation for the constructive role undertaken by the Committee for the exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, under your Excellency's chairmanship, and its relentless efforts towards the restoration of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.  I wish also to take this opportunity to renew the assurances of the firm position of the Saudi Arabian Government, its unwavering support and continuous efforts to uphold the struggle of the Palestinian people for the restoration and exercise of their legitimate rights, including the return to their homeland and the exercise of self-determination on their native soil.

"On this occasion, I find it necessary to draw the attention of the international community to the obstinacy of Israel and its continued disregard of the rights of the Palestinian people, which have been reaffirmed in international conventions, foremost of which is the United Nations Charter.

"This Israeli defiance and obstinacy constitutes grave challenge to the security of our region as well as international peace and security.

"Therefore, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is fully convinced that a comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved •without taking into consideration the withdrawal from the Arab territories forcely occupied by Israel, and primarily Arab Jerusalem, and unless and until the Palestinian people exercise their rights of self-determination, independence and national sovereignty.  I also take this opportunity to express the Kingdom's appreciation and esteem for the increasing support and solidarity now being accorded to the Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, from all friendly nations within the framework of the United Nations.  It is our hope that this 'International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People' will afford an opportunity for peace loving States and nations to demonstrate their solidarity with all peoples subjected to foreign rules, whose rights for self-determination, liberty and independence, are guaranteed by the United Nations Charter.

"Please accept. Your Excellency, the assurances of my best wishes and high esteem."

The message is signed, "Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Crown Prince and Deputy Prime Minister".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  I thank the representative of Saudi Arabia for the Important message he has just read.

I now call on the representative of Bahrain who will read the message from his Head of State.

Mr. AL-SAFFAR (Bahrain) (interpretation from Arabic):  It gives me pleasure to read to you the text of the message sent by His Excellency, Sheikh Isa bin Sulman Al-Khalifa, the Emir of Bahrain, to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine.  The message is as follows:

"Today the United Nations and the whole world are celebrating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, at a time when the crimes of Israel are increasing through annexation of occupied Arab lands, Judaising them and obliterating their characteristics. This is being done in order to realize expansionist Israeli aims in Palestine, against the Palestinian people who are under the yoke of occupation and are exposed to the greatest crime of annihilation, denounced by the international conscience.

"On such a day 32 years ago – to be precise, 29 November 1947 -the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution l8l (ll) on the partition of Palestine, which was taken by Israel, with zionism behind it, as a pretext to invade Palestine and expel its peoples from their land and to disperse them so that they now live in exile.  Ever since that time the area of the Middle East has known neither calm nor security, but it has witnessed the horrors of four terrible wars which were launched by Israel, bringing destruction to the people of the whole area.  The whole world was on the brink of a serious war.  This would not have happened if Israel had not refused to grant the rights of the Palestinian people – the very people who are still deprived of exercising their inalienable rights, as recognized by the international community, particularly their right to self-determination, provided in the United Nations Charter.

"This people were exposed, and indeed still are, to dispersal, killings and terrorism at the hands of Israel and international Zionism as a result of its refusal to recognize the factual position.

"In spite of all these events, the Palestinian people are still struggling to restore their legitimate rights to self-determination and repatriation to their land and to the establishment of an independent State on the soil of Palestine.

"It has been made clear on more than one occasion that the Emirate of Bahrain reaffirms the fact that the Palestinian issue is at the heart of the Middle East problem.  This problem cannot be solved without finding a solution to the Palestinian crisis, which lies in granting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to self-determination and to the establishment of a national State on their national soil under the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people.

"In this connexion, we have supported and endorsed the efforts of the United Nations in several resolutions which have been adopted on the Palestine issue with the aim of finding a peaceful and just solution to this cause and in order to bring peace and security to this part of the world.

"Yet these resolutions have not been implemented, because of Israel's refusal to comply with them and its persistence in ignoring the national rights of the Palestinian people, which have been recognized by the United Nations and by the whole international community. Today, while the United Nations for the second time, celebrates the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, we should like to take the opportunity to reaffirm the responsibility and the role which was – and still is – to be shouldered by the United Nations in ensuring that the Palestinian people obtain their legitimate rights.

"Thus, the United Nations is requested today to support the struggle of the Palestinian people for the restoration of its usurped rights and for the cessation of the oppression practiced against it.

"On this occasion we commend the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in its struggle against international Zionism and for the restoration of its inalienable rights, and we appeal at the same time to all peoples of the world and all peace-loving countries to support right and Justice and to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and support it in its crisis aiding it in its struggle to attain its legitimate rights in order that peace may be restored to the Land of Peace." The message is signed, "Isa bin Sulman Al-Khalifa".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Bahrain for the important message he has Just read out. I now call upon the representative of Bulgaria, Mr. Kostov, who will read a message from his Head of State.

Mr. KOSTOV (Bulgaria): I have the honour of reading out the message of congratulations by Mr. Todor Zhivkov, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party and President of the State Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, addressed to Mr. Yasser Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, on the occasion °t the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads as follows:

"Dear Comrade Yasser Arafat, it gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, the Stnte Council of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, and on my own "behalf, most cordially to congratulate you and the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as well as the entire heroic Arab people of Palestine, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"The courageous struggle of the people of Palestine to defend their vital interests, their right to self-determination and their right to set up a State of their own has always enjoyed the sympathy and the full support of my country. The tragedy of these people, driven away from their homeland and deprived of the means of existence and their fundamental human rights, is ever more clearly recognized in all its acuteness by world public opinion, and it arouses the indignation and anger of all progressive and democratic forces and nations throughout the world.

"On this day, 29 November, the international community censures the Israeli Government's gross disregard of United Nations resolutions and its actions in the occupied Arab territories, including the uprooting of the indigenous Arab population, the expropriation of its property, the mass arrests, the construction of Israeli settlements, the annexation of the Eastern part of Jerusalem and the plunder and desecration of Arab historical f and cultural values.

"The People's Republic of Bulgaria has stated more than once that a just settlement of the Palestine issue cannot be achieved outside the framework of a comprehensive settlement of the Middle East problem. Therefore, my country resolutely condemns the Camp David accords and the separatist Egypt-Israeli deal as well as the current negotiations on the so-called administrative autonomy of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Those plans are aimed not only against the vital interests of the Arab people of Palestine, but also threaten to eliminate the achievements of the Arab national liberation movement and to undermine international detente. In countering these attempts and in doing away with their fatal consequences in this complex and explosive setting, the cohesion and unity of action of all progressive and patriotic Arab forces and their friendship and co-operation with the countries of the socialist community, and the Soviet Union in particular, have acquired particular importance. We believe that a just and lasting settlement of the crisis can only be achieved through complete and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli troops from all Arab territories occupied in 196?, through the realization of the inalienable rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including their right to self-determination and to the establishment of a State of their own, as veil as the right of the Palestinians to return to their homeland in conformity with the relevant United Nations resolutions, and through guaranteeing the independent existence and the security of all countries in the region.

"In order to achieve such a just solution, the collective effort of all parties concerned is needed, together with the participation of an equal footing of the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Arab people of Palestine.

"You may rest assured, dear Comrade Arafat, that the People's Republic of Bulgaria, true to its internationalist duty, will continue to render vigorous support to the courageous struggle of the heroic people of Palestine for the triumph of their just cause."

The message is signed, "Todor Zhivkov".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I should like to remind our distinguished guests that this meeting is a special meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, devoted to commemorating the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Similar meetings are being held in other organizations and in many countries Members of our Organization. Those who bear messages addressed to other organizations or to persons other than the Chairman of this Committee or the Secretary-General of the United Nations are asked kindly to transmit them to the Secretary of the Committee, who will then see to it that they are included in the records.

I now call upon the representative of China, who will read a message from ^s Head of State.

Mr. CHEN Chu (China) (interpretation from Chinese): I am very pleased to participate in today's commemoration conference of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People convened by the Committee on the Exercise °f the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. I am also honoured to have the opportunity to read out the message from Hua Guofeng, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. The text of the message is as follows:

"On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I would like to extend, on "behalf of the Chinese Government and people, our high respects to the Palestinian people who are waging a heroic struggle to regain their national rights.

"Over the last 30 years or so, Israel, abetted and supported by the super-Powers, has been continuously carrying out aggression and expansion. Over a million Palestinian people were driven out of their homeland, deprived of their national rights and plunged into dire misery. However, fearing no brute force of sacrifices, the Palestinian people, led by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)^ have persisted in a struggle, which unfolded wave upon wave. They have gene through all kinds of difficulties, stood severe tests, and are winning support and sympathy from an increasing number of countries and peoples.

"The Chinese Government holds that the United Nations is duty bound to adopt clear-cut resolutions on the settlement of the Palestinian issue, conforming to the national rights and interests of the Palestinian people and other Arab peoples, and take effective measures for their implementation. This is a matter of great importance which concerns not only the upholding of justice but the defence of peace in the Middle East and the world as a whole. I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to reaffirm that the Chinese Government and people will unswervingly support the just struggle of the Palestinian people to regain their national rights, including the right to establish their own State, and that of other Arab peoples to recover their lost territories. We strongly condemn Israel's policy of aggression and expansion and its peremptory attitude of obstructing an over-all settlement of the Middle East issue. We are sure that, as long as they close their ranks and join their efforts, the Palestinian people and    | other Arab peoples, supported by all the justice-upholding countries and people, will surmount all difficulties on their road to progress and win final victory."

The message is signed, "Hua Guofeng, Premier of the State Council of the Republic of China, 29 November 1979".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of China for the important statement that he has just read. I call now call upon the representative of Egypt.

Mr. ABDEL MEGUID (Egypt) (interpretation from Arabic): It gives me pleasure to present on this occasion the message conveyed "by President Mohammed Anwar Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of .Egypt, the text of which reads as: follows:

"Your Excellency the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People; this is a really good occasion for the people and Government of Egypt to take part in the celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine. The celebration of this day by the United Nations is a new reaffirmation of the commitment of the international community to the principles of the Charter as an expression and conviction concerning the establishment of an international system based on justice; equality and respect for peoples' rights. I an sure that you share my view that the fraternal Palestinian people have been exposed, throughout its long history, to attempts aimed at obliterating its national identity. Furthermore, some of those attempts reached the point of the denial of that people's existence. Those attempts were the reason why our area was exposed to a unique human catastrophe. Throughout the whole of that period Egypt, supported by all Powers that cherish peace and justice, shouldered the call for the necessity of the Palestinian people to obtain its inalienable rights in order to bring about a just and lasting peace, which would ensure that all peoples in the area could live on their land in peace without threats or aggression. Egypt, in all its endeavours, has made it clear that the achievement of peace in the Middle East should be based on the principles of international legitimacy and justice and on the recognition that the Palestinian issue is the crux of the conflict.

"The iniatives undertaken by Egypt are but a continuation of the sacrifices it has made in the past in order that the Palestinian people should obtain its freedom and right to self-determination. We believe that those initiatives are now paving the way for the Palestinian people to recover its rights and establish its national power over its land. Egypt believes that the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People should be translated into deeds instead of mere words. The people of Palestine, after such a long period of suffering and oppression, is waiting for the international community, and particularly the countries of the area, to translate their words of solidarity into actual deeds so that that people shall attain its freedom and right to self-determination." The message is signed, "Mohammed Anwar Sadat".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Egypt, I now call upon the representative of the United Arab Emirates.

Mr. HUMAIDAN (United Arab Emirates) (interpretation from. Arabic): I should like to read out the text of a message from Zayed bin Sultan al-Kahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates, to the Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. It is as follows:

"Your Excellency Ambassador Fall, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People: on behalf of the people of the United Arab Emirates I greet you and recall with thanks and appreciation your support for the Palestinian people and your work towards enabling it to exercise its inalienable rights. We feel the observance of 29 November as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People to be a reflection of the realization by the United Nations of the oppression perpetrated against the Palestinian people since 1947 and the partition of its land and the dispersion of its people from its land. We also view it as expressing the commitment and the determination of the international community to eliminate oppression and assist the Palestinian people in its struggle to recover its rights.

"We also note with satisfaction the increasing international support for the struggle of that people for the restoration of its rights. We also find there is condemnation of any agreement which docs not take into consideration those inalienable rights and which does not provide for the participation of the Palestinian people, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization, as a basic party to any attempts to solve the Palestinian problem.

"I should like to restate that we shall not spare any effort to support the Palestinian people in its struggle. We shall extend every assistance to it so that it will be able to gain restoration of its rights."

The message is signed, "Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of the United Arab Emirates for his statement and for his kind words addressed to the Chairman and members of the Committee. I call on the representative of Hungary.

Mr. HOLLAI (Hungary): Mr. Chairman, I will follow your ruling and I will not read out the message sent by the President of the Presidential Council of the Hungarian People's Republic on this very important occasion to Mr. Yasser Arafat, Executive Chairman of the Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, but I should like to announce that the message has been sent and I will pass it on for inclusion in the records of this meeting of the Committee.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Hungary for his understanding. I call on the representative of Iraq.

Mr. AL-ALI (Iraq) (interpretation from Arabic): It is an honour for me to read out the text of the message sent by Mr. Saddam Hussein, President of the Iraqi Revolutionary Council and President of the Republic of Iraq, to the Chairman of the Special Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Bights of the Palestinian People on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People:

"Your Excellency, the Chairman of the Committee, it gives me pleasure on this important occasion commemorating the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, to renew, in the name of Iraq, our great esteem and appreciation for the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 1 November 1977 in this connexion and the efforts which continue to be made by your Committee to commemorate this Day in a fitting manner.

"This is a contribution by the Committee to creating general international awareness of the catastrophic situation of the Palestinian people living under the yoke of the Zionist occupation and the national struggle of the Palestinian resistance for restoration and liberation.

"The Iraqi position with regard to the Palestinian cause is unshakable, clear and straightforward, and we have expressed our opinion several times. We consider the Palestinian cause to be the cause of the whole Arab nation, and the struggle of this nation with the Zionist entity is in fact a humane and civilizing conflict aimed at the liberation of the occupied Arab lands, giving the Arab nations the opportunity to have an effective role in human culture. Of real satisfaction to us and confirming our belief in the viability of the Arab struggle to realize its aspirations, are such current developments as the awareness of the international community as to the dimensions of the imperialist-Zionist machinations emanating from the Camp David agreements and the conciliation agreements between Sadat and the Zionist entity, and the increasing sympathy for the Arab cause and the Palestinian revolution. What is witnessed by your General Assembly and its various Committees today, such as the positive and tangible progress in this just cause and the adoption of various resolutions condemning the Zionist occupation authorities and reaffirming the Arab and Palestinian requests are a real help to us and to the Palestinian people in combatting all the imperialist machinations aimed at imposing surrender on the Arab nations, and it helps us to continue our struggle to liberate all Palestinian and Arab occupied lands.

"We commend the efforts made by the Committee to formulate the rights of the Palestinian people in all their dimensions, and to achieve solidarity with the Palestinian Arab people and extend assistance to it in the broadest international sense.

"We reaffirm to you that Iraq has made preparations to celebrate this Day in the best possible manner.

"In conclusion, we wish your meeting all success." The message is signed, "Saddam Hussein, President of the Republic of Iraq".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): On behalf of the members of the Committee I thank the representative of Iraq. I call on the representative of Jordan.

Mr. NUSEIBEH (Jordan) (interpretation from Arabic): His Majesty King Hussein, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, has sent the following message on the occasion of the second International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, commemorated under the sponsorship of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People:

"Ambassador Fall, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

"I should like to convey to you my sincere appreciation and deep conviction of the international solidarity with the Palestinian people who were evicted from their land, the land of their forefathers, by the Zionist movement. The Palestinian people are still suffering under the yoke of imperialism and Zionism.

"I believe as do the Jordanian people – and our fraternal people, the Palestinians, and the Arab people in general also have great hopes of this – that this International Day of Solidarity will inspire the United to shoulder its full responsibility so as to bring about the withdrawal of the aggressive forces of occupation from all the occupied Arab and Palestinian lands, in particular from Jerusalem, and the restoration of the right of the Palestinian people to return to their sacred land of Palestine, and their right to self-determination, and to the establishment a national entity, an inalienable right which should be enjoyed by.the Palestinian people and by all peoples of the world. That would be also a realization and implementation of the United Nations Charter and of the resolutions – adopted during the last three decades.

"Mr, Chairman, we commend your noble efforts exerted on behalf of the Palestinian people, which is represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization. We hope that your sincere efforts will be crowned with success so that the plight of the Palestinian people may be alleviated and we are fully aware of the support of the international community for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

"Lastly, I hope. Sir, that you will accept my deep appreciation and esteem,and I should like to express my full conviction that right will overcome all forms of oppression and aggression thanks to the struggle of our nation and the solidarity of all people of the world who believe in freedom and justice and real peace, principles that are represented at the United Nations. May God preserve and help you." The message is signed, "Hussein Ibn Talal"

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Jordan for his important statement and for the kind words he has addressed to members of the Committee and its Chairman.

I call now on the representative of Bangladesh, who will read the message from his Head of State.

Mr. KAISER (Bangladesh): I have the honour of reading to this assembly the text of the message from His Excellency Mr. Ziaur Rahman, President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

"It is with a sense of gratification that I have learned that the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People is organizing a special meeting to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, On this solemn occasion. I should like to emphasize once again that any comprehensive settlement must guarantee a Just and lasting peace in the Middle East and that that settlement must accept the fact that the question of Palestine lies at the heart of the Middle East problem. All canons of Justice and morality demand the restoration to the Palestinians of their inalienable national rights, including their right to a State of their own.

Bangladesh condemns in the strongest possible terms the continued attempt of Israel to perpetuate its occupation by force of all Arab lands through illegal settlement and through their efforts to change the demographic situation of the occupied territories in contravention of the Geneva convention.

"In this regard Bangladesh lends total support to the decisions of the meetings of the Summit of the Islamic Conference and the declaration of the Non-Aligned Summit in Havana.

"I convey my best wishes to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People for the success of the commemorative meeting."

The message is signed, "Ziaur Rahman, President, People's Republic of Bangladesh".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Bangladesh for his statement, and I now call on the representative of Democratic Kampuchea.

Mr. CHAN YOURAN (Democratic Kampuchea) (interpretation from French):

It is an honour and a pleasure for me to read the message addressed to you. Sir, on 20 November by the President of the Presidium of the State of Democratic Kampuchea, Mr. Khieu Samphan, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.  The letter is addressed to "His Excellency Mr. Madoune Fall, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People", and reads:

"On behalf of the people and of the Government of Democratic Kampuchea, and on my own behalf, it is a special pleasure for me to convey to you and to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People our warmest congratulations on the tireless end noble efforts which you have continuously undertaken to defend the just cause of the Palestinian people which for decades has been struggling, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation  Organization, to regain its independence and its freedom.

"To the heroic Palestinian people and to the PLO I should like to reiterate our indefatigable support and solidarity and, at the same time, express our firm conviction that the enormous sacrifices they have made and the tests which they continue to withstand are in the last analysis the surest guarantees of the victory of their valiant struggle.

"Today, the Israeli Zionists, despite the condemnation of world public opinion and in flagrant violation of international law as well as of United Nations resolutions, continue to pursue their policy of aggression and annexation towards Arab countries, including Lebanon, and the territories occupied by force since 1967.  Along with such acts of aggression and annexation the Zionist authorities are stepping up their barbarous repression of the Palestinian population and other Arab peoples, and recently they arrogantly expelled the Mayor of Nablus from occupied Palestinian territory.

"The people and the Government of Democratic Kampuchea condemn that Israeli policy which constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security.  We consider it necessary for measures to be adopted to put an end to this inadmissible situation.

"We stress once again that the Palestinian problem continues to be the key to the problem of the Middle East and that the peoples and. countries of that region will only be able to live in peace and security when the Palestinian people fully exercises its inalienable national rights and, in particular, its right to reintegrate its country, its right to decide its own fate and its right to establish an independent Palestinian State on Palestinian soil.

"It is on the basis of those feelings that I wish you every success in your important mission.

"Democratic Kampuchea, 20 November 1979." The message is signed,, "Khieu Samphan, President of the Presidium of the State of Democratic Kampuchea".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Democratic Kampuchea, and now call on the representative of Kuwait.

Mr. EL-JEAAN (Kuwait) (interpretation from Arabic): It is an honour for me to read. out to you en this occasion the message of His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the Eir-Lr of the State of Kuwait. The following is the text of that message:

"It is a source of satisfaction to direct, to you this message, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. This day is a true indication of the great noble human feelings of sympathy with peoples who have suffered a great deal. They have been taken from their homeland, unjustly? but the Palestinian people have stood for 30 years with determination against all types of injustice and ingratitude from the international community and they have fought alone to restore their own homeland. Unless the world, justice to these people and to their usurped rights and stands by them on their legitimate rights have been restored, the tragedy of the Palestinian people will remain, casting a shadow over the prospects of peace and understanding among States, particularly in an area of such sensitivity e the Middle East' occupies in the world.

"The world, of today is witnessing intensified actions and efforts which are being deployed, in order to improve relations between peoples and countries in a bid. to increase understanding, to bring about closer relationships and. to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding so that people may rebuild their country and provide the basic requirements of the people of each nation.

"One of the most important requirements is that man should know that in this world he has a homeland which harbours him, particularly a man whose home has been usurped from him by force and who has been left dispersed and oppressed.

"The members of this Committee are fully aware of this fact. Therefore, the sense of understanding and sympathy for the Palestinian people is a source of optimism. The time will come when justice and right will prevail and when these militant struggling people will regain their rights and return to their homeland.

I send my best wishes that your noble efforts will be crowned will success."

The message is signed, "Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Kuwait.

I call upon the representative of the Lebanon.

Mr. TUENI (Lebanon) (interpretation from French): Before I read the message from the President of the Lebanese Republic, I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for having invited us to this meeting. I also wish to thank you. Sir, for your personal efforts and the efforts which you have made on behalf of your country to defend the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

I now wish to read out the original Arab text of the message of His Excellency, the President of the Lebanese Republic:

(Spoke in Arabic)

"The Declaration by the General Assembly of 29 November as the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People seeks to lay down the basic ideals on which the United Nations depends and which are represented by freedom, Justice and equality.

"Lebanon, in announcing its solidarity with those who are defending the oppressed people, does so inspired by its .commitment to every cause of justice and right, whether it be on its own territory or on any territory in the world.

"Lebanon has suffered a great deal of distress and suffering and its peoples have suffered dispersal and destruction, as well as exile. The cause of the people cannot be dealt with other than within the natural framework and it must be pointed out that justice is indivisible. If the Palestinian cause, in all its dimensions and weightiness, has awakened the international conscience of man, the time has come to interpret this crisis of consciousness by taking practical and positive steps which will absorb the violent repercussions which shake the Middle East as a whole and threaten humanity.

"I wish you, Sir, and your Committee every success in your work and your efforts in seeking justice and peace and permanent rights." The message is signed, "Elias Sarkis, President of the Republic of Lebanon".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French):  I thank the representative of Lebanon for his statement and particularly for his kind words to me personally and to the Committee.

I now call on the representative of Madagascar who wishes to read a message to the Committee from his Head of State.

Mr. RABETAFIKA (Madagascar) (interpretation from French):  I have the honour to read the message from His Excellency the President of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The message reads as follows:

"On the occasion of the commemoration of the  International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I wish on behalf of the people of Madagascar, the Supreme Revolutionary Council of the Government^ and personally, to join our voice to those many voices throughout the world which have expressed crave concern over the fate of the Arab people of Palestine "Peace and justice,which are the cornerstone of our domestic and foreign policy,and the commitment into which we entered freely and resolutely to support the cause  of people who struggle to free themselves from colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialism and Zionism, make it incumbent upon us unreservedly to express our full and active solidarity with the Palestinian people deprived of their national rights.

"This martyred but courageous people require constant attention and urgent action by the international community.  We realize that the efforts which have been undertaken are commensurate with the complexity of the situation in the Middle East and the tragedies which have been suffered by the Palestinian people for more than 30 years. It is widely recognized that the solution to the Palestinian problem, a recognized prerequisite for peace and security in the region, essentially lies in the achievement of the national rights of the Palestinian people  i and the exercise of their right to self-determination, independence and   g national sovereignty as well as the establishment of an independent State.

"Any attempt at a settlement which disregards the inalienable rights or which deliberately ignores the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole authentic representative of the Palestinian people, will inexorably be doomed to failure and will only exacerbate the situation in the region. Therefore we cannot endorse the Camp David agreements or the separate Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, which we consider to be a betrayal of the Arab cause and a serious obstacle

to the search for a peaceful solution to the problems of the Middle


May the solemn commemoration of this Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People be a time for reflection and inspiration which will point the efforts of the members of the international community in the right direction in their search for a just and lasting solution of the Middle East problem."

The message is signed, "Didier Ratsiraka, President of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Madagascar, and now call upon the representative of Mongolia.

Mr. DASHTSEREH (Mongolia): The following is the text of a message from Comrade Yu Tsedenbal, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the of Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party and President of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the Mongolian People's Republic, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People:

"On behalf of the Government and the people of the Mongolian People's Republic, as well as in my own name, I extend our heartfelt greetings to the Palestinian people and their legitimate representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity   with the Palestinian People. On this memorable day I wish to reiterate that the Mongolian people, together with all the progressive forces of the world, continue in their unswerving support for and full solidarity with the just struggle which has been waged for many years by the Arab people of Palestine for their freedom and independence.

"It should be noted that world public opinion has become increasingly aware of the fact that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East problem and that a just and lasting peace in that region cannot be achieved without the exercise by the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination and the right to establish an independent Palestinian State. This has been clearly demonstrated -by the deliberations of the General Assembly and other United Nations organs and, most recently, at the Sixth Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Countries, on the question of Palestine.

"Our Government and. people resolutely condemn the Egyptian-Israeli deal, reached with the direct participation of the United States, as an act which engenders serious difficulties in the way of achieving a Just settlement of the Middle East problem, and particularly of ensuring the exercise of the legitimate rights of the Arab people of Palestine.

"We sincerely wish the heroic people of Palestine and the Palestine Liberation Organization, its Executive Committee and Comrade Yasser Arafat new successes in the sacred struggle for foiling the designs of imperialism, Zionism and other reactionary forces, and for strengthening the great cause of peace, national independence and the social progress of nations in the Middle East."

The message is signed, Yu Tsendenbal, President of the Presidium of the Great People's Khural of the Mongolian People's Republic".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Mongolia, and I now call upon the representative of Oman.

Mr. ABOUL–NASR (Oman): On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which we are commemorating today, I have the honour to read a cable addressed to you, Mr. Chairman, by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said. The text is as follows:

"On this occasion it gives us great pleasure to reiterate and extend our support to and solidarity with the Palestinian people ^n their just struggle to achieve their goals. The sufferings encountered by the Palestinian people constitute a human tragedy. It is the duty of every peace-loving nation to join in observing this day as a Day of Solidarity with and support for the Palestinian people, who have resorted to all legitimate means to restore their rights.

"The political role played by the Palestine Liberation Organization on the international level towards the achievement of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East deserves our support and backing. Against this we note that Israel is still exercising illegal authority in the Arab territories occupied since 1967 and is practising treacherous policies against the Palestinian People, Israel continues its effort to crush the aspiration of the Palestinian people and to fabricate various excuses to drive them out of their homes and. seize their lands. This atrocious and illegal policy jeopardizes peace and security in the region and threatens grave consequences unless we all forestall them by pressing Israel to change its policy, to recognize the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, to stop its aggression against the Arab nation and to refrain from its oppression of the people of Palestine.

"On this occasion we hail the United Nations for devoting much of its effort and attention to the Palestinian cause, and we urge its continuing its role in supporting the just rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people, as expressed by their representative, the Palestine Liberation Organization.

"Please accept our best wishes and appreciation for your efforts and those of the members of the Committee." The message is signed, "Qaboos Bin Said, Sultan of Oman".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Oman, and I now call upon the representative of Pakistan.

Mr. SIDDIQUI (Pakistan): It is my singular privilege to convey to you, Mr. Chairman, and to the members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the message of His Excellency General Mohairmad Zia-Ul-Haq, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The message reads:

"Pakistan, ever since its independence, has given full and firm support to the people of Palestine in their struggle for the realization of their legitimate national rights. Solidarity with our Palestinian brothers trance transient considerations and is based on inviolable and eternal principles of justice and equity. We have on numerous occasions reiterated our conviction there can be no just, comprehensive and lasting settlement in the Middle East which ignores the legitimate and national rights of the Palestinian people an excludes the PLO, their sole legal representative,from participation in peace negotiations.

While some satisfaction can be derived from the fact that there is increasing support for the restoration of the rights of the Palestinians, we believe that the momentum has not only to be sustained but accelerated to speed up the establishment of an independent Palestinian State on their territory.

"As the world community observes the Day of Solidarity -with the Palestinian People, we reaffirm our support to its Just cause and our willingness to continue to render assistance in the realization of its objectives.

"It is the inescapable obligation of the international community to exert all out efforts to ensure that justice prevails and that the long struggle of the people of Palestine is crowned with success." The message is signed, "General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Pakistan for his statement. I call on the representative of the Philippines.

Mr. YAHGO  (Philippines): On this occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, His Excellency Mr. Ferdinand E. Macros, the President and Prime Minister of the Republic of the Philippines, has sent the following message addressed to you, which I quote:

"His Excellency M. Medoune Fall, Chairman, Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, United Nations Headquarters, New York.

"Excellency: on behalf of the people and Government of the Philippines I take pleasure in extending sincere greetings to Your Excellency and through you to the members of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People on the solemn occasion of the observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November 1979.

"The people and Government of the Philippines are firmly committed to a just and lasting solution of the question of Palestine, based on Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), providing for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied Arab territories, as well as the right of all the States in the region to an independent existence within secure and recognized boundaries. An enduring solution must also include the recognition of the legitimate rights to self-determination and independence of the people of Palestine in their own homeland.

"At the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and of the Committee and in keeping with the Philippine Government's policy of firm support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, I am pleased to inform you that the Philippines will observe the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People with an exhibition at the Philippine International Convention Centre in Manila on 29 November 1979.

"I take this opportunity to congratulate Your Excellency and through you the members of the Committee, whose important work the Philippines supports, for your dedicated efforts to secure their legitimate rights.

"Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration." The message is signed, "Ferdinand E. Macros, President and Prime Minister of the Republic of the Philippines".

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of the Philippines for his statement and for the kind words he conveyed to the Committee and its members. I call upon the representative of Poland.

Mr. SOKALSKI (Poland):  Mr. Chairman, I wish to inform you that the President of the Council of State of the Polish People's Republic, Chairman of the All-Poland Committee of the National Unity Front, Professor Henryk Jablonski, on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, has addressed the following message today, which I quote:

Mr. Chairman,

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, on behalf of the supreme authorities of the Polish People's Republic, the Polish people and in my own name, I wish to convey most cordial wishes and greetings to the heroic people of Palestine, its leading force, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and to you personally.

"To the people of Poland which, unlike few other nations, has known the price of strife against aggression and militarism for the freedom and independence of its native land, the courageous and relentless struggle of the Palestinian People for the realization of its national aspirations, for the right to its own independent existence and development, is particularly close and appreciable.

"It is for these reasons that we firmly and consistently proceed from the position that the way towards a lasting and Just settlement of the Middle East crisis leads through a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from all the Arab lands occupied since 1967 and the realization of the inalienable rights of the Arab people of Palestine, including its right to self-determination and the establishment of its own independent State.

"The achievement of that goal cannot be possible unless collective efforts are taken towards a comprehensive solution of the Middle East problem, with the participation of all the parties concerned, including the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, the real exponent of the national aspirations of the Arab people of Palestine.

"The separatist agreements have resulted in an even greater aggravation of tensions in the Middle East. Developments confirm that such a method delays, complicates and consequently prevents the attainment of a lasting peace, and poses the threat of an international conflict, particularly detrimental to the vital interests of all peoples and States in the region. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, observed under the auspices of the United Nations, is an important event both for the Palestinian people and the Palestine Liberation Organization, as well as for the entire progressive international community. The observances s of the Day are ample proof of the general recognition of and support for the legitimate Palestinian cause, now becoming ever more evident among the States and peoples of the world.

"On this important occasion please accept from the highest authorities g of the Polish People's Republic and the Polish people the best and most cordial wishes for further accomplishments and successes in your struggle for the realization of the national aspirations of the Palestinian people. We are confident that this struggle, enjoying as it does the invariably firm support of the people of Poland, shall be crowned with total victory in the interests of peace and international security."

The message is signed, "Henry K Jablonski, President of the Council of State of the Polish People's Republic, Chairman of All-Poland Committee of the National Unity Front".

That cable was sent to Chairman Arafat today.

The CHAIRMAN (interpretation from French): I thank the representative of Poland, for his statement.

The meeting rose at 1.20 p.m.


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