Statistics on Palestine Arab land allocation, property income – UNCCP – Statement by Union of Arab Villages Society in Palestine


Statement by SAID M. BEIDAS,

Ex-member of the Committee for Agricultural Economics and Marketing;

Ex-member of the Citrus Control and Marketing Boards in Palestine;

Manager of the Union of the Arab Villages Society in Palestine


(Communicated to Mr. Palmer, Chairman of the Conciliation Commission,

by Dr. Izzat Tannous, on 30 April 1951.)


The total area of Palestine is 26,2714000 dunums, of, 1000 m2 each, its present allocation (fait accompli) as follows :

A.- Lands under the rule of Arab Authorities :


1.- Gaza Area, under the supervision

of the Egyptian Authorities :


2.- Hebron District, the remaining

part of Jerusalem area and

Nablus, under the supervision

of the Jordanian Authorities :



B.- No Man's Land :

1.- Auja Hafeer Area


2.- International Jerusalem Area


3.- Tiberius Area


4.- Houla Area



C.- Total Area under the rule of

the Jewish Authorities :

26,271,000 — 6,511,000

 = 19,860 000

Grand Total :

    26 271 000

Details of the Arab-owned lands under

the rule of the Israelian Authorities in Palestine
and the average yearly income of production

Citrus trees

   130,000 dunums

at an average , of 60 c/s each:

 7,800,000 cases at 15/-

Pounds Sterling

L. 5,845,000

Olive trees

   240,000 dunums

of 6000 tons productions at  L.300 each


Fruit trees

   150,000 dunums

at L. 50 each


Agricultural Lands

 4,500,000 dunums

at L. 3 each


Mount. Agr. Lands

 2,100,000 dunums

at L. 2 each


Uncultivated lands

 2,180,000 dununs

Total average income :

L. 26,095,000

Nekab Area


17,560,000 dunums

Jewish-owned Lands

2,300,000 dunums

Total area under the rule of Israel

19,860,000 dunums

In addition to the above yearly income of crops estimated at L.26,095,000, the Arab Palestinian Refugees own buildings and warehouses in the towns as well as in the villages of Palestine, the total rents of which are estimated at L. 6,000,000 per year.


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