Subject labels in UNISPAL – Help file

Subject labels in UNISPAL




Major relevant developments concerning the OPT, including East Jerusalem

See also: Golan Heights, Incursions, Jerusalem, Legal issues, Occupation, Situation on the ground, Settlements

Armed conflict

War and hostilities. See also: Arms control and regional security issues; Intifada

Arms control and regional security issues

Documents on discussions of armaments, arms control, regional security issues, weapons of mass destruction etc. See also: Armed conflict


Economic, social and technical assistance, Assistance to Palestinian women. Reports,  resolutions. Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) events (meetings),  See also: Humanitarian relief; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia,

United Nations systemEconomic Commission for Western Asia,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East,

United Nations systemWorld Bank

Bethlehem 2000

At the request of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP), the agenda item “Bethlehem 2000” was included in the agenda of the General Assembly in 1998 to help contribute to the Palestinian Authority’s “Bethlehem 2000” initiative.  The Committee raised international awareness of the initiative and of the significant preparatory work needed for its implementation.  The Assembly concluded its consideration of the item in 2002.

Boundaries and demarcation lines

Documents setting out or describing the location of international borders, armistice demarcation lines, planning boundaries, partition lines, etc.  The question of borders is considered as a "permanent status" issue under the peace process that began in the early 1990s. Documents related to specific incidents around borders/lines are not marked with this subject identifier; please see "Armed conflict", "Closures", Incidents", "Incursions", "Land",  "Settlements"  See also: Separation; as well as UNISPAL's type of document listing: Map

Chapter VII of UN Charter

United Nations Security Council resolutions adopted in 1948, related documents as well as subsequent discussions and proposals in 1967, 1973, etc.


UNICEF documents; other material such as Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989 (entry into force: 2 September 1990).  See also: Assistance; Convention: Rights of the Child; Occupation; Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including Jerusalem; Social issues; as well as  UNISPAL's entity listing: United Nations systemUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Closure of institutions

Closure, by the occupying Power, of Palestinian institutions such as colleges, Orient House, etc. since 1967.


Includes information concerning blockades, checkpoints, roadblocks, freedom of movement, closure of the OPT or parts thereof, etc. See also: Closure of institutions, Occupation

Convention: Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Documents pertaining to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979 (entry into force: 3 September 1981).

See also: Women

Convention: Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Documents pertaining to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 A (XX) of 21 December 1965 (entry into force: 4 January 1969).

Convention: Rights of the Child

Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989 (entry into force: 2 September 1990). See also: Children

Convention: Torture and Other Cruel  Inhuman or Degrading

Treatment or Punishment

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 39/46 of 10 December 1984 (entry into force: 26 June 1987). See also: Torture

Covenant: Civil and Political Rights

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200 A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 (entry into force: 23 March 1976).       

Covenant: Economic Social and Cultural Rights

Documents pertaining to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 (entry into force: 3 January 1976).


Reservations concerning the credentials of the delegation of Israel.  See also: Statehood-related

Demographic issues

Population-related information  See also: Children, women

Economic issues

Information on the situation of Palestinian workers, natural resources, employment, trade, GDP, budgets, etc. typically contained in ILO, UNSCO, UNCTAD, ESCWA reports as well as documents under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 (entry into force: 3 January 1976).   See also: Assistance, Covenant: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:  United Nations systemEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia,

United Nations systemEconomic and Social Council,

United Nations systemInternational Labour Organization,

United Nations systemInternational Monetary Fund,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,

United Nations systemWorld Bank, etc.

Electoral issues

All aspects of electoral matters, including the lack of protection of elected Palestinian officials

Environmental issues

ESCWA and UNEP documents and other entities' relevant reports See also: Water


Documents reflecting the work of a fact finding mission, Mediator, Personal Representative Quartet, Special Coordinator, Special Representative, USG visits, Humanitarian envoy, etc.

See also: International presence, Negotiations and agreements, Peace conference, Peace process, Peace proposals and efforts, Peace-building, Peacekeeping  

Expulsions and deportations

Documents pertaining to the transfer of Palestinians across international borders, usually related to specific incidents of such an expulsion or deportation

See also: Fourth Geneva Convention, Internally displaced persons, Refugees and displaced persons

Fourth Geneva Convention

Documents directly related to the Convention and its applicability to OPT, including East Jerusalem

See also: Expulsions and deportations, Protection; as well as

UNISPAL entity listing:

Non-governmental organizationInternational Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Golan Heights

Developments pertaining to the occupied Syrian Golan.   In UNISPAL-Select, this label is normally not used.  See also: UNISPAL entity listing: United Nations systemUnited Nations Disengagement Observer Force, United Nations systemUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

Green Line

Boundary established following the General Armistice Agreement between the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom and Israel of 1949, which since the beginning of the occupation in June 1967 has been known as "Green Line".  See also: Separation, Boundaries and demarcation lines


Developments pertaining to Hebron.  See also: International presence; as well as  UNISPAL entity listing: Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), Security Council


Documents raising specific historical issues; historical summaries of events; etc.  See also: Reports of the United Nations General Assembly's Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People; United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East; and United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine; as well as

UNISPAL title listing: Yearbook of the United Nations

Holy places

Issues surrounding the preservation of and access to the various holy places.  See also: UNISPAL entity listing: Multilateral/Organization of the Islamic Conference

House demolitions

Demolition by the occupying Power of Palestinian homes in the OPT, including East Jerusalem and destruction of related property

Human rights and international humanitarian law

Relevant Security Council, General Assembly, Commission on Human Rights, and international human rights instruments documents, including those pertaining to the General Assembly's Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices.  See also: Fourth Geneva Convention; as well as

UNISPAL entity listing: United Nations systemCommission on Human Rights; Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices; and

UNISPAL entity listing: Non-governmental organizationInternational Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Humanitarian relief

Documents that deal with the various aspects of the humanitarian situation  on the ground, in particular relief assessments and efforts. See also: Assistance; as well as UNISPAL entity listing:

United Nations systemOffice of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations systemUnited Nations Children's Fund,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East,

United Nations systemSecretary-General Personal Humanitarian Envoy

Inalienable rights of the Palestinian people

General Assembly resolutions; reports of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP); work of the Security Council.

See also: UNISPAL entity listing: United Nations systemCommittee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People


Particular incidents and hostile action affecting the Palestinians or Israelis. See also: Armed conflict, Intifada II, Terrorism; as well as

UNISPAL's title listing for document titles containing the word: Attack(s)


Reoccupation of population centres, refugee camps or other Palestinian Authority-ruled areas, designated as area "A" under the Mideast peace process that began in the early 1990s. See also: Armed conflict, Intifada II; as well as UNISPAL's title listing for document titles containing the word: Attack(s)

Internally displaced persons

Typically documents on Palestinian refugees that also deal with persons displaced within the OPT.   See also: Expulsions and deportations

International Conference on the Question of

Palestine (ICQP)

In pursuance of General Assembly resolutions 36/120 C of 10 December 1981, ES-7/7 of 19 August 1982 and 37/86 C of 10 December 1982, an International Conference on the Question of Palestine was convened at the United Nations Office at Geneva from 29 August to 7 September 1983 to seek effective ways and means to enable the Palestinian people to attain and to exercise their inalienable rights.

International presence

Information on United Nations Charter's Chapter VII-type force proposals; monitoring mechanism for implementation of agreement reached; peacekeeping operations; TIPH-related material. See also: Envoy, Fourth Geneva Convention, Hebron, Peacekeeping, Protection; as well as UNISPAL's entity listing: United Nations Disengagement Observation Force,

United Nations Emergency Force I,

United Nations Emergency Force II,

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,

United Nations Truce Supervision Organization  

Intifada I

The Palestinian uprising, 1987-1993.

Intifada II

The Palestinian uprising, 2000-present. See also: Fourth Geneva Convention, Incidents


Developments concerning Jerusalem, including concerning its status, certain grave incidents, occupation, establishment of settlements, etc. See also: Boundaries, Closure of institutions, Fourth Geneva Convention, Holy places, Incidents, Land, Occupation, Settlements; as well as UNISPAL's entity listing: General Assembly 10th Emergency Special Session

UNISPAL's type of document listing: Study


Land-related issues such as expropriations, confiscations, sovereignty over natural resources, destruction of agricultural property and other impediments to Palestinian agriculture, etc. See also: Annexation, Separation, Settlements, Water; as well as

UNISPAL's type of document listing: Study

Legal issues

Various legal aspects. See also: Fourth Geneva Convention, Human rights, Occupation, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/Palestine UN status

Middle East situation

Documents on developments of a more exclusively regional nature affecting the question of Palestine, Mideast peace efforts or situation on the ground. This group includes principal documents under the relevant General Assembly and Security Council agenda items (See above on agenda items) and a selection of   documents (United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP), United Nations Secretary-General reports).

This subject does not cover the situation in individual countries such as >Situation in Lebanon.

See also: Agenda item; History; Palestine question; Self-government area/developments; Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemCommittee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People

UNISPAL's title listing: Approaches … , Developments … , Yearbook …

Negotiations and agreements

Documents with information on fairly formal Mideast/Palestine-related negotiations concerning the search for peace (in multilateral entities like the Security Council, General Assembly and Trusteeship Council; at an international conference, etc.; as well as Special Representatives, Special Coordinators, envoys, Quartet); and on related developments.

In addition to documents on specific negotiations and agreements, this label also groups the more "political" resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and Security Council, as well as relevant decisions, presidential and press statements to indicate negotiated agreement reached in the international community.  Usually, resolutions making demands on one party to the conflict (for instance on annexation, attacks, deportation measures, incidents, etc. ), peacekeeping material and meeting records are not included under this category.

See also: Envoy, History, Peace-building, Peace conference, Peacekeeping, Peace process, Peace proposals and efforts, Quartet; as well as

UNISPAL's document type listing: Agreements, Approaches … , Developments … , Yearbook … ; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemGeneral Assembly,

United Nations systemSecretary-General,

United Nations systemSecurity Council


In UNISPAL's main collection, this label refers to major relevant developments since the beginning of armed conflict in June 1967 concerning the OPT, including East Jerusalem, Occupied Arab Territories  such as parts of Egypt and the Syrian Golan Heights, as appropriate.

In UNISPAL-Select, this label is used for documents containing information on major developments since June 1967 almost exclusively concerning the OPT, including East Jerusalem; status of the OPT; repeated incursions into Palestinian-controlled areas and the reoccupation of many Palestinian population centres by the Israel's forces; important incidents; etc. See also: Fourth Geneva Convention, Golan Heights, Incidents, Incursions, Legal issues, Settlements, Situation in Lebanon.

Palestine question

This is the "heart of hearts" of the information system's collection, grouping documents that together convey the major developments concerning the question of Palestine and Middle East peace efforts involving the United Nations.  This category includes major resolutions adopted under the relevant General Assembly and Security Council agenda items (See above on agenda items) and also offers a selection of summary documents and listings concerning the question before the League of Nations and the United Nations.

This subject is not to be confused with a particular body's >Agenda item.

See also: Agenda item; History; Middle East situation; Self-government area/developments; Situation in the OPT, including East Jerusalem; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemCommittee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People;

United Nations system Department of Public Information;

United Nations system Division for Palestinian Rights; and

United Nations system United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine; and

UNISPAL's title listing:

Approaches … , Developments … , DPR Monthly Bulletin, Yearbook …, as well as

UNISPAL-Supplement's entity listing:

League of Nations


Peace-building support, assistance, United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Commission on Human Rights, Palestinian police, electoral issues, since 1993. See also: Assistance, Envoy; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemUnited Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Peace conference

International conferences and meetings involving the, even if not always all, parties to the conflict.  Moreover, this label groups documents on calls or agreements reached for the convening of an international peace conference (e.g. Road Map) and intergovernmental meetings addressing the question League of Nations United Nations systemGeneral  Assembly).

See also: Envoy and the other "Peace" related labels.

Peace process

Documents on the peace process that began at Madrid in 1991; Oslo 1993, Road Map 2003, etc.See also: Envoy, Quartet; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:  United Nations systemUnited Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

Peace proposals and efforts

Specific proposals and efforts involving the United Nations Secretary-General's "good offices", Special Representatives, envoys, Quartet, etc.; new proposals; and related developments.

Normally this category includes a variety of types of documents.  Documents with the most specific peace proposals also have the type of document label "Proposal". Usually, resolutions making demands on one party to the conflict (for instance on annexation, attacks, deportation measures, incidents, etc. ), peacekeeping material and meeting records are not included under this category)

See also:  Envoy, History, Negotiations and agreements, Peace-building, Peace conference, Peace process, Quartet; and

UNISPAL's document type listing:

Agreement, Meeting record; Proposal; Summary record, Treaty; and

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemGeneral  Assembly,

United Nations systemSecretary-General,

United Nations systemSecurity Council; as well as

UNISPAL's title listing:

Approaches … , Developments … , Yearbook …  


Information on peacekeeping operations, observers and forces deployed, planned or considered.

See also: Envoy, Fourth Geneva Convention, International presence, Protection; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemUnited Nations Disengagement Observation Force,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Emergency Force I,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Emergency Force II,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Observation Group in Lebanon,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Truce Supervision Organization; as well as

United Nations system link to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations:

PLO/Palestine UN status

Palestine/PLO's right of participation in the work of the United Nations. See also: Credentials


Demographic issues.  See also: Demographic issues; as well as

UNISPAL's entity listing: United Nations systemUnited Nations Population Fund

Prisoners and detainees

Mostly documents on Palestinian prisoners and detainees in custody of the Occupying Power, in particular in UNISPAL-Select. UNISPAL's entire collection contains also documents referring to certain prisoners in custody of the occupying Power or the Palestinian Authority established in the 1990s. See also: Fourth Geneva Convention; Human rights


This category focuses on proposals for Fourth Geneva Convention-type protective measures in the OPT: e.g. directly Fourth Geneva Convention-related initiatives, UNHCHR fact-finding mission, United Nations Jenin fact-finding team, General Assembly president visit, USG visit, United Nations staff presence, United Nations and other personnel and resources present on the ground (UNRWA, monitoring), ICRC meetings.

It also includes early efforts concerning "repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation" and "measures for the protection of the rights, property and interests" of Palestine refugees.

See also: Fourth Geneva Convention, International presence, Peacekeeping; as well as

UNISPAL entity listing:

United Nations systemUnited Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine

Public information

Media-related, outreach activities at UNHQ, in the region and on the ground.

See also: NGOs/Civil society; as well as

UNISPAL's type of document listing:

Press release; Publication; Study


Joint efforts, meetings or statements by the European Union, Russian Federation, United States and United Nations, on the ground and at the FM level, to resume Mideast peace talks (2001- ).  

See also: Road map

Racial discrimination

Human rights documents, including those pertaining to the Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (2001) and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2106 A (XX) of 21 December 1965 (entry into force: 4 January 1969).

See also: Convention: Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Human Rights, Occupation, Situation in the OPT including Jerusalem, Social issues

Refugee camps

Economic, political, social and security aspects of the situation in Palestine refugee camps in the OPT, including East Jerusalem, as well as Egypt (Canada Camp), Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

See also: UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Refugees and displaced persons

Palestine refugees of 1948/1949 and Palestinians displaced in the course of armed conflict in June 1967.

See also: Refugee camps, Right of return; as well as

UNISPAL entity listing:

United Nations systemUnited Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Right of return

As applicable to Palestine refugees.  See also: Refugee camps, Refugees and displaced persons; as well as

UNISPAL entity listing: United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

Road Map

A performance-based road map to a permanent two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict prepared by the Quartet — consisting of representatives of the United States of America, the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United Nations — and presented to the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority on 30 April 2003.

See also: Quartet

Security Issues

Security of civilians, international civil servants, staff members, etc. See also: Terrorism


See also: Statehood-related

Self-government area/developments

Major developments in the OPT, including East Jerusalem, relating to areas "A" and "B" under the Mideast peace process that evolved in the 1990s. See also: Incursions, Jerusalem, Legal issues, Occupation, Settlements, Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including Jerusalem, Statehood-related

Separation barrier

The Occupying Power's proposals, plans, policies and related measures during 2002/2003 concerning the construction of a separation barrier, including major wall segments, generally on the West Bank side of the line established under the General Armistice Agreement between the Hashemite Jordan Kingdom and Israel of 1949 (known since June 1967 as the >"Green Line").  This includes information on the so-called "Jerusalem envelope plan", "seam line fence", "security fence", etc. See also: Annexation, Boundaries and demarcation lines, Holy places, House demolitions, Jerusalem, Land, Occupation, Situation in the OPT, including East Jerusalem


The occupying Power's settlements built in the OPT, including East Jerusalem and in the Syrian Golan since the armed conflict in June 1967. This item includes various preparatory measures, plans and settlement policies. UNISPAL-Select focuses on the settlements in the OPT, including East Jerusalem.

In a full-text search, consider including: coloni* , neighbo*

See also: Annexation, Environment, Expulsion, Fourth Geneva Convention, Land; as well as UNISPAL's entity listing:

United Nations systemSecurity Council Commission; and

UNISPAL's type of document listing and entity listing: Report of the Security Council Commission established under its resolution 446 (1979) 

Situation in Lebanon

Documents on the subject would normally appear in UNISPAL only, not UNISPAL-Select.

See also: Middle East situation, Palestine refugees  

Situation in the OPT  including Jerusalem

Developments on the ground, including violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention; also listing documents, presenting in summary form the situation on the ground since the armed conflict in June 1967.  

In a full-text search, consider including: Situation in occupied Palestine

See also: Convention, Covenant, Fourth Geneva Convention, History, Jerusalem; as well as UNISPAL's title: Yearbook

Social issues

Information on the social situation in the OPT, including East Jerusalem, including under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 (entry into force: 3 January 1976).

(In a full-text search, consider including: Situation in occupied Palestine)

See also: Covenant …    , Assistance, Children, Economic issues, Human rights, Women; as well as UNISPAL entity listing:

United Nations systemEconomic and Social Commission for Western Asia,

United Nations systemEconomic and Social Council,

United Nations systemInternational Labour Organization,

United Nations systemInternational Monetary Fund,

United Nations systemOffice of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Children's Fund,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East,

United Nations systemUnited Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,

United Nations systemSecretary-General Personal Humanitarian Envoy,

United Nations systemWorld Bank, etc.


Major developments concerning the future government of Palestine; the OPT, including East Jerusalem; areas "A" and "B" under the Mideast peace efforts that began in the 1990s.

See also: Legal issues; PLO/Palestine UN status; Self-determination, Self-government area/developments


Documents concerning relevant Security Council resolutions such as S/RES/57 (1948) and S/RES/1435 (2002); Security Council’s meetings in 1972 and related draft resolutions; PLO's position referred to in General Assembly's Question of Palestine resolution 40/96 D of 12 December 1985; Arab Group’s position as, for instance, reflected in A/41/704-S/18398 of 13 October 1986; CEIRPP's position, etc.  See also: Armed conflict, Incidents, Security issues


Documents centre on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 39/46 of 10 December 1984 (entry into force: 26 June 1987). See also: Convention: Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; Human rights; Occupation; Situation in the OPT including Jerusalem; Social issues


Information on Palestine-related water resources, esp. concerning the OPT, including East Jerusalem.  See also: Environmental issues, Land, Settlements; as well as

UNISPAL's type of document listing: Study


Information on the situation of Palestinian women in the OPT, including East Jerusalem and documents under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979 (entry into force: 3 September 1981).  See also: Armed conflict; Assistance; Children; Convention: Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; Human rights; Occupation; Situation in the OPT including Jerusalem; Social issues

Document Type: Index
Document Sources: Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR)
Subject: Public information
Publication Date: 01/11/2003

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