Mideast situation – UNTSO – Report on the status of the cease-fire

Further report on the status of the cease-fire in

the Israel-Lebanon sector

The Chief of Staff of UNTSO has submitted the following report on developments in the Israel-Lebanon sector during August 1976.

1. Activity remained at a low level during the period.

2. Israel forces personnel continued to occupy daily, during daylight hours, six positions on the Lebanese side of the armistice demarcation line (ADL) near border pillars 6 (AMR 1680-2770), 1/ 11 (AMR 1799-2788), l4 (AMR 1838-2740 (except on 13, l4 and 15 August), 18 (AMR 1880-2740), 19 (AMR 1907-2749) and 33 (AMR 2004-2904).

|3.  There were three cases of firing across the ADL and two crossing violations. These were reported as follows:

(a) OP Lab (AMR 1643-2772), south of the village of Labouna, reported (automatic-weapons fire by Israel forces on 15 August.

(b) OP Ras (AMR 1920-2785), south-east of the village of Maroun Er Ras, reported automatic-weapons fire by Israel forces on 13 August.

(c) Naqpura Outstation (AMR 1629-2805), on the coast near the village of Naqpura, reported that Israel forces naval vessels penetrated Lebanese territorial waters on 12 and 29 August (maximum penetration 5,000 metres).

(d) An UNTSO mobile patrol, while located at AMR 1723-2780, reported automatic-weapons and small-arms fire by Israel forces on l4 August.

There were 22 overflights reported during the period. Overflights by Israel forces jet aircraft were reported on 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 28 and 29 August (one each day), and on 20 and 25 August (two each day). One overflight by Israel forces Hercules aircraft was also reported on 4 August. An overflight by one unidentified jet aircraft was reported on 15 August (United Nations  military observers were unable to identify the aircraft owing to high altitude).


1/ AMR – approximate map reference.

Document symbol: S/11663/Add.30
Document Type: Addendum, Report
Document Sources: Security Council, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
Subject: Armed conflict, Ceasefire, Peacekeeping
Publication Date: 01/09/1976

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