1956 war – Cablegram from the USSR




     Egypt has become a victim of aggression by the United Kingdom, France and Israel.  Egyptian towns and populated areas are being subject to barbarous bombing by Anglo-French aircraft.  Landing operations have begun and Egyptian territory is being directly invaded forces of the interventionists.  The number of civilian victims is increasing and property is being destroyed.  Despite the decision of the emergency special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 2 November, concerning the cessation of military activities and the withdrawal of all foreign troops which have invaded Egypt, the aggressive war against Egypt is being intensified.

This situation imposes the need for immediate and effective action by the United Nations for the prevention of aggression.  If at this decisive moment the United Nations is unable to curb the aggressors, the trust which the peoples of the whole world place in the Organization will be undermined and its high ideals and principles will be trampled underfoot.

The Soviet Government, as a defender of the peace and security of nations, calls for an immediate meeting of the Security Council, to discuss the following question: “Non- compliance by the United Kingdom, France and Israel with the decision of the emergency special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations of 2 November 1956 and immediate steps to halt the aggression of the aforesaid States against Egypt”.

With a view to the adoption of rapid and effective measures for stopping the aggressive war against the Egyptian people, the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics presents the following draft resolution to the Security Council:

     “The Security Council,

     “Taking note of the fact that the resolution of the emergency special session of the General Assembly of 2 November 1956, recommending that the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and Israel should immediately cease military action against Egypt and should withdrew their troops from Egyptian territory, has not been observed by the aforesaid States and that the military action against Egypt is continuing,

     “Considering the necessity of taking immediate steps to put an end to the aggression launched against Egypt by the United Kingdom, France and Israel,

     “Proposes to the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and Israel that they should immediately and not later than twelve hours after the adoption of this resolution cease all military action against Egypt and withdraw within three days the troops that have invaded Egypt.

     “The Security Council, in accordance with Article 42 of the United Nations Charter, considers it essential that all States Members of the United Nations, especially the United States of America and the USSR, as permanent members of the Security Council having powerful air and naval forces at their disposal, should give military and other assistance to the Egyptian Republic, which has been the victim of aggression, by sending naval and air forces, military units, volunteers, military instructors and other forms of assistance, if the United Kingdom, France and Israel fail to carry out this resolution within the stated time limits.”

The Soviet Government for its part declares that it is ready to contribute to the cause of curbing the aggressors, of defending the victims of aggression and of restoring peace, by sending to Egypt the air and naval forces necessary for the achievement of this purposes.

The Soviet Government expresses its confidence that the States Members of the United Nations will take the necessary measures to defend the sovereign rights of the Egyptian State and to restore peace.

I would ask you, Mr. President, to circulate this declaration by the Soviet Government to all the members of the Security Council and to all other State Members of the United Nations.

                             (Signed) D. SHEPILOV

                                    Minister for Foreign Affairs of the

                                    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Document symbol: S/3736
Document Type: Cablegram
Document Sources: Security Council
Country: Soviet Union
Subject: Armed conflict
Publication Date: 05/11/1956

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