Mideast situation – UNTSO supplemental information – SecGen report

Supplementary information received by the Secretary-General

1. General Bull reports that the situation in general remains quiet.

2. The demarcation of the Israel foremost defended localities was completed on 15 June 1967.  A working document embodying the map references of the Israel foremost defended localities as occupied at 1630 hours GMT on 10 June 1967 was signed by the representative of the Chief of Staff of UNTSO and the representative of the Israel Defence Forces.

3. An agreement embodying the map references of the foremost defended localities on the Syrian side was signed by the representative of the Chief of Staff of UNTSO and the representative of the Syrian Armed Forces on 26 June 1967.  The Syrian representative signed his agreement with the following reservation:

"The Syrian representative stresses the cease-fire line thus established is a purely practical arrangement for the specific purpose of facilitating the observation by the United Nations of the cease fire and should not affect or prejudice the claims and positions of the Syrian Government.  He emphasizes that the Israel forces are in Syrian territory.  The Syrian side asserts the following:  `On the morning of 9th June 1967, when both Syria and Israel had announced their acceptance of the cease fire, the Israelis were not at that time at any point beyond the armistice line established by the armistice agreement of 1949 (see green line on map attached as annex B).*  The Israelis continued their firing on the morning of 9th June and repeated their attacks on Syrian positions.  At the end of the day of 9th June, when the Security Council ordered cease fire at 1520 GMT, they reached the violet line shown on the map as annex B and they stopped at the line until the morning of 10th June.  Then on 10th June, they resumed firing.  At 1630 GMT, the time-limit for the cease fire ordered for the third time by the Security Council, they reached the orange line indicated also on the map attached as annex B.  After that, they used same helicopters with a certain number of soldiers to reach new points well advanced and near from battle lines.'"


*  The map referred to is not available in New York.



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