Mideast situation – UNTSO supplemental information – SecGen report

Supplemental information

The Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Major-General Ensio Eiilasvuo, has submitted the following report on incidents observed by United Nations military observers and complaints received from the parties on 15 October 1972.

Israel-Lebanon sector
The OP 1/ reports concerning air activity during the afternoon of 15 October, as well as the Lebanese complaint on this subject, are set forth in the interim report circulated on that day (see S/7930/Add.l767).  In addition, the following reports have been received from OP Has:
1. Report on ground activity:
Between 0500 2/ and 1525 Israel forces personnel, armoured personnel
carrier and two vehicles reoccupied position at approximate MR 1907-2749 north of border pillar 19.
2. Report on air activity:
Between 0729 and 0730 one Israel forces jet aircraft flying north-north­east to south-south-west was first observed east of OP and recrossed the ADL (armistice demarcation line) east-south-east of OP.
Israel-Syria sector OP reports :
(a)  OP Two:  Between 1130 and 1137 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces .
(b)  OP Six:  Between 1440 and 1445 four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces.
(c)  OP Five:  Between 2304 and 2306 machine-gun fire and two flares by Israel forces .



1/  The locations of the observation posts established by UNTSO are given in document S/7930/Add.1583.

2/ All times GMT.

Document symbol: S/7930/Add.1769
Document Type: Report, Supplement
Document Sources: Secretary-General, Security Council, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
Subject: Armed conflict, Peacekeeping
Publication Date: 16/10/1972

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