Assistance strategies – UNIDO – Report (corrigendum)


Report by the Director-General


Page 3

Paragraph 10 should read

10. As the basis for the formulation of strategies to support the Arab region, a new UNIDO subregional approach was adopted, based on an analysis of commonalities in their economies. The common focus of the region is employment and competitiveness and practical issues related to the World Trade Organization. The issues of the subregions to be addressed are:

–  Arab Mediterranean countriesCneed to urgently modernize, expand and diversify industry;

–  Persian Gulf countries (oil-based economies)–scope for expansion with forward integration; industrial diversification; technology transfer; quality, standardization and metrology;

Palestine and Arab LDCs–small weight of manufacturing industry; processing of agricultural products; import substitution.

For reasons of economy, this document has been printed in a limited number. Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies of documents to meetings.

Document symbol: IDB.22/7/Corr.1
Document Type: Report
Document Sources: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Subject: Assistance, Economic issues
Publication Date: 16/05/2000

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