SecCo list of items – SecGen summary statement – Addendum





Pursuant to rule 11 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General is submitting the following summary statement.

The list of items of which the Security Council is seized is contained in documents S/15560 of 11 January 1983, S/15560/Add.8 of 3 March 1983, S/15560/Add.12 of 31 March 1983, S/15560/Add.19 of 20 May 1983, S/15560/Add.31 of 15 August 1983, S/15560/Add.32 of 18 August 1983, S/15560/Add.35 of 16 September 1983 and S/15560/Add.37 of 27 September 1983.

During the week ending 22 October 1983, the Security Council took action on the following items:

The situation in the Middle East (see S/7913, S/7923, S/7976, S/8000, S/8048, S/8066, S/8215, S/8242, S/8252, S/8269, S/8502, S/8525, S/8534, S/8564, S/0575, S/8584, S/8595, S/8747, S/8753, S/8807, S/8815, S/8828, S/8836, S/8885, S/8896, S/8960, S/9123, S/9135, S/9319, S/9382, S/9395, S/9406, S/9427 and Corr.1, S/9449, S/9452, S/9805, S/9812, S/9930, S/10327, S/10341, S/10554, S/10557, S/10703, S/10721, S/10729, S/10743, S/10770/Add.4, S/10855/Add.15, S/10855/Add.16, S/10855/Add.23, S/10855/Add.24, S/10855/Add.29, S/10855/Add.30, S/10855/Add.33, S/10855/Add.41, S/10855/Add.43, S/10855/Add.44, S/11185/Add.14, S/11185/Add.15, S/11185/Add.16, S/11185/Add.21, S/11185/Add.42/Rev.l, S/11185/Add.47, S/11593/Add.15, S/11593/Add.21, S/11593/Add.29, S/11593/Add.42, S/11593/Add.49, S/11935/Add.21, S/11935/Add.42, S/11935/Add.48, S/12269/Add.12, S/12269/Add.13, S/12269/Add.21, S/12269/Add.42, S/12269/Add.48, S/12520/Add.10, S/12520/Add.11, S/12520/Add.17, S/12520/Add.21, S/12520/Add.37, S/12520/Add.39, S/12520/Add.42, S/12520/Add.47, S/12520/Add.48, S/13033/Add.2, S/13033/Add.16, S/13033/Add.19, S/13033/Add.21, S/13033/Add.23, S/13033/Md.34, S/13033/Add.47, S/13033/Add.50, S/13737/Add.15, S/13737/Add.16, S/13737/Add.21, S/13737/Add.24, S/13737/Add.25, S/13737/Add.26, S/13737/Md.33, S/13737/Add.47, S/13737/J~Id.50, S/14326/Add.10, S/14326/Add.11, S/14326/Add.20, S/14326/Add.24, S/14326/Add.28, S/14326/Add.29, S/14326/Add.47, S/14326/Add.50, S/14840/Add.8, S/14840/Add.21, S/14840/Add.22, S/14840/Add.23, S/14840/Add.24, S/14840/Add.25, S/14840/Add.27, S/14840/Add.30, S/14840/Add.31, S/14840/Add.32, S/148?0/Add.33, S/14840/Add.37, S/14840/Add.42, S/14840/Add.48, S/15560/Add.3, S/15560/Add.21, S/15560/Add.29 and S/15560/Add.37).

At its 2480th meeting, held on 18 October 1983, the Security Council resumed its consideration of the item, having before it the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) covering the period from 13 July 1983 to 12 October 1983 (S/16036).

The President, with the consent of the Council, invited the representatives of Israel, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, at their request, to participate in the discussion without the right to vote.

The President called attention to a draft resolution (S/16046) which had been prepared in the course of the Council's consultations.

The Security Council voted on the draft resolution and adopted it by 13 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), as resolution 538 (1983).

The Security Council,

Having heard the statement of the representative of Lebanon,

Recalling its resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) and all subsequent resolutions on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,

Reiterating its strong support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries,

Having studied the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (S/16036) and taking note of the conclusions and recommendations expressed therein,

Taking note of the letter of the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (S/16036, para. 20),

Responding to the request of the Government of Lebanon,

1. Decides to extend the present mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for a further interim period of six months, that is, until 19 April 1984;

2. Calls upon all parties concerned to fully co-operate with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon for the full implementation of its mandate (as defined in resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) and the relevant decisions of the Security Council);

3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the progress made in this respect.

/ . . .


Document symbol: S/15560/Add.42
Document Type: Addendum, Summary statement
Document Sources: Secretary-General, Security Council
Subject: Agenda Item, Middle East situation, Situation in Lebanon
Publication Date: 22/10/1983

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