Environmental situation in the OPT – Report of UNEP Governing Council (excerpts)

United Nations Environment Programme

Report of the Governing Council

United Nations · New York, 2003

Twenty-second session (3-7 February 2003)


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ISSN 0252-2055

     Note . The full proceedings of the Governing Council on the work of its twenty-second session/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, containing, inter alia, chapters on the discussions under each agenda item, are being circulated under the symbol UNEP/GC.22/11.

[26 February 2003]



1. The twenty-second session of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum was held at UNEP headquarters, Nairobi, from 3 to 7 February 2003. The Council adopted the present report at the 11th meeting, on 7 February 2003.

F.  Organization of the work of the session/Forum


18. Mr. Mohammed Chraibi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Morocco to UNEP, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, …


In closing, he called for concrete measures to be taken to alleviate the deteriorating environmental situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, including those contained in the recommendations of the desk study report presented by the Executive Director (UNEP)/GC.22/INF/31).




B. Environment in the occupied Palestinian territories

23. By decision 22/1 V, the Council/Forum welcomed the desk study outlining the state of the environment in the occupied Palestinian territories presented by the Executive Director and decided to request him, within the mandate of UNEP, to implement the recommendations of the desk study. It also requested the Executive Director to make UNEP available to act as facilitator, and also an impartial moderator when requested by both parties, to assist in solving urgent environmental problems with a view to achieving common goals. It further requested him to continue coordinating the activities of UNEP in the area.



1. At its 10th, 11th and 12th plenary meetings, on 7 February, the Council/Forum adopted a total of 41 decisions from 41 subject areas, contained in the annex to the present report, as follows:

Early warning, assessment and monitoring (decision 22/1)

I.   Strengthening the scientific base of the United Nations Environment Programme

II.   Global assessment of the state of the marine environment

III.   United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring Centre

IV.   Post-conflict environmental assessments

V.   Environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories



*For the text of the decisions adopted by the Governing Council at its twenty-second session, see the annex to the present report.



Environment in the occupied Palestinian territories

The Governing Council,

Recalling its decisions 20/2 of February 1999, 21/16 of 9 February 2001 and SS.VII/7 of 15 February 2002 on the environmental situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,

Gravely concerned over the continuing deterioration and destruction of the environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,

Having considered the report of the Executive Director as contained in documents UNEP/GC.22/2/Add.6 and UNEP/GC.22/lNF/31,

Noting that the Executive Director visited the area in July 2002 where he met with the two parties concerned and established a framework and the modalities of the desk study requested by the Governing Council,

Noting further that the Executive Director designated a team of experts from the United Nations Environment Programme to prepare the desk study outlining the state of the environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and identifying major areas of environmental damage requiring urgent attention,

1. Welcomes the desk study outlining the state of the environment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories presented by the Executive Director (UNEP/GC.22/INF/31), including the recommendations contained therein;

2. Expresses its appreciation to the team of experts for their invaluable efforts in the preparation of the desk study, and to the environmental authorities in the area for their constructive cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme;

3. Requests the Executive Director, within the mandate of the United Nations Environment Programme, to implement the recommendations of the desk study;

4. Also requests the Executive Director to make the United Nations Environment Programme available to act as a facilitator, and also an impartial moderator when requested by both parties, to assist in solving urgent environmental problems with a view to achieving common goals;

5. Further requests the Executive Director to continue coordinating the activities of the United Nations Environment Programme in the area, including:

(a) Facilitate identifying technical and financial solutions to implement the recommendations;

(b) Promote capacity-building programmes;

(c) Encourage technology transfer;

(d) Promote the participation of the Palestinian Authority in relevant meetings and processes of multilateral environmental agreements;

6. Calls upon Governments and international organizations to support the rehabilitation of the environment and reconstruction of damaged environmental infrastructure, and to thus assist the environmental authorities concerned in their efforts to address urgent environmental needs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories;

7. Invites all the parties concerned to cooperate with the Executive Director in the implementation of the present decision;

8. Requests the Executive Director to report on the implementation of the present decision to the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum at its twenty-third session.

10th and 11th meetings 

7 February 2003


Document symbol: A/58/25
Document Type: Decision, Report
Document Sources: General Assembly, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Subject: Economic issues, Environmental issues, Social issues
Publication Date: 07/02/2003

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