New Asian-African Strategic Partnership Ministerial Conference On Capacity-Building for Palestine – Outcome documents, Letter from Indonesia, South Africa

Identical letters dated 22 August 2008 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia and South Africa to the United Nations addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council

On 14 July 2008 in Jakarta, Indonesia, the Governments of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of South Africa co-chaired the New Asia-Africa Strategic Partnership Ministerial Conference on Capacity-Building for Palestine.

We have the honour to submit to you the outcome document of the said Conference (see annex) and request your kind assistance to circulate this document as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 18, and of the Security Council, and to distribute it to all States Members of the General Assembly.

(Signed) R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa


Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the United Nations

(Signed) Dumisani Shadrack Kumalo


Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations

Annex to the identical letters dated 22 August 2008 from the Permanent Representatives of Indonesia and South Africa

 to the United Nations addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council

Co-Chairs Statement

New Asian-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP)

Ministerial Conference On Capacity Building for Palestine

Jakarta, Indonesia 14 July 2008

We, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Social Development of the Republic of South Africa had the honor to co-chair the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, convened on the 14th of July 2008 in Jakarta.

The Ministers of Asian and African Countries enjoined themselves in this historical assembly to reaffirm our commitment to the spirit of solidarity as avowed in our Leaders’ Declaration during the Asian-African Summit of 2005 in Jakarta, in supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle to establish a viable and sovereign Palestinian state, in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions.

Inspired by this spirit, we have cast our commitment to accelerate the development of the Palestinian people through the projects of capacity building. We believe the projects will constructively empower the Palestinian people, in preparing for and anticipating the eventuality of the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state in the near future.

Acknowledging the dynamics of events which created a positive climate for the attainment of peace in the Middle-East region, we share the common view that the NAASP initiative to assist the Palestinian people would yield positive outcomes, particularly in complementing the ongoing peace process.

It is, however, disappointing to note that the conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory have not improved since the Annapolis Conference as represented by continuing expansion of Israeli settlement, restrictions-, and building of the wall.

Driven by a spirit of solidarity, we are truly pleased to note the attendance at this Conference by 56 Asian and African countries, and countries of the Latin American region, and several international organizations. This high level of attendance is a reflection of the NAASP Partnering countries’ commitment, among developing countries, and collective conviction both in supporting the Palestinian cause, as well as in creating an Asian-African region at peace with itself, and with the world at large.

We share the common view that the establishment of a viable and prosperous Palestinian state can be facilitated through coordinated and well targeted capacity building.

Driven by the strong sense of determination to achieve the aforementioned goal, we the Ministers of Asian and African Countries have therefore committed ourselves to the provision of capacity building programs in the areas of economic development, including governance, women empowerment, and public works as appear in Annex 1: List of Commitments of Capacity Building for Palestine. This commitment could entail the training of as many as 10,000 Palestinian people.

The provision of the programs is aimed to provide the prerequisite factors in enabling the Palestinian people to achieve the necessary capability in ensuring the smooth running of government and public services to promote economic development. In pursuing the goal, the said programs are designed to develop professionalism and efficiency within the Palestinian state apparatus and beyond, through human-centric capacity building.

In terms of the beneficiaries, the scope of the projects includes not only Palestinian citizens residing within Occupied Palestinian Territories, but also Palestinian people living in clusters of refugee camps in surrounding areas.

We underscore the distinct character of this NAASP project in assisting the Palestinian people as sincerely initiated by the Asian-African nations based on a common historical background of colonization and underdevelopment. This project is further strengthened by the accumulated knowledge and experience of the Asian African countries in sustaining a statehood following fierce struggle for independence.

Furthermore, we are of the view that this NAASP project is uniquely tailored to respond to the actual needs of the Palestinian people, of their own choosing. In implementing the project, we also envisage the programs to be consistent and in line with the Palestinian Government’s reform and development plan, which lays out a vision of how to build an independent and sovereign Palestinian state.

We are mindful that this undertaking is definitely of great value to the advancement of NAASP’s intention to assist in establishing peace, justice, prosperity, and equality in the Asia-Africa region.

Resolved to ensure the success of the effective implementation of the Asian-African countries’ commitment, we emphasize the need for a follow up mechanism supervised by the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit as further elaborated in Annex 2.


We wish to extend our appreciation to the Asian and African countries for their valuable contribution to the success of the Conference and concrete capacity building commitments. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the representatives from the Latin Americas and International Organizations for their valuable attendance and contribution to the Conference.

This Conference is not the end, but instead, the beginning of our endeavor to lend our support in helping our Palestinian brothers. We therefore encourage every Asian and African country to vigorously implement the commitments that have been made during this Conference, to harness our endeavor under the spirit of Asian-African solidarity.

The Conference acknowledged that the participating countries vary in terms of size, population, and level of development, yet our differences should not hamper us from extending our concrete support to Palestine. We therefore call upon the Asian-African and partnering countries including international organizations to continue lending their support to our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

Jakarta, 14 July 2008




1. At the inaugural New Asian-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP) Summit Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia on 24 April 2005, it was agreed to strongly support the Struggle of the Palestinian People to establish an independent state. As a follow-up to this decision, the NAASP Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) in Durban, in September 2006, declared their unanimous support for the holding of an Asian-African Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine.

2. The NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine was held in Jakarta from 14 July 2008, with the main objective to assist the Palestinians in practical areas of capacity building, in order to prepare them for the eventual creation of a Palestinian state.

3. The Conference took note of existing initiatives to assist Palestine and expressed the conviction that this Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine will complement these existing initiatives.

4. It is imperative to ensure that the outcome of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine be effectively implemented and followed up. There is an urgent need, therefore, for an integrated, interrelated and coherent implementation and follow-up of the recommendations and commitments of the Conference. The implementation process should be monitored so as to identify progress made as well as obstacles hindering full and effective implementation. Whilst NAASP Members, have the primary responsibility to ensure planning, implementation, cooperating partners also have an important role to play in contributing to, assisting in, and reviewing progress of the implementation at all levels.

5. It is in view of the above that the following is proposed as the Follow-up and Evaluation Mechanism of the outcome of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine.


6. The operationalisation of this mechanism will be guided by the individual and collective pledges made by the participants in the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, which is a common vision to assist the Palestinians in practical areas of capacity building, in order to prepare them for the eventual creation of a Palestinian state.

7. The overall objective of the Mechanism will be to assess and evaluate progress made in the implementation of the Ministerial Co-Chair Statement and List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine.

8. In furthering the spirit of transparency and accountability, the Follow Up Mechanism shall include dissemination of the progress and other related information of the implementation of capacity building projects through the existing NAASP Virtual Secretariat to enable NAASP Co-Chairs, Palestine National Authority, Pledging States and other stakeholders to continuously monitor its process.

9. Each level of participant in the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine would carry the following specific responsibilities:


10. As the Co-Chairs of this NAASP Project and lead-coordinators of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, Indonesia and South Africa together with the Palestinian Representatives in their respective countries, (hereinafter referred to as the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit), will coordinate the follow-up, tailor the commitments to fit the needs of Palestine, and monitor the implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine.


11. The NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit will perform the following functions:

11.1 Co-ordinate and integrate the Palestine Capacity Building proposals with the pledges made at the Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine into a List of Commitments as the first step towards implementation.

11.2 To monitor progress in the implementation of the decisions of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, including:

11.2.1 Sensitising Asian and African countries and international intergovernmental and non governmental organisations about the need to coordinate actions and programmes to implement the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, through various capacity building implementation mechanisms, including tripartite arrangements.

11.2.2Verifying that all Pledging States establish national capacity and mechanisms to follow-up and evaluate the implementation of the List of Commitments within their own respective competence and according to their respective domestic mechanisms; and

11.2.3 Liaising with the Government of each Pledging State and the Office of the President in the Palestine National Authority in order to establish modalities for the monitoring and implementation of the List of Commitments;

11.3 Prepare relevant reports for consideration by the NAASP Co-Chairs including:

11.3.1 A progress report on the follow-up activities of the Pledging States to NAASP Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM);

11.3.2 Analytical reports prior to the NAASP Ministerial Meeting to assess the status of implementation including factors and issues contributing to, or affecting the implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine;

11.4 Cooperate with other Asian, African, Regional, and International Organisations concerned with the development of Palestine related to capacity building issues and problems and to mobilize resources and support therefore;

11.5 Promote technical co-operation with international co-operation organizations and other agencies, in cooperation with the Office of the President in the Palestine National Authority to support the Pledging States/Parties in their efforts to implement the projects in the List of Commitments.


12. Respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Pledging States will be responsible for following up the implementation of projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine.

13. Respective Ministries/implementing agencies shall be responsible to develop detailed Terms of Reference in accordance to prevailing domestic mechanism using the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine as a guideline or framework. Ministries shall also utilize various capacity building implementation methods, including tripartite arrangements.


14. Respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Asian and African countries shall notify the implementation progress of the pledged projects, in consultation with the Palestinian authorities, as well as any other National or International implementing agency utilised to assist with implementation with the relevant projects, and submit them to the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit.  

15. Each Pledging State or Organisation shall provide and continuously update the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit, in their capacity as coordinators of the NAASP Capacity Building for Palestine projects, the name or names and personal information (address, e-mail address, phone and fax number) of the person or persons identified as their representative responsible to coordinate with the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit on any issue related to this project. When more than one person is appointed, the party shall indicate the name of the person who shall lead the group. In this case, this person shall be the contact point for the Coordinating Unit and the Office of the President in the Palestine National Authority in distributing documents and for all communications.


16. The role of the Palestinian Authorities in ensuring the successful implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, will be to establish necessary conditions on the ground, conducive to the implementation of the pledges or projects of the NAASP.


17. The Office of the President of the Palestine National Authority will act as an interface for the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit, authorizing every step in the implementation of the NAASP projects, as contained in the List of Commitments.

18. The Office of the President will be responsible to identify and provide the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit with acceptable financial arrangements, for their approval, through which all eligible expenditures related to the NAASP projects could be channelled.

19. There will be an agreed-upon process of validation, certification, audit, and oversight of all expenditures made in the process of implementation of the NAASP projects, in accordance with the principles of sound financial management.

20. The Palestinian Authorities will assist the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit in identifying international organisations and other agencies to support the NAASP Pledging States or parties in the execution or implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments.


21. The NAASP Co-Chairs will perform the following functions:

21.1 Monitor progress in the implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine, including:

21.1.1 To consider the progress report submitted to the Co-Chairs by the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit on the follow-up activities of the Pledging States;

21.1.2 To consider the analytical reports submitted to the NAASP Co-Chairs  by the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit to assess the status of implementation including factors and issues contributing to, or affecting the implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine prior to the NAASP Ministerial Meeting; and

21.1.3 To consider the proposals by the Coordinating Unit to address constraints and problems hindering the implementation of projects;

21.2 Promote cooperation with other Asian, African, Regional, and International Organisations concerned with the development of Palestine related to capacity building issues and problems.

21.3 The NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit as well as representatives of the Palestinian Authorities will assist the NAASP Co-Chairs in the execution of these functions.

21.4 At the conclusion of the review by the NAASP Co-Chairs of the progress with implementation, the NAASP Co-Chairs will circulate a report on the progress to the NAASP Member States.

21.5 The NAASP Co-Chairs will submit a report on the progress in the implementation of the projects in the List of Commitments of the  NAASP Ministerial Conference on Capacity Building for Palestine to the NAASP Ministerial Meeting.

21.6 Within a period of 5 (five) years, the NAASP Co-Chairs will consider the role, memberships as well as the need for the continuation of the NAASP Palestine Capacity Building Coordinating Unit.

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Document symbol: A/62/946|S/2008/584
Document Type: Annex, Final document, Letter
Document Sources: General Assembly, Security Council
Country: Indonesia, South Africa
Subject: Assistance, Peace conference, Peace process, Peace-building
Publication Date: 14/07/2008

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