Gaza Human Rights Situation that Require the Council’s Attention (Gaza) – HRC 27th session – NGO statement (Organization for Defending Victims of Violence) (excerpts)

Written statement* submitted by the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31.

[24 August 2014]


* This written statement is issued, unedited, in the language(s) received from the submitting non­governmental organization(s).

Today in the Middle East region we are seeing tragic conditions where occupation and aggression are deemed legitimate and millions of humans are driven from their homes and are refugees, and furthermore many are struggling with poverty, war and ignorance. Therefore the accomplishment of real peace requires establishment of national and international order on the basis of human dignity and recognition of rights of people to adequate material and moral life, and creation of mechanisms to provide these rights. In the World against Violence and Extremism resolution, all member states committed to the contents of the UN Charter, condemned attacks against civilians, holy places and cultural centers, and a global unity for the fight against sectarian, religious and cultural violence, and condemned hatred caused by nationalism and exploitation of religion. But unfortunately today, and after the adoption of the resolution, the most fundamental of human rights are being violated in parts of the Middle East, particularly Syria, Iraq and Palestine.

The violation of security and fundamental rights of civilians in the shadows of the disproportionate war in Gaza

Up until 17 August 2014, in occupied Palestine over 2016 people have been killed that include 456 women and 250 women, over 10,000 injured and thousands made homeless, infrastructures destroyed that include 107 hospitals, 11,855 homes destroyed or seriously damaged, 102 hits on medical staff that included 19 martyrdoms. Missiles hitting UNRWA schools and news agency buildings resulting in the deaths of 11 journalists, all of which are registered. Despite this, according to UNOCHA official figures, 67 Israelis have died in the same period of time, only 3 of which were civilians.

The one sided support of some international institutions and governments for these violent acts on the pretext of self defense and the unbalanced approach of international organizations to Israel's human rights violations, clearly indicate contradictions in their approach with international laws.

Article 51(6) of Geneva Convention states that attacking civilians even in self defense is prohibited, and there is clear and undeniable evidence that Israel is fully violating human rights and international law.

According to the ICC document, Israel has violated article 7(2) of the Rome Statute, which is one of the examples of crimes against humanity.


The ODVV stresses that NGOs networks and intellectuals must fulfill their professional responsibilities and try to stop the actions of ISIS and its supporters, Israel's continuation of crimes in Gaza, and to participate for establishment of peace and stability in the region and guaranteeing the rights of the Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian nations.


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