PLO participation, full membership – ECWA resolution


36 (IV). Application by the Palestine Liberation Organization for full membership of the Economic Commission for Western Asia

The Economic Commission for Western Asia,

Affirming the growing importance of the economic and social role of the Palestinian people in the region of Western Asia,

Recalling: its resolution 12 (II) which accorded the Palestine Liberation Organization permanent observer status on the Economic Commission for Western Asia

Having considered the note by the Executive Secretary (E/ECWA/46) regarding the request submitted by the State of Bahrain and the Government of Democratic Yemen to accord full member status to the Palestine Liberation Organization on the Economic Commission for Western Asia, after it had been accorded full membership of the League of Arab States,

Having considered article 2 of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Western Asia, as contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 1818 (LV) of 9 August 1973,

Calls upon the Economic and Social Council to amend article 2 of its resolution 1818 (LV) to read as follows:

"2. The members of the Commission shall consist of the States Members of the United Nations situated in Western Asia, which used to call on the services of the United Nations Economic and Social Office in Beirut, and of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Future applications for membership by member States shall be decided on by the Council upon the recommendation of the Commission.

6th meeting

26 April 1977

Document symbol: ECWA/RES/36 (IV)
Document Type: Resolution
Document Sources: Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Subject: PLO/Palestine
Publication Date: 26/04/1977

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