Mideast situation/SecGen report under S/RES/1559 (2004) – SecCo meeting – Verbatim records

Security Council

Fifty-ninth year

5058th meeting

Tuesday, 19 October 2004, 10 a.m.

New York



Mr. Thomson  

(United Kingdom) 






Mr. Baali  



Mr. Lucas  



Mr. Zinsou 



Mr. Sardenberg  



Mr. Muñoz 



Mr. Wang Guangya 



Mr. De La Sablière  



Mr. Pleuger  



Mr. Akram  



Mr. Lacanilao  



Mr. Dumitru  


Russian Federation  

Mr. Denisov  



Mr. Yáñez-Barnuevo 


United States of America   

Mrs. Patterson






The situation in the Middle East

  Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) (S/2004/777).


    The meeting was called to order at 10.10 a.m.



Adoption of the agenda 


  The agenda was adopted.


The situation in the Middle East 



    Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) (S/2004/777)


  The President : The Security Council will continue its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Council is meeting in accordance with the understanding reached in its prior consultations.

  Members of the Council have before them the report of the Secretary-General pursuant to Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) contained in document S/2004/777. I wish to draw the attention of the members of the Council to document S/2004/794, which contains the text of a letter dated 5 October 2004 from the representative of Lebanon, addressed to the Secretary-General. I also wish to draw attention to document S/2004/796, which contains the text of a note verbale dated 6 October 2004 from the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic addressed to the President of the Council.

  After consultations among members of the Security Council, I have been authorized to make the following statement on behalf of the Council:

   “ The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 3 October 2004 (S/2004/777) on the implementation of resolution 1559 (2004) of 2 September 2004.
    “The Security Council takes note of the letter from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon dated 5 October (S/2004/794) and of the note verbale from the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic dated 6 October 2004 (S/2004/796).
    “The Security Council reaffirms its strong support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders.
    “The Council notes with concern that the requirements set out in resolution 1559 (2004) have not been met, as reported by the Secretary-General. The Council urges relevant parties to implement fully all provisions of this resolution, and welcomes the Secretary-General’s readiness to assist the parties in this regard.
    “The Security Council appreciates the Secretary-General’s intention to keep the Council updated. It requests that he continue to report on the implementation of the resolution to the Council every six months.”

  This statement will be issued as a document of the Security Council under the symbol S/PRST/2004/36.

  The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.

  The meeting rose at 10.25 a.m.



This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. The final text will be printed in the Official Records of the Security Council . Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room C-154A.

Document symbol: S/PV.5058
Document Type: Meeting record, Voting record
Document Sources: Security Council
Country: Israel, Lebanon, Syria
Subject: Agenda Item, Electoral issues, Situation in Lebanon
Publication Date: 19/10/2004

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