SecCo list of items – SecGen summary statement – Addendum





Pursuant to rule 11 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General is submitting the following summary statement.

The list of items of which the Security Council is seized, is contained in document S/13033 of 9 January 1979.

During the week ending 10 March 1919, the Security Council took action on the following items:

Question concerning the situation in Southern Rhodesia (see S/7382, S/7628, S/7644, S/8502, S/8555, S/8564, S/8612, S/9258, S/9276, S/9293, 8/9687, S/9714, S/9721, S/9931, S/9996, S/10402, S/10435, S/10462, S/10492, S/10542, S/10554, S/10557, S/10751, S/10770/Add.6, S/10855/Add.20, S/10355/Add.21 S/11935/Add.14, S/12269/Add.21, S/12269/Add.39, S/12520/Add.9, S/12520/Add.l0, S/12520/Add.40 and S/13033/Add.8)

The Security Council continued its consideration of the item at its 2120th to 2122nd meetings, held between 5 and 8 March 1979.  In the course of the discussion, in addition to the representatives invited previously, the President, With the consent of the Council, invited the representatives of Sri Lanka and Yugoslavia, at their request, to participate in the discussion without the right vote.

At the Council's 2120th meeting, the representative of Jamaica introduced a draft resolution (S/13140) sponsored by Bangladesh, Bolivia, Gabon, Jamaica, Kuwait, Nigeria and. Zambia.  At the 2122nd meeting, the President drew attention ^ the new text of the draft resolution (S/13140).

The Security Council voted on the seven-Power draft resolution (S/13140) and Adopted it by a vote of 12 in favour, none against, with 3 abstentions France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America) as resolution 445 (1979).

1.   Strongly condemns the recent armed invasions perpetrated by the illegal racist minority regime in the British colony of Southern Rhodesia against the People's Republic of Angola, the People's Republic of Mozambique and the Republic of Zambia, which constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of these countries;

2.  Commends the People's Republic of Angola, the People's Republic of Mozambique and the Republic of Zambia and other front-line States for their support of the people of Zimbabwe in their just and legitimate struggle for the attainment of freedom and independence and for their scrupulous restraint in the face of serious provocations by the Southern Rhodesian rebels;

3.   Requests all States to give immediate and substantial material assistance to enable the Governments of the front-line States to strengthen their defence capability in order to safeguard effectively their sovereignty and territorial integrity;

k.  Requests the Administering Power to take all necessary measures to prevent further illegal executions in Southern Rhodesia'

5.  Condemns all attempts and manoeuvres by the illegal regime, including its so-called elections of April 1979, aimed at retaining and extending a racist minority rule and at preventing the accession of Zimbabwe to independence and genuine majority rule;

6.  Declares any elections held under the auspices of the illegal racist regime and the results thereof null and void and that no recognition will be accorded either by the United Nations or any Member State to any representatives or organ established by that process;

7.  Urges all States to refrain from sending observers to these elections and to take appropriate action to discourage organizations and institutions within their respective areas of jurisdiction from doing so;

8.   Requests the Security Council Committee established in pursuance of resolution 253 (1968) concerning the question of Southern Rhodesia to meet immediately to consider measures for strengthening and widening the sanctions against Southern Rhodesia and to submit its proposals not later than 23 March 1979;

9.   Decides to meet, not latter than 27 March 1979, to consider the report envisaged in paragraph 8.

The situation in the occupied Arab territories (see S/11935/Add.l8, S/11935/Add.l9, S/11935/Add.20, S/11935/Add.21, S/11935/Add.44 and S/11935/Add.45)

In a. letter dated 23 February 1979 addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/13115), the representative of Jordan requested that the Security Council be convened to consider the accelerating erosion of the status of Jerusalem and of the rest of the occupied territories as a result of Israeli practices.

Pursuant to that request, the Security Council resumed its consideration of the item at its 2123rd meeting, held on 9 March 1979- The President, with the consent of the Council, invited the representatives of Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen and Yugoslavia at their request, to participate in the discussion without the right to vote.

The President drew attention to the request contained in.the letter dated 8 March 1979 from the representative of Kuwait (S/13150) that the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization be invited to participate in the debate. He said that that proposal was not formulated under rule 37 or rule 39 of the Security Council's provisional rules of procedure but that if it was adopted by the Council, the invitation would confer on the Palestine Liberation Organization the same rights of participation as were conferred on Member States invited pursuant to rule 37.

Following discussion, the Security Council adopted the proposal by a vote of 10 in favour to 1 against (the United States of America), with 4 abstentions (France, Norway, Portugal and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

As requested in his letter dated 9 March 1979, the Security Council extended an invitation under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure to the Vice-Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.


Document symbol: S/13033/Add.9
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Document Type: Addendum, Summary statement
Document Sources: Secretary-General, Security Council
Subject: Agenda Item, Middle East situation, Situation in the OPT including Jerusalem
Publication Date: 20/03/1979

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