Israeli nuclear armament – SecGen report


Report of the Secretary-General

1. On 4 December 1990, the General Assembly adopted resolution 45/63, the operative part of which read as follows:

"The General Assembly,


"1. Reiterates its condemnation of Israel's refusal to renounce any possession of nuclear weapons;

"2. Reiterates also its condemnation of the cooperation between Israel and South Africa in the military field;

"3. Expresses its deep concern regarding the information on Israel's continuing production, development and acquisition of nuclear weapons and testing of their delivery systems;

"4. Reaffirms that Israel should promptly apply Security Council resolution 487 (1981), in which the Council, inter alia, requested it to place all nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards and to refrain from attacking or threatening to attack nuclear facilities;

"5. Calls upon all States and organizations that have not yet done so not to cooperate with or give assistance to Israel that could enhance its nuclear-weapons capability;

"6. Requests the International Atomic Energy Agency to inform the Secretary-General of any steps Israel may take to place its nuclear facilities under Agency safeguards;

"7. Requests the Secretary-General to follow closely Israeli nuclear activities and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its forty-sixth session;

"8. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its forty-sixth session the item entitled 'Israeli nuclear armament'."

2. Pursuant to paragraph 7 of the resolution, the Secretary-General has continued to follow closely Israeli nuclear activities. However, apart from the material received from  the International Atomic Energy Agency (see annex), no additional information has been forwarded to the Secretary-General since the submission of the last report to the General Assembly on the subject (A/45/574).


Resolution GC(XXXV)/RES/570 of 20 September 1991 of the General

Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency

Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat

The General Conference,

(a) Recognizing the urgent need to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons and a nuclear arms race in the area of the Middle East,

(b) Gravely concerned about Israel's nuclear capability and threat to peace and security in the area,

(c) Recalling General Conference resolution GC(XXXIV)/RES/526 concerning Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat,

(d) Recalling Security Council resolution 487 (1981), which, inter alia, requested Israel to submit all its nuclear installations to the Agency's safeguards system and to refrain from attacking or threatening to attack nuclear installations,

(e) Alarmed at the continuous refusal by Israel to place all its nuclear installations under the Agency's safeguards, and

(f) Noting the Director General's report contained in document GC(XXXV)/960,

1. Calls once again upon Israel to comply without delay with Security Council resolution 487 (1981) by submitting all its nuclear installations to Agency safeguards;

2. Urges all the States supplying nuclear materials or equipment to Israel to apply full-scope safeguards to their exports;

3. Requests the Director General to consult with Israeli authorities on the implementation of this resolution and to report to the next session of the General Conference;

4. Further requests the Director General to inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of this resolution; and

5. Decides to include in the agenda for its thirty-sixth regular session an item entitled "Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat".


Document symbol: A/46/569
Document Type: Report
Document Sources: General Assembly, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Subject: Agenda Item, Arms control and regional security issues
Publication Date: 22/10/1991

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