UNDOF budget – SecGen report (Corrigendum)

Budget for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007

Report of the Secretary-General


1. Paragraph 8

The paragraph should read
8. One post of legal officer at the P-4 level is requested in the Office of the Force Commander to provide legal support to the mission in the drafting and finalization of the status-of-forces agreement, the return of parcels of land to the host Government, the management of privileges and immunities in the host country and the handling of issues such as crossings over the ceasefire lines. The legal officer will also play a prominent role in the Local Committee on Contracts and the Property Survey Board. The functions of the legal officer will include frequent interaction with the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, with the Office of Mission Support for administrative matters and with the Office of Legal Affairs on the institutional aspects of the status-of-forces agreement. Currently, the mission does not have any approved capacity to meet the requirements for legal expertise. The use of ad hoc and temporary arrangements to address the legal issues arising from the operation of the mission have been unsatisfactory given the complexity of the issues on both sides of the area of operation. The legal officer will provide expert opinions on legal issues to the Force Commander.

2. Section V.A: section XXI

(a) The heading should read 
Section XXI: ratios of vehicles and information technology equipment to staff
(b) Under the heading “Actions taken to implement decisions and requests”, in the first section, the last sentence should read
This takes into consideration personnel employed on both sides of the line of disengagement.

3. Paragraph 30

The last sentence should read
The local populations and members of the Force are much better able to distinguish the area of separation lines, a vital part of implementing the 1974 Agreement.



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