In an effort to strengthen the capacity of the President of the General Assembly to exercise his or her duties and responsibilities whilst enhancing his or her moral authority, integrity and credibility, the General Assembly adopted resolution 70/305 on the Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, of which Annex 2 contains the Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly. The Code of Ethics is also contained in the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.
On 12 September 2022, H.E. Csaba Kőrösi took an oath of office in which he solemnly declared to truthfully perform the duties and exercise the functions entrusted to him as President of the General Assembly of the United Nations in all loyalty, discretion and conscience, and to discharge these functions and regulate his conduct with the interest of the United Nations only in view and in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the Code of Ethics for the Presidency of the General Assembly, without seeking or accepting any instruction in regard to the performance of his duties from any Government or other source external to the Organization.
The President has requested the members of his office to abide by the Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly during the discharging of their mandate in the service of the General Assembly.
In line with resolution 70/305, President Kőrösi has fulfilled all requirements of the financial disclosure programme administered by the United Nations Ethics Office.
Code of Ethics for the President of the General Assembly
1. The President of the General Assembly (hereinafter referred to as “the President”) in performing his or her duties and responsibilities as an elected official, fully in line with the United Nations Charter and the General Assembly Rules of Procedure, shall at all times from the date of election observe the highest standards of ethical conduct.
2. The President shall perform his or her duties and responsibilities in an impartial and equitable manner and in full honesty and good faith.
3. The President shall avoid any action which might result in or create the appearance of:
a). The use of the office of the Presidency or resources attached thereto for private gain;
b). Giving unwarranted preferential treatment to any state, organization or person;
c). Impeding the work of the Organization, or taking a preferential, biased or prejudged approach;
d). Affecting adversely the confidence of Member States in the integrity of the work of the Organization.
4. The President shall engage with Member States in a consultative and cooperative manner, while at the same time refraining from receiving or accepting instructions from any individual, governmental or non-governmental organization or group whatsoever.
5. The President shall avoid any situation involving a conflict between his or her own personal or private interest and the interests of the Presidency or the United Nations.
6. The President shall ensure the greatest possible transparency in the utilization of property, premises, services, and resources made available for the discharge of the functions of the office, and ensure that they are used only for the official business of the Presidency, and not for other purposes.
7. The President shall ensure the greatest possible transparency in any external activities, or any commercial dealings, to protect against conflict of interest. Holding of any commercial office during his or her term in office is not compatible with the post of the President.
8. In the event that the President considers that a conflict of interest may arise, he or she shall recuse himself or herself from handling the matter and, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly, appoint an Acting President in relation to that matter or meeting.
9. In the fulfilment of his or her mandate the President is accountable to the General Assembly.
10. Any reference to the President in this Code shall also include members of his or her office while in the exercise of their functions as members of the Office of the President of the General Assembly
11. Nothing in this Code shall preclude the President or members of his or her office from being seconded from their government or from retaining the privileges, immunities and diplomatic status granted by a Member State.