The United Nations Inter-Agency Security Sector Reform Task Force is pleased to invite experts on Security Sector Reform (SSR) and on closely related fields to express interest in participating in the “SSR Advisory Network to the United Nations”.
SSR experts from the following categories are encouraged to apply:
- Researchers linked to public and private university, academic, research and security sector institutions
- Staff of international, regional, sub-regional organizations
- Members of civil society organizations
- Independent SSR experts and advocates
- United Nations personnel
Experts will participate in their personal capacity. Expressions of interest should be received by 18 March 2021.
Purpose and mandate
This Network will function as an informal and collaborative community of SSR experts from around the world, who are interested in sharing knowledge and in providing evidence-based advice to the review and further development of United Nations guidance and policies on SSR. The first meetings of work of the Nework will focus on the development of policy and guidance on topics related to (1) SSR and the prevention of conflict; and (2) public expenditure review of security sectors.
Diversity and shared values
The Network aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and practice on SSR among a diverse group of experts from different cultural and geographical backgrounds and fields of expertise. The Network will ground its work in a set of common values to which all participants are expected to subscribe, articulated in the ‘Basic principles for a United Nations approach to SSR’ of the Secretary-General Report on SSR of 2008 (A/62/659–S/2008/39, page 13) and in the Security Council resolution 2553 (2020) on Security Sector Reform.
Participation in the UN SSR Expert Network is voluntary and does not involve payments of any kind. Experts participating in the Network may request a certificate of participation after 18 months of active engagement in its activities.
Application and selection
To participate in the Network, interested experts should undertake the following steps by 18 March 2021:
- Complete and submit the application form here
- Submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to CV should be in English only, 1 page maximum, letter size 10, and focus on your educational and professional background on SSR.
Approval of participation in the Network is contingent on a decision by the United Nations. Criteria include balanced geographical and gender representation; therefore, approval cannot be appealed or debated. Those who have registered their application by the deadline, and who subsequently have been selected to participate in the Network, will receive a confirmation by 23 March 2021.
Women and youth are strongly encouraged to apply.