Mideast situation – UNTSO supplemental information – SecGen report

Supplemental information

The Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Major-General Ensio Siilasvuo, has submitted the following report on incidents observed by United Nations military observers and complaints received from the parties on 16 October 1972:

.Israel-Lebanon sector

Report from OP Ras:1/  Between 0500 2/ and 1520 Israel forces personnel and three vehicles reoccupied position at point at approximate MR 1907-2749 north of border pillar 19.

Israel-Syria sector OP reports:

(a) OP Victor:  Between 0345 and 0355 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Sierra: Between 0415 and 0426 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Zodiac:  Between 0431  and 0420 and between 0545 and 0551 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Two:  Between 0431 and 0444  sporadic machine-gun fire, between and l442 five rounds of mortar fire and at 1857 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, all by Israel forces.

(e) OP Yoke:  Between 0445 and 0455 sporadic machine-gun fire and between 1320 and 1327 four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Five: Between 1351 and l401 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces.

Suez Canal sector

Complaints by the parties:

A complaint has been received from Israel alleging that on 15 October ,1 at 1820 machine-gun rounds and one rifle shot were fired across the Suez Canal by Egyptian forces at Israel forces positions south-east of OP Echo,

The above complaint was not confirmed by United Nations observation.



1/  The locations of the observation posts established by UNTSO are given document S/7930/Add.l583.

2/  All times GMT.

Document symbol: S/7930/Add.1770
Document Type: Report, Supplement
Document Sources: Secretary-General, Security Council, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
Subject: Armed conflict, Peacekeeping
Publication Date: 17/10/1972

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