HLTF Entities work around the five Zero Hunger Challenge elements
- The International Agencies that are part of the Zero Hunger Challenge, have established five working groups, coordinated by the HLTF, to draft the necessary definitions, policies, indicators and messages that will enable everybody to make their contribution. Read below, learn more about each elements and the tools that you can use to contribute to the Challenge.
"My High-Level Task Force is working to ensure that the UN system, international financial institutions and the WTO are ready to provide robust and consistent support to countries struggling to cope with food insecurity. This is a long-term effort and it will require a comprehensive push to back solid partnerships, strong strategies and well-financed actions that empower communities to become food secure."
Secretary-General's remarks to the
Group of Eight Food Security Session
L'Aquila, Italy, 10 July 2009
The HLTF was established by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2008. The UN Secretary-General is the chairman of the Task Force, assisted in this function by the FAO Director-General as Vice-Chair. The HLTF currently counts 23 members (last organization to join was UNIDO in April 2015), mainly UN Agencies, Funds and Programs but also International Financial Institutions and other International Organizations (see membership).
The primary aim of the Task Force is to promote
a comprehensive and unified response of the international community
to the challenge of achieving global food and nutrition security.
The HLTF is an high-level advocacy and coordination mechanism that relies on the human resources and the work of its members, triggered and supported in their action by a light and fit-for-purpose secretariat, to achieve results. The HLTF proved in the past years to be a successful and flexible tool in implementing the tasks it was assigned by inspiring broad engagement by multiple stakeholders, by improving accountability of the international system, by focusing on development of synergies among agencies and by tirelessly advocating global food and nutrition security in a wide array of arenas. The HLTF developed a Comprehensive Framework for Action that sets out the joint position of HLTF members vis-a-vis Global food and nutrition security. More recently HLTF has been also put in charge of developing joint positions of its membership around the five elements of the Zero Hunger Challenge.
Working together for global food and nutrition security
"Food and nutritional security are the foundations of a decent life, a sound education and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals"
- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Opening Remarks at Food Security Summit, Rome, 16 November 2009