We were expected to destroy one another and ourselves collectively in the worst racial conflagration. Instead, we as a people chose the path of negotiation, compromise and peaceful settlement. Instead of hatred and revenge we chose reconciliation and nation-building. - Nelson Mandela

Main Documents






Montage of some of Mandela's appearances at the UN with accompanying speech excerpts in honor of the first commemorative Nelson Mandela International Day.

More videos on the Official UN YouTube Channel >>

United Nations — UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder shared a new song on Nelson Mandela International Day. The Day is about devoting at least 67 minutes to helping others.

More videos on the Official UN YouTube Channel >>

Documentary about Nelson Mandela and his legacy — Nelson Mandela Foundation.

More videos on the Official UN YouTube Channel >>

"If I had my time over I would do the same again, so would any man who dares call himself a man."

Nelson Mandela postcard

In Windows, open the file and "right-click" to select the “set as background” option. This will set the image as the computer background.

Nelson Mandela postcard
Postcard PDF document

Nelson Mandela poster

Poster PDF document