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Implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations


This item was included in the agenda of the thirty-seventh session of the General Assembly, in 1982, at the request of Cyprus (A/37/245).

At its thirty-seventh to sixty-first sessions, the General Assembly decided to defer consideration of the item and to include it in the provisional agenda of its subsequent session (decisions 37/457, 38/459, 39/465 [page 2], 40/470 [page 338], 41/470 [page 287], 42/402 [page 15], 43/421 [page 319], 44/458, 45/454 [page 390], 46/444 [page 313], 47/466 [page 309], 48/438 [page 357], 49/474 [page 332], 50/457 [page 337], 51/435 [page 15], 52/433 [page 20], 53/428 [page 22], 54/427 [page 20], 55/433, 56/452 [page 19], 57/521, 58/513 [page 18], 59/509 [page 16], 60/510 [page 17] and 61/508 [page 19]).

References for the sixty-first session (agenda item 109)