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Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit: specific meeting focused on development

Background: Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit

At its fifty-third session, in 1998, the General Assembly decided to designate its fifty-fifth session "The Millennium Assembly of the United Nations" (resolution 53/202) and decided to convene as part of that Assembly a Millennium Summit of the United Nations for a limited number of days .

At its fifty-fifth session, the General Assembly adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration (resolution 55/2).

The item entitled "Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit" (A/55/235) was included as an additional item in the agenda of the fifty-fifth session of the General Assembly at the request of Algeria, Finland, Namibia, Poland, Singapore and Venezuela .

The General Assembly considered the item at its fifty-seventh to fifty-ninth sessions (resolutions 57/144, 57/145, 58/3, 58/16, 58/291, 59/27, 59/57, 59/145, 59/291 and 59/314).

At its resumed sixtieth session, in July 2006, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-first session a comprehensive report containing detailed parameters on access to United Nations documentation by Member States and the public; and further requested the Secretary-General to submit the comprehensive report on information and communication technology referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 of his report entitled "Investing in the United Nations for a stronger Organization worldwide: detailed report" (A/60/846/Add.1) to the Assembly at its resumed sixty-first session (resolution 60/283, sects. V and II).

At its sixty-first session, the General Assembly, inter alia, requested the Secretary- General to report to it, in the context of the biennial human resources management report, on the yearly rate of turnover in Professional categories, classified by grade level, in the United Nations Secretariat and in field missions (resolution 61/244, sect. I).

At the same session, the General Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to submit to it, no later than by the end of its sixty-first session, reports on the following:

  1. Enterprise risk management and internal control framework;
  2. Results-based management; and
  3. Accountability framework (resolution 61/245).

Also at the same session, the General Assembly, inter alia, further requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-second session a comprehensive report on all aspects of procurement reform; to report on the specific modalities of the bid protest system and related procedures, including possible legal and financial implications; to report comprehensively on the principle of best value for money and its implementation in United Nations procurement; to continue to develop clear guidelines for the implementation of the best value for money methodology in United Nations procurement and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixtysecond session; and to report to the Assembly, in the context of the comprehensive report, on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 61/246).

At its resumed sixty-first session, in September 2007, the General Assembly decided to defer consideration of the requested comprehensive reports until its sixty-second session (decision 61/562).

References for the sixtieth session (agenda items 46, 118, 120, 122, 124, 128, 129 and 136)
References for the sixty-first session (agenda items 47, 113, 116, 117, 122, 123, 132, 147 and 149)