17 Mar, 2016

Addressing Climate Change: In Focus International Youth Photography Competition

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London, 16 March – Addressing Climate Change: In Focus is a global photography competition, created to raise awareness on climate change amongst the youth of the world, giving them a voice that will be heard by world leaders and negotiators alike. Seen through the lens of the world’s younger generation, their interpretation of climate change

24 Feb, 2016

1 Heart 1 Tree Goes Global: Forest Climate Action Via Your Smartphone

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From UNFCCC After beaming virtual trees onto the Eiffel Tower during the UN climate change conference in Paris last year, 1 Heart 1 Tree plans to embark on a global tour to transform some of the world’s most iconic monuments into forests of light. The global project, which is supported by the French Presidency of

19 Feb, 2016

Apply for the 2016 Momentum for Change Awards!

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From UNFCCC Submit Your Climate Solution and be Celebrated at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, Morocco Are you leading a project that addresses climate change? We want to hear from you! The United Nations Climate Change secretariat is now accepting applications for the 2016 Momentum for Change Awards to showcase action and ambition

10 Feb, 2016

Paris Agreement: What does the Agreement Mean for You? Make and Share a Video!

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From UNFCCC  UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited Heads of State and Government to come to New York on 22 April to sign the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement clinched last year. Under the agreement, 195 nations have agreed to combat climate change and to unleash actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and

31 Aug, 2015

COP 21 Youth Climate Video Competition

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Help Choose the Winner! As the international community is gearing up to conclude a new, universal climate change agreement in December in France, you can help decide which young video reporter will be on location to capture some of the most exciting moments of the Paris UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21). As part of

4 Aug, 2015

‘We were judgmental of young people’

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Malawi – “I thought family planning was for married people, not for girls. We were not friendly to young people. We were judgmental,” says Blessings Sonkhanani, a nurse at Namwera Health Center. “Now I know that anyone of childbearing age is eligible for family planning. Now we know what young people need, we’re special to

8 Jun, 2015

In Germany ahead of G7 summit, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rallies support for ‘once-in-a-generation’ UN sustainability agenda

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The world has before it a unique opportunity to build a better future for all, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared yesterday in Bonn, Germany, where he urged broad support for a trio of course-correcting United Nations events in 2015 that aim to lock down agreements on protecting the planet, ensuring sustainable development and unleashing the finances and

29 May, 2014

UNFCCC Fellowship Programme for Small Island Developing States 2014

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(UNFCCC) 26 May 2014 — To celebrate the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 2014, the UNFCCC secretariat is offering 2 five-months fellowships to young professionals from the region who are interested in contributing to the work on climate change adaptation or on gender and youth related dimensions of climate action. These fellowship awards are made available

20 Nov, 2013

Global youth movement meets President of the General Assembly at COP19 in Warsaw

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Press Release, Office of the President of the General Assembly: A host of questions and ideas filled a youth-packed room during a meeting held on the margins of the nineteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19), which takes place from 11 to 22 November 2013 in Poland. YOUNGO, the Youth constituency within