In response to the 5-year action agenda of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the UN system has developed for the first time a common work plan to work with and for youth. Youth have been consulted in developing the plan and youth will be now full partners in the implementation.

The United Nations’ main coordination mechanism on youth development, the UN Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development (which includes 40 entities within the United Nations system) will organise a joint meeting with young people to share progress and identify opportunities for youth participation in implementing this ambitious plan.

The meeting will be an opportunity to share progress made so far on the Youth-SWAP, to identify ways in which young people can participate in implementing it, holding the UN accountable and jointly calling for increased investments in young people. You can participate online or in-person in the meeting taking place at UN Headquarters on 18-20 September 2013.Eligibility
To be eligible, you must be:

  • Aged between 15-29 years
  • Affiliated with and endorsed by a youth-led or youth-focused organisation, network or movement
  • Able to prepare for the meeting by reading relevant background materials
  • Able to clearly demonstrate a multiplier effect of participating in the meeting
  • Willing and able to continue engagement and participation after the meeting

Participants are encouraged to cover their own costs for participation. Limited funding is available to ensure that youth from under-represented and marginalised groups can meaningfully participate in the meeting.
YOU can be part of this important meeting! Learn more about the meeting here, and apply here!

Funding required: 20th August 2013
No funding required: 15 September 2013