Poverty Eradication

Today is the International Day of the eradication of Poverty. As you know this is one of the key priorities for the President of the General Assembly.

In a video message, Mr. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande said that Poverty is not just a lack of access to food, shelter, healthcare, and sanitation, but it is a persistent feeling of distress and hopelessness, social exclusion, and unequal access to justice.

The International Day focuses, this year, on Acting Together to Empower Children, their Families and Communities to End Poverty.

Mr. Muhammad-Bande pointed out that One out of five children in the world today lives in poverty. 

He added that we have the means to eradicate poverty; it is simply a matter of getting the policies right.

World Food Day

Right after today’s briefing the President of the General Assembly will participate in an event on “World Food Day”.

He’s expected to say that Food is central to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. “If there should be one element that it is necessary for us to work on, on a daily basis, it is whether or not we produce enough food that is available, affordable, and within the reach for all.”

Tribute to Diogo Freitas do Amaral

The General Assembly paid tribute yesterday to the memory of Diogo Freitas do Amaral of Portugal, the President of its 50th session.

Mr. Muhammad-Bande said that Professor Freitas do Amaral was dedicated to ensuring that the United Nations was better equipped, financed, and structured to more effectively serve the people in whose name it was established.

World’s Largest Classroom

In a video message to an event scheduled in Abuja on October 18, for the “World’s Largest Classroom” a UNICEF partner, The President of the General Assembly said that he is convinced that the more children and young people learn about the Sustainable Development Goals, the more progress we will make in achieving them.

He encouraged all students to be creative in learning about the Goals, developing solutions to achieve them, and applying their skills and talents to engage more people in their communities