World Bee Day

– As delivered –

Statement by H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, President of the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, at World Bee Day


Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

We are here this evening to celebrate World Bee Day for the very first time. Let me congratulate Slovenia for successfully leading the effort to establish World Bee Day on May 20 each year.

And I want to thank you, Ambassador Kuret, for hosting this reception. I suspect you selected this outdoor venue so that the bees could join in.

Seriously though, I want to emphasise the relevance of this Day. Because we must recognise the importance of these ‘small helpers’. And we must increase awareness of the need to protect them.

We know bees, as pollinators, are a crucial part of the ecosystem. Without them the impact on food security, the environment and development would be devastating. Not to mention the economic benefits of bees – amounting to about $40 billion per year.

But they are at risk. Honey bees are disappearing at an alarming rate. Mostly due to pesticides, parasites and habitat loss. Our actions can have grave consequences on the bee population.

I’m glad to say that the United Nations is doing its part. Last year the OPGA joined with the Secretariat to install a hive on the UN campus. It is made up of 3 colonies of rescued honey bees. And they are busily producing up to 250 pounds of honey per year.

So, let us use World Bee Day to raise awareness. And encourage us into action to save our bees.

To close, I want to remind us of the excellent example bees set. They are industrious, productive, patriotic and organised.

In the hive, each one plays their individual role; but together it’s a united effort. For our own hive – the General Assembly – it’s a powerful lesson.

Let’s learn from them!