Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on African Countries emerging from conflict
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in its resolution 2002/1, created a framework for advisory group(s) on African countries emerging from conflict with a view to assessing the humanitarian and economic needs of these countries and elaborating a long-term programme of support that begins with the integration of relief into development. The Council, at that time, responded to a request made by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/217 on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa, and followed-up on its Ministerial Declaration of 2001, ( see A/56/3/Rev.1 ) which focused on the role of the United Nations in support of the efforts of African countries to achieve sustainable development.
In this framework, the Economic and Social Council has set-up two Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on Guinea-Bissau and Burundi , at the request of the countries concerned. Composed of a limited number of countries, both African and donor countries, represented at the Ambassadorial level, the Groups have proved to be flexible and efficient mechanisms to bring synergies among development partners in support of countries searching for recovery and stability. Both Groups undertook missions in the field and held consultations with government authorities, major socio-economic interlocutors, representatives of the United Nations agencies, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, civil society organizations, donors and other development partners.
An important aspect of the work of the Groups has been their advocacy role in favour of the countries concerned. Focusing on a partnership approach between the national authorities and the international community, they have stressed the need to mobilize donor assistance while encouraging national authorities to create a favorable environment for increased support. The Groups have also enabled strong coordination among development partners of the countries concerned at three major levels: 1) within the United Nations system, 2) between ECOSOC and the Bretton Woods Institutions, and 3) between ECOSOC and the Security Council.
At its 2006 substantive session, ECOSOC carried out an assessment of the Ad Hoc Advisory Groups. In resolution 2006/13 , the Council commended the Groups for their innovative and constructive work in promoting international provision of support to Guinea-Bissau and Burundi . The exemplary effect of these Ad Hoc Advisory Groups led to a demand for the creation of new mechanisms of this type for other African countries emerging from conflicts, including a Peacebuilding Commission.
On 26 July 2006, the Council decided to terminate the mandate of the Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Burundi given the decision by the newly established Peacebuilding Commission to address the needs of Burundi . On 19 December 2007, Guinea Bissau was also added to the agenda of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC). The agenda item on the Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on African countries emerging from conflict is still considered at ECOSOC. The Chair of the PBC provides an oral briefing to the Council and where the report on South Sudan is considered.
Resolutions and Decisions
Ad Hoc Mechanisms
- Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on African Countries emerging from conflict
- The Chairman
- Composition of the Groups
- ECOSOC Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Guinea-Bissau
- ECOSOC Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Burundi
- Evaluation of the Ad Hoc Advisory Groups
- Publication: The Economic and Social Council Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on African Countries Emerging from Conflict: The Silent Avant-Garde
- United Nations Links on Africa
- Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti