Pilar Arrossagaray is 32 years old and has lived with type 1 diabetes since she was 12 years old. In 2016, she had the fortune of becoming a Young Leader in Diabetes of the Association for the Care of Diabetes in Argentina CUI.D.AR, a non-profit NGO that, since 2001, has worked for children, youth, and adults living with diabetes in Argentina to minimize the impact of this chronic condition on their lives and for disease prevention and health promotion. As a Young Leader in Diabetes of CUI.D.AR, Pilar has been working hard to improve the lives of all children and young living with this chronic condition in Argentina and worldwide. In this sense, she’s participated in many activities organized by CUI.D.AR includes educational activities, diabetes camps, and social media awareness campaigns. Later on, Pilar started to work in the areas of institutional communication and patient advocacy, having the opportunity to participate in meetings with the national health minister, the provincial education vice minister, and national and provincial parliament members, among others. Pilar is passionate about seeking ways to change complex realities and actively shows the needs and difficulties that people with diabetes face in everyday life. She is also convinced that young people have a unique power to make changes happen and that it’s really important to use it in order to have an incidence in public policies that can improve the quality of life of many people, especially children and young living with type 1 diabetes.