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Angie Elisabeth Brooks (Liberia)

Elected President of the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly

Photo of Miss Angie Elisabeth Brooks

Miss Angie Elisabeth Brooks, who was elected today an President of the twenty-fourth session of the General Assembly, has served as AssistantSecretary of State of Liberia since 1958.

She has been her country's delegate to the General Assembly since 1954 and she served in the following capacity in United Nations bodies: Vice-Chairman of the Assembly’s Fourth Committee (Trust and Non-Self Governing Territories) in 1956; Vice-President of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories, 1961; Chairman of the Fourth committee during the 1961 session; Chairman of the United Nations Commission for Ruanda-Urundi, 1962; Chairman of the United Nations Visiting Mission to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1964; Vice-President of the Trusteeship Council, 1965; and President of the Trusteeship Council, 1966.

Born on 4 August 1928 in Virginia, Montserrado County, Liberia, Miss Brooks holds several degrees from United States universities including a Bachelor of Arts degree in social science from Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina (1949); a Bachelor of Law degree and a Master of Science degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin (1952); and Doctor of Law degrees, from Shaw University and Howard University in 1962 and 1967 respectively.

She did graduate work in international law at the University College Law School of London University in 1952 and 1953 and obtained a Doctor of Civil Law degree from Liberia University in 1964.

Miss Brooks was admitted as Counsellor-at-law to the Supreme Court of Liberia in August 1953 and served as Assistant Attorney-General of Liberia from August 1953 to March 1958. She also served as part-time Professor of Law at Liberia University from 1954 to 1958.

From 1956 to 1958, she was Liberia's Vice-President of the International Federation of Women Lawyers. In 1959-60, she served as the Federation's Vice-President for Africa, and as President of the Federation from 1964 to 1967. In 1958, she represented Liberia and the Federation at the first session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

Miss Brooks was for two years Vice-President of the National Liberian Political and Social Movement. She has served as Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention since 1966.

Miss Brooks is a divorcee and has two sons, Wynston and Richard Henries.

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